Today in Class 4 we had a day packed full of fun activities! We were all model patients for our dental examination! We could open wide and we showed off our happy smiles afterwards. Everyone had fun playing a fun number game and easily won the challenge three times. We are all number experts! Class 4 also had a great time leveling up our origami skills during craft time. We made such lovely lady bugs, we can’t wait to draw a cool background for our craft!
2024.05.16Today’s Class 4
2024.05.15Today’s Class 3
Class 3 had lots of fun today. It was a short day, but we managed to fit in lots of fun activities. Once everyone arrived, we had fun during Discovery Time playing with the kitchen and Lego blocks. After cleaning up we had Morning Meeting. All the children are getting more confident to participate and call out phrases that they know. It was then time for our English Activity. We received a letter from Mr. Zoo, who wanted help finding different animals using his magic binoculars. The children searched around the classroom and found many animals such as a rhino, a zebra, and an alligator. We then marked off what we found on our checklist. After finding all the animals, we danced with Mr. Zoo. Soon it was time to have a yummy packed lunch and get ready to go home. Thank you for a fun day, everyone. See you tomorrow! -
2024.05.14トマトの苗植え 〜年少〜
今日は年少組のトマトの苗植えの日でした。まず始めにクラスみんなで、トマトの苗を観察しましたよ。「まだトマトはないの?」「葉っぱが小さいね」など気付いたことを思い思いに発言するお子さま達。その後はどのように植えるかの説明を聞きました。まず初めに土の中に苗を入れ、苗の周りに土をかけ、最後にクラスのプレートを立てることを聞くと、「頑張ってやる!」と意欲満々の様子でしたよ。実際に畑での苗植えになると、「冷たーい」「ふわふわしてる」と土の感触を確かめたりしながら、1クラスで6つずつ苗を植えました。最後は「grow grow grow!」と両手を広げて大きく育つようにパワーを送りました。8月の収穫が楽しみですね! -
2024.05.13Today’s Intermediate
今日の年中組は、初めての体育教室を行いました。まず初めに基本的な挨拶の仕方や、普段の「お山座り」から「体育座り」の掛け声に合わせて正しい姿勢で座るなど、体育教室でのルールを教わり、それから怪我をしないように元気よく準備運動をしました。次にウサギに変身して両足でぴょんぴょん跳びながらゴールを目指し、両足の着地が上手にできるようになりました。今度は熊に変身して四足歩行で歩き、腕の力で体を支えたりバランスをとる特訓をしました。いよいよマットでの前転に挑戦した時には、ピンクのテープに手と足を揃えて真っ直ぐ回転したり、両足でしっかり着地できるように跳び箱の上からジャンプしたりと、手や足の動きを意識しながら全力で取り組む姿が見られました。最後にみんなで鬼ごっこをしたところであっという間に体育教室はおしまいの時間。「楽しかった!」「もっと上手くなりたい!」と体を動かすことがますます大好きになったお子さま達でした。 -
2024.05.10Today`s Class 2
Today in Class 2 we started our morning by going to Kitakaze Park to play. We played with our friends and learned how to play safely outside. When we returned to IYK from the park we did some Line Work and practiced holding our pencils and marking in our workbooks. We also had an English Activity today where we learned how to say animals` names in English and how to answer questions about them. It was so much fun! We ended the day with Book Time and Goodbye Meeting. Great job today, everyone! -
2024.05.09Today’s Intermediate
2024.05.08Today’s Class 1
Today in Class 1 we wanted to go outside! It was a little cold, but we put on our jackets and took a walk. The park was beautiful and we saw big trees and new flowers growing. We had a great time walking around with our friends. After our walk, we all sat down and read a book together. We heard about a very hungry caterpillar and what he ate each day. Everyone did a great job today. We’re excited about tomorrow! -
2024.05.07Today’s Senior
今日の年長組は、園庭でジャガイモの種芋植えを行いました。まずは、クラスで「何種類のじゃがいもがあるのか」などのクイズを行いました。じゃがいもが5000種類もあることを知ると、「じゃがいもって1つだと思っていた!」と驚いた表情のお子さま達でした。実際に写真で何種類ものジャガイモを見て「まるで、ヘビのような形だね!」「今日はこのなかのどれを植えるのかな!と期待に胸を膨らませていましたよ。菜園では、市野渡先生から「これはメークイーンという種類だよ」「土のお布団は優しくかけてね」などと丁寧に教えてもらい、一生懸命植える姿が見られましたよ。全員が植え終わると「Grow !Grow!Grow!」と大きなジャガイモが育つようにおまじないを唱えました。教室に帰ってからは、Potato Diaryに絵や「We planted Potatoes」の文章をかきました。「いっぱいお世話して、大きなジャガイモを育てたいな」「8月に収穫するのも楽しみ!」と気合い十分なお子さま達でした。2024.05.02Today’s Class 9
Today in Class 9 We swam in the pool and learned how to swim backwards. For lunch we ate samurai shaped hamburger with rice and baby bamboo. It was so YUMMY! ECT we played the role of being Doctors and help many hurt patients. Another fun activity we had was JUMP BOX and HOPSCOTCH! They were so good at these games! Let’s have a wonderful Golden Weekend!2024.05.01Today’s bear class
Today was the first day for the Bear class! We had our fist morning meeting, danced and learned some new songs. The children worked hard and tried saying “I am here!” for the attendance. We also got many presents such as cute name tags and sticker cards with the first shiny sticker! After that, we had an Opening ceremony and met the teachers, the children and the parents. Great job, Beat class friends! Let’s have fun this year.