Kohetsu Sugawara's vision was to create the first International Kindergarten in Japan, we have also chosen to be one of the first to start incorporating STEAM into our already unique English curriculum.
“STEAM learning” stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics, while “21st Century Skills” is learning focused on teamwork, experimentation, productivity and creativity. The children have been having lots of fun and we look forward to further improving the English and STEAM curriculums with the aim of creating “true global citizens of tomorrow.”



Science encourages curiosity, investigation and problem solving and often involves experimentation and adaptation. The children learn about buoyancy, plants and growth as well as learning about climates, pollution and endangered animals.



Technology means using tools, such as computers and machines, but also crayons, paper, paint and clay. The children use their imagination to create models using recycled materials, as well as using tablets to read, write and learn simple programming skills.



Engineering is recognising problems, creating solutions and testing them. The children love building things from blocks and clay in Junior, making towers out of straws and cups in Intermediate, then making recycled boats, models and mazes in Senior grade.

ものを組み立てたり、動かしたりして、どのような力が働くとそのような現象が起きるかを考えたり実験する「Engineering」。 ブロックを重ねて高くしたり、粘土を伸ばしたり、ストローや紙コップをつなげて高さや大きさ、強度を競ったり、廃材で迷路や水に浮かぶボートなどをつくったりする中で、「工学的思考」を養います。


Art encourages creativity and process development, as well as allows the children to express their ideas visually and verbally. The children enjoy using crayons, clay, paint and craft, then progress to creating 3D models and producing stop-motion videos as Seniors.



Mathematics not only deals with numbers, but also patterns, shapes, organising, coding and sorting. The children enjoy simple matching activities as well as measuring length, weight and distances. As the year progresses there are many opportunities to have fun with maths.
