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English Environment

Welcome to the IYK English Department!

At IYK the children are surrounded with English every day. We have more than a few teachers and students from a variety of countries. The children learn English every day as they grow and play.

IYKにはたくさんの外国籍教員が常勤していて、お子さま達の周りにはいつも英語があり、色々な国の先生や友達がいます。 そして様々な英語活動が毎日行われています。

After a long period of studying teaching methodology, the Principal created the Total Immersion and Partial Immersion (standard) programs for each year level. Based on the idea that in the 21st century language ability is of paramount importance to all people, the Immersion program was developed to help create bilingual children. At International Yamanote Kindergarten there are 8 full-time native English speaking teachers. In an immersive English environment the children listen to, read, write and speak in English. In this environment, they develop very good pronunciation and communication skills.

インターナショナル山の手幼稚園では、21世紀を行き抜く日本人に身に付けなければいけない能力の一つは外国語(英語)の語学力であるという考えに基づき、イマージョンプログラムによるバイリンガル教育を行っています。幼稚園には外国籍教員が9名常勤しており、発見活動、クラス活動など様々な場面で外国籍教員とかかわり、英語を読む・聞く・話す・書く力、ネイティブに近い発音、そしてコミュニケーションスキルを身に付けていきます。 園長が長い間教授法研究と実践を重ねたイマージョンプログラムです。

Develop your listening early

The phonetic sounds used in Japanese and English are very different. English uses a much wider range of sounds in speech than Japanese. The best and easiest time for a child to learn to hear the sounds used in a language is before they reach 5 years of age.


Copying is learning!

The children are surrounded with English at the kindergarten so that they learn the natural pronunciation of the language. While they are young their ability to hear and produce the correct sounds is still developing. With constant exposure they naturally learn proper pronunciation and intonation.


Listening to speaking

With so many Native Speakers filling the air with English every day, the children are constantly listening to and absorbing English.This kind of exposure is important for LAD(Language Acquisition Development). From this the children naturally begin to speak in English. The intermediate and Senior children begin to write in English as well.


Team Teaching

In both the Immersion classes and the semi Immersion English lessons, both a Japanese and a Native English speaker work together to teach as a team. In everyday class the English learned in lessons is used by the Japanese teachers as well to increase and encourage the use of English in a natural way with the children.

イマージョンクラスのEnglish 活動は、外国籍教員と日本人教師のティームティーチングで行われます。クラス活動やレッスンで取り上げられた英語の単語やフレーズは日本人教師も積極的に使うことによって、お子さま達はより自然な形で英語に触れることができます。

International Yamanote Kindergaten’s English Teachers Objectives

Principal: Koetsu Sugawara
園長 菅原 孝悦

1. Immersion Program based on LAD teaching theory.
2. Training while young to become bilingual.
3. Practicing not just studying.
4. Becoming friends with the teachers who provide effective lessons.
5. After graduation teaching and support for Primary school students.

1. LAD理論によるImmersion プログラムの実践
2. 音の柔軟な吸収期のバイリンガル教育
3. 「語学(ことば)は、習うより慣れろ」の取組み
4. レッスン効果をあげる外国籍教員との「生活とふれあい」
5. 小学校5年生までの学習援助の実践