Kindergarten and primary school’s popular PTA.

International Yamanote Kindergarten has it’s own PTA. The officers are made up of four people: two chairpersons who are mothers of Seniors, and two vice-chairpersons who are mothers of Intermediates. They act as a bridge between the kindergarten, each class, and each family. In addition, each class has a role that parents are responsible for. We ask that you attend a Parents' Association at least once during your child's three years at the kindergarten.

インターナショナル山の手幼稚園には、「父母の会」の活動があります。年長組のお母様から会長2名、年中組のお母様から副会長2名、計4名で役員が構成されており、幼稚園と各クラスや各ご家庭の橋渡しの役割をしていただいております。 また、各クラスでご父母様が担う係があります。お子さまが在園する3年間の中で、一度は行っていただけるようお願いしております。

Class representatives
(2 people from each class)

When an opinion is raised in class, they convey it to the PTA. They also handle communication within their own class and plan and manage events such as tea parties.


Physical Festival Committee
(2 people per class)
Physical Festival係(各クラス2名)

When an opinion is raised in class, they convey it to the PTA. They also handle communication within their own class and plan and manage events such as tea parties.

9月に行われるPhysical Festival当日と、その前に行われるPhysical Festivalの日に、お手伝いをしていただく係です。クラスの子ども達をトイレに連れて行っていただいたり、救護をしていただくことが主な仕事です。

Mochi-making team
(one person per class)

On rice cake pounding day in December, they will help along as the children make the rice cakes, and by rolling the rice cakes into balls and serving them to the children.

12月に行われるもちつきの日に、子ども達がつくおもちの合いの手をしていた だいたり、ついたおもちを丸めて、子ども達に提供するお手伝いをしていただきます。