  • 2024.10.09Today’s bear class

    We had a lot of fun with our bear friends today. First, we made a zoo for our animals. We know so many names! Then we found some baby animals. They were sad because they lost their mommies and daddies! We helped to find them and now they are happy again. We did great job! So we danced the “Baby shark” dance to celebrate. We love this dance and do it very well. If animals need help again, we are always ready!
  • 2024.10.08Emergency Drill

  • 2024.10.08Today’s elephant class

    We had very important practice with our Elephant friends today. We learned how to evacuate in case of an emergency. Everyone was so quiet, did not run or push each others and went down quickly. Now we know that earthquakes are not scary! After that we also had some exercise time, rolled, crawled and jumped on mats. It was fun! After lunch we had some dancing time. We like dancing “Baby shark” a lot and danced it many times. It was a fun day! See you all again on Friday!
  • 2024.10.07Senior

  • 2024.10.04Junior Milk Challenge

    今日は年少組のMilk Challegeが行われました。“うっしー”というお友だちが、クイズを出してくれたり、牛やミルクのお話をしてくれて楽しんだ後には、うっしーからミルクで作った蒸しパンと牛乳をもらい、みんなで美味しく頂きました!最後にはプレゼントも貰い、大満足の年少組のお子さま達でした!

  • 2024.10.03Today’s elephant class

    Today we had some new friends visiting us and we greeted them warmly and said “Hello!”. Also we had some interesting guests – Daddy shark and Mommy shark. They were so sad because they lost their babies. We helped them to look for the babies and found them… In the pool! We brought all the baby sharks back to their mommy and daddy and had a lot of fun playing in the pool. Then we danced a fun “Baby shark” dance. We also learned a new feeling today: “sleepy”. But we are not sleepy! We are happy today. Then we got hungry and had some lunch. We can prepare the lunch mat by ourselves, wash our hands and put on our smokes. We wait patiently for everyone and eat nicely. Great job today, elephant friends! See you next week!

  • 2024.10.02

    Today in Class 8, we had a short day but a fun day! We met our first character in Wanda the Witch’s haunted house door. It was a robot and looked like the robots we drew and painted yesterday in class! We learned about our new World Lunch country – Spain! Everyone did well learning greetings in Spanish, and we are all really excited for the world lunch so we can eat churros! Today was our last day for our group activity. Everyone did a great job with the unicycle, stilts, and jump rope. We also had Hiragana work and fun playing with our friends! Great job today everyone!

  • 2024.10.01Today’s Class 7

    Today in Class 7 we received a letter from Wanda the witch, who taught us how to use her haunted house door and countdown calendar to the IYK Halloween Party! We then went to Kitakaze Park to take our Senior Graduation class photos. We then started our 0~100 numbers book, before making jack `o-lantern’s with origami paper, glue and cutting eyes, nose, mouth and a leaf. Fantastic job today everyone!
  • 2024.09.30September Birthday party

  • 2024.09.26Today’s Class 6

    Today was a very fun and easy day for Class 6! We started the day with some fun songs before our Morning Meeting. After that, we drew pictures on the Scissors Craft we had started yesterday. Then we had a special Name-Writing Challenge where we wrote our names in Hiragana and in English! We played with our clay or sketchbook for a little bit when we finished writing our names. We had extra time, so we sang some silly songs while waiting for our lunch. Today was the Italy World Lunch! It was so delicious! We had a long Discovery Time, and then we did an English Activity. Today’s English Activity was fun because we had to look under many rocks to find baby animals. Sometimes we found trash instead and had to throw it away! Next, we played Handbells together; we sounded really good today! Then we did Phonics and the Goodbye Meeting. Finally, we went to Kitakaze Park! We had such a great time at IYK today! See you on Monday!