  • 2025.01.31Senior

  • 2025.01.30Birthday party

    今日は3学期初めてのBirthday partyでした。今月は15人ものお子様が誕生日を迎えました。みんなでお誕生日のお友達に名前や年齢を聞くと、「My name is〜.」「I’m ~!」と大きな声で堂々と答えてくれましたよ。大好きなお友達にプレゼントをもらった時には、とても嬉しそうに受け取っていました。今日の先生達からのプレゼントは劇でした。みんなで楽しく“Snowman Freeze”のダンスを踊っていたら、クイズ好きのSnowmanが現れ、秘密の暗号をゲットするためにクイズに挑戦しました。お子さま達は一生懸命クイズに参加し、見事「WNSO」の文字をゲット!「順番を入れ変えたら正しい文字になること」に気づいたお子さま達はお友達と一緒に考え、「SNOW」のWordに辿り着くことができました。最後にSnowmanから雪の結晶をプレゼントしてもらい、中からはなんと「Happy Birthday」の文字が!みんなで大きな声でお祝いして、楽しい劇は終わりました。2月生まれのお子さま達、Happy Birthday!
  • 2025.01.29Class 8

    Today in Class 8, we had a busy but fun day! We had lots of fun playing outside with friends and making snow houses. We learned about what we did over the holidays during our ECT time. Then we had fun with number print, which, everyone did great with. Before the English Recital Contest, we learned about the zodiac and which animal we were. After the Contest, we then played Karuta with the cards that we made in class. Great job today Class 8!

  • 2025.01.28Today’s Intermidiate

    今日の年中組は、Snow topia2日目で、ゲームを2つ行いました。まず初めにBoysとGirlsに分かれてどちらが速くゴールできるかタイムを計りながら雪上リレーをしました!でこぼこの雪の上は走ることが難しく、転んでしまう子もいましたがすぐに立ち上がり、仲間の元まで一生懸命走りました!どちらのチームも接戦でとても良い戦いしたが、数秒の差でBoysの勝利!!年長組に進級して挑戦するPhysical Festivalのリレーに期待を膨らませるお子さま達でした。最後は雪の上にあるみかんをGet!Getしたみかんはクラスに戻ってから美味しくいただき、給食のと合わせたらフルーツが2つもあると大喜びのお子さま達でした。
  • 2025.01.27Emergency drill&Junior


    今日は年少組Snow topiaというイベントで北風公園へ行きました。体を動かすための準備体操をした後は、雪の上で先生達と鬼ごっこをしました。最初は先生達に捕まらないように逃げて、2回目は子さま達が先生達を捕まえました。その後は、Mr.IanがPolar bearに変身!捕まらないようにお話を良く聞いて、ゴールまで走りました。今年は雪が少ないですが、雪の上で元気いっぱい走って笑顔がたくさん見られたSnow topiaになりました。今週はまた、Junior ClassのみんなでSnow topiaの時間があります!皆さん、楽しみにしていてくださいね。
  • 2025.01.24Today’s Class 7

    Today in Class 7 we had a fun-packed day! We had lots of fun playing soccer in the snow and sliding down the hill on our sleds in the park. Next we starting making ogres for Setsubun, drawing and cutting out eyes, horns and face parts as well as painting the ogres pants. We then continued to illustrate our ‘Storybooks’ before eating our yummy lunchboxes. After lunch we had time to play with the original karuta cards the children all made yesterday. Thank you for another fun week and enjoy your weekend Class 7 friends.
  • 2025.01.23Today’s Class 6

    Today in Class 6, everyone was smiling all day long. Our Teacher’s Assistants used a big voice and led the Morning Meeting well. After that, for Phonics Time, the children thought of 3-letter words with “u” in the middle. It was difficult to think of more words, but everyone spelled them very well! We did Line Work, writing ん and え. Then we went upstairs for a Music Lesson and practiced using Hand Chimes! Today was World Lunch. Our World Lunch was from Vietnam. We ate phở gà which is a type of chicken noodle soup. It was so yummy! We played in the Class 6 room during Discovery Time today. After that, we had our Goodbye Meeting. Finally, we went outside to play in the snow! The snow was very easy to build things with today! Many friends went sledding down the hill as well. It was a wonderful end to a wonderful day!

  • 2025.01.22Today’s Class 5

    Today in Class 5 we started the day the fun way, by going to the park and using our sleds to go down the hill. Class 5 did very well getting all their snow gear on and getting ready properly for outside play. It was a lovely, sunny day and we had a great time playing in the snow. Then, we got to continue making our amazing Oni masks during crafts time. We made all kinds of Oni with different colours and different shapes and sizes of teeth, horns and eyebrows. Then, we tried them on to see how we look as Oni. We looked super cool! Afterwards, we had a yummy lunch that we brought from home. We love to eat yummy food and got to enjoy our lunch together. Finally, we cleaned up and then got ready to play. It was a really fun day and we worked really hard and did our very best. We can’t wait to play in the snow again! Way to go Class 5! Keep up the good work!
  • 2025.01.21Today’s Class 4

    Class 4 was so excited for our first day of outside play in the snow! We did our best putting all our snow gear on correctly by ourselves and did a great job. We had so much fun playing together, and it was nice run around outside in the fresh winter air. We went sledding and had a great time making all sorts of things with the snow. After getting some exercise outside, we were ready to do a number print. We impressed our teachers by writing numbers all the way to 50–wow! Today Class 4 also received a special surprise from IYK-kun for doing such an amazing job in their English Activity yesterday. He sent them super cool medals so they can get special stickers when they complete his special challenges. Class 4 did a fabulous job today and had lots of fun. We are so excited to see what the next challenge from IYK-kun will be!

  • 2025.01.20Senior
