  • 2024.09.30September Birthday party

  • 2024.09.26Today’s Class 6

    Today was a very fun and easy day for Class 6! We started the day with some fun songs before our Morning Meeting. After that, we drew pictures on the Scissors Craft we had started yesterday. Then we had a special Name-Writing Challenge where we wrote our names in Hiragana and in English! We played with our clay or sketchbook for a little bit when we finished writing our names. We had extra time, so we sang some silly songs while waiting for our lunch. Today was the Italy World Lunch! It was so delicious! We had a long Discovery Time, and then we did an English Activity. Today’s English Activity was fun because we had to look under many rocks to find baby animals. Sometimes we found trash instead and had to throw it away! Next, we played Handbells together; we sounded really good today! Then we did Phonics and the Goodbye Meeting. Finally, we went to Kitakaze Park! We had such a great time at IYK today! See you on Monday!
  • 2024.09.25Today’s Class 5

    Today in Class 5 we spent the morning in Kitakaze park! It is a lot cooler outside now and the wind was blowing a lot. Some of us had to wrap up to keep warm! We ran and played so much and had lots of fun! Then, we went back inside and practiced writing our full names in Hiragana. We are getting very good at writing our own names now! After that, we finished our scissor craft. We have been cutting out circles to make soap bubbles and gluing them to paper. We then coloured the bubbles in and added drawings to the paper with crayons. Class 5 has been making lots of progress this term and can’t wait to keep learning and having fun! Well done Class 5!
  • 2024.09.24Today’s Class 4

    Today in Class 4 we had so much fun with a variety of activities! Now that it is autumn, we made sure to enjoy the cooler weather at Kitakaze Park. Soon we will be able to see the change in seasons. After the park, we did a fantastic job helping sea animals for our English Activity! We could say what sea animals we found in the dirty tank before we rescued them and put them in clean water. Everyone made sure to throw away all the trash we found. We impressed our teachers by using “a” and “an” correctly and naming all the sea animals. Last we worked hard practicing our scissor skills to cut out lots of circles to make bubbles. They look so cool so far! Class 4 has really leveled up– way to go! We are all excited to finish our scissor craft tomorrow!
  • 2024.09.20Today’s Elephant class

    Today we had a special guest coming to the kindergarten. Her name is Ms. Vegetable. She brought us a lot of vegetables and let us touch, smell and cut them! We made colorful stamps to see what shape they are. After lunch, we had even more guests. Class 4 friends came to play with us. It was so fun! We played together and shared our toys. And then we cleaned up all together. We also danced our favorite animal dance and reviewed pet’s names. We can say them well now and know what sound each animal makes. Let’s have even more fun next week!

  • 2024.09.19Today’s Elephant class

    September is the time to harvest some vegetables. We have already planted some tomatoes and ate a lot of vegetable dishes, but what so they look like inside? We have figured it out today! First, we touched and smelled some vegetables and tried to guess what they are. Then we cut them and turned them into cool vegetable stamps! Watch us stamp with colorful paint. It was the first day for us to try and wait for our mommies patiently while reading books and doing some fingerplay. We did a great job! Everyone was waiting patiently and changed shoes by themselves. See you next week, Elephant friends!

  • 2024.09.18Today’s Bear class

    We had a lot of fun in the Bear class today! We started singing a new song – ABC song, to help us learn the letters. We reviewed the names of animals by putting them on the whiteboard. Some animal cards were so dirty! We washed them together with mommies to see what animal is hiding under the paint. We also enjoyed our September song – “I have a pet” and red an exciting book about many farm animals. Great job today!

  • 2024.09.14Physical Festival

    今日は、北風公園でPhysical Festivalが開催されました。天気にも恵まれ、ワクワクドキドキの顔で保護者の方と登園してきたお子さま達。ニコニコ楽しみにしているお子さまや、いつもより緊張しているお子さま、一人ひとりの表情は様々でしたが、一生懸命練習してきたダンスやリレーをお母さまやお父さま、ご家族の皆さまに見せられることを心待ちにしていたのが伝わってきました。Juniorは初めてのPhysical Festivalでしたが、一生懸命走ったり、シャイニースティックを大きく振ってダンスをしたりと、元気いっぱいに参加することができました。Intermediateは、昨年に比べて足が速くなり、またダンスは隊形移動にも挑戦しましたが、練習を重ね、本番ではとても素敵なダンスを披露することができましたね。Seniorは、最後のPhysical Festival。チアダンス、かけっこ、ダンス、リレーと一番多くの競技がありました。オープニングを飾ったチアダンスは、素敵な笑顔と掛け声でみなさんに元気を届け、そしてFlagダンスでは、手先など細部までピンと伸ばし、複雑な隊形移動もこなし、かっこいい踊りを披露することができました。またリレーは、同じチームと共に力を合わせバトンを繋ぎ、最後まで諦めずに走る姿がたくさんの方々に感動を届けていましたよ。どの学年も大好きなご家族の皆さまに見守られ、自分の力を精一杯、発揮することができました。最後の『応援いっぱいありがとう』では、感謝の気持ちをもって、大きな声で踊ることができましたね。今年度はRed Starsが優勝、White Angelsが準優勝でした。どちらのチームも本当に頑張りました。明日からの3日間はゆっくり休んで、また水曜日元気に登園してくださいね。本日は、暑い中たくさんのご声援やご協力をいただきありがとうございました。
  • 2024.09.13Today’s Class 1

    Today in Class 1 we did a lot of exciting things! First we practiced having Teacher’s Assistants. Everyone loves being Teacher’s Assistants. They get to help do the Morning and Goodbye Meetings, and even do the Lunch Song! It is a big responsibility, and all the children do their best. We had fun practicing for Physical Festival in the park, too! We practiced our dances and got to use the shiny sticks. We are so excited for tomorrow! We also enjoyed our English Activity. We helped Little Fish find his friends by diving under the sea and crawling through the tunnel. Little Fish was very happy that we found all of his friends. Good job today, everyone! Let’s do our best for Physical Festival!
  • 2024.09.12Today`s Class 2

    Today in Class 2 was so much fun. We got to practice many new Phonics words. We had a lot of fun with our English Activity when we helped sea animals join their friend Little Fish in the sea. It made us smile and laugh getting to crawl through the tunnel to help Little Fish. When we were done with our Activity, we enjoyed going to play at Kitakaze Park. We did such a good job practicing for Physical Festival when we were done playing, and we are all very excited to see Mommies and Daddies on Saturday to show off our hard work. We ended our day with Book Time and with saying goodbye to our Class 2 friends. Good job today, everyone!