  • 2025.03.07Today’s elephant class / Junior

    We had a very fun day with our Elephant friends! First, we had a morning meeting. Everyone did a great job and used their nice voices today. After that, we had an English activity. We saw some very funny fish — circle fish, square fish, and even triangle fish! We helped them return home safely and danced a super fun shape dance! We couldn’t stop singing, even at lunch! We sang “Baby Shark” several times. After we finished eating and cleaned up, we played with big blocks. We built very tall towers and even made a castle! We felt a little sad to go home, but we will meet again next week for more fun!

    今日の年少組はMojikazu Challengeを行いました。事前に忍くんからの手紙が届き、今日をとても楽しみにしていたお子さま達。忍くんから2つのChallengeの手紙を貰い、1つ目はたくさんの名前の中から自分の名前を書いた紙を探すというもの。たくさんのひらがなの書かれた名前の中から、真剣に自分の名前を探していました。2つ目のChallengeは〇☓ゲームでした。2つのひらがなの書かれたカードのどちらが合っているか考えて、カードの前に座ります。「ねこ」と「ぬこ」など、ちょっぴり難しい問題にも一生懸命考えながら選んでいました。そして最後には1年間たくさんの「もじやすうじ」に触れて楽しんだお子さま達に忍くんからのメダルのプレゼントを貰いました。みんなとても喜んで、それぞれのクラスで大切に受け取っていましたよ。
  • 2025.03.06Today’s Elephant class/Intermediate

    It was a very fun day in the Elephant class! We had a fish party! But the fish didn’t have any costumes, so we helped them using our English skills. First, we chose a fish to help. They were all different shapes and colors! There were circle fish, square fish, and even triangle fish! We used our shape stickers to make them look beautiful for the party. Then, we danced a fun shape dance together! The fish were so happy! We also sang a birthday song for our friends born in March and played many fun games. Next time, we will have our Graduation Ceremony. Let’s do our best and show everything we’ve learned this year!

    今日の年中組は、今年度最後の文字かずChallengeを行いました。各クラスに文字かずレンジャーから手紙が届き、今日の日を楽しみにやる気満々だったお子さま達!!今回はいつもとはちがうNumber ChallengeとHiragana Challengeに挑戦しましたよ。1つ目のチャレンジは〇△☆などの様々な形のカードをひいて同じ形同士の友達で集まり、最後に何人集まっているかをグループのお子さま同士話し合い、人数を発表しました。2つ目のチャレンジは、同頭語と同尾語のゲームをしました。同じ文字で始まる絵が描かれたカードは同頭語のスペースに、最後が同じ文字で終わる絵が描かれたカードは同尾語のスペースに貼っていきました!勢いよくスタートし、すばやく選ぶ子もいれば、時間をかけて考える子、教師からヒントをもらいながら最後まで夢中になって頑張る姿がありました。あっという間にミッションをクリアして、最後に文字かずレンジャーからスペシャルな賞状が届きました!!各クラスに飾り、嬉しそうに眺めるお子さま達でした。

  • 2025.03.05Today’s Class 9

    The Class 9 children had such a fun day doing so many interesting activities. First, we had cooking where the children all made fruit punch by cutting up fruit themselves. Next, we had an English Activity where the children built towers out of LEGO blocks and compared the sizes of real buildings from around the world like the Sky Tree and the Burj Khalifa. After that, the children did their best to practice playing the song “Rainbow” on handbells. They have gotten very good very quickly! Great job today, everyone, and let’s continue to enjoy the final weeks as seniors at IYK!
  • 2025.03.04Today’s Class 2

    Today was so much fun in Class 2. We enjoyed playing a game for Phonics Time while we reviewed our vocabulary. After Phonics Time, we had Morning Meeting and Line Work. We practiced drawing lines for many shapes that we have learned such as circles and curved lines. We also went shopping today with the other Junior classes as well as the Preschool children. We bought many amazing things such as crepes, cameras, and animal masks. Everyone did such a great job today!
  • 2025.03.03Senior & Class 1


    Today in Class 1, we had so much fun shopping! The Junior friends of IYK worked together with the Preschool friends to go shopping. Many of the Junior friends were shopkeepers while other Junior friends helped the Preschool friends to go to the shops. There were so many different shops! There was a juice shop, a mask shop, a crepe shop, an ice cream shop, a camera shop, and even a ghost shop. The children had so much fun spending their money out of the wallets they colored. They were so excited to get many things! Tomorrow, all of the shopkeeper friends from today will help another Preschool class do even more shopping. It will be so much fun!