Everyone had lots of fun in Class 3 today. Once everyone arrived and put away their bags and water bottles, we had Discovery Time. After cleaning up, we had Morning Meeting. Today’s Teacher’s Assistants did a great job of leading the meeting and handing out stickers for sticker books. After putting away their bags, the children met up with Class 1 and Class 2 to do Physical Festival practice together. When we returned to our classroom, we glued our origami rabbits and moons to construction paper and used our crayons to make full moon pictures. Soon it was time for packed lunch. Everyone enjoyed their yummy lunches and cleaned up their lunch sets by themselves. Before we knew it, it was time to say goodbye. Great job today, everyone! See you tomorrow!
2024.09.11Today’s Class 3
2024.09.10Today’s Class 9
Class 9 today had a fun time learning about new sea animals and where they live. I think King Triton will be happy that all of his sea animal friends can go back home. For discovery time the children played with new friends using Kapla and practicing for the Physical Festival. The children have practiced so much for the flag dance they have almost mastered it. I’m looking forward to how the final performance goes. Let’s do our best! -
2024.09.09Physical Festival Rehearsal
今日はPhysical Festivalのリハーサルを行いました。年長組のチアダンスから元気いっぱいスタート!開会式では手足をふりながら行進し、副園長先生のお話を聞いたりしっかり手足を伸ばしてExerciseを一生懸命していました。次はかけっこです。みんな真剣な表情でゴールを目指して最後まで走ることができました。各学年のダンスも今までの練習の成果が出て、自信をもって笑顔で踊っていました。年長組のリレーは見ている年少、年中組も注目の中、一生懸命バトンを繋いでいました。最後は、みんなで”応援いっぱいありがとう”のダンスを大きな掛け声で行っていました。日差しが強く暑い中でしたが、最後までよく頑張りました。練習の後の給食のカレーライスがとても美味しかったです。本番に向けて残り4日間、頑張りましょうね! -
2024.09.06Emergency Drill
今日の避難訓練では、今年度初めて地震を想定して訓練を行いました。今回は地震発生時の安全確保行動を身につけるための機会で、訓練日時を指定し行う『北海道シェイクアウト』にも参加しました。事前に① Drop(まず低く) → ② Cover(頭を守り) → ③ Hold on(動かない)の約束事を各クラスで学んでいたお子さま達。ベルがなっても焦らずに教室の真ん中に集まり、静かに頭を守るダンゴムシのポーズをすることができていました。今回は外には避難せず教室で振り返りを行いましたが、「本当に地震が起きたらこの後に広い場所に移動するんだよね」「窓はガラスが割れると危険だから近寄らないんだよ」と行動の意味や流れをしっかりと理解している姿が見られましたよ。次回は不審者が来た時を想定した避難訓練を行います。地震の避難訓練で学んだことも忘れずに過ごしてくださいね。2024.09.05Class 8
Today in Class 8, we had a busy but fun day! Tomorrow we have an Emergency Drill so today we learned what we should do in case of an earthquake. We also went to Kitakaze Park to practice for the Physical Festival next week. Everyone did a good job with the Flag Dance and knowing where to move. We then did our relay and everyone tried their best. After lunch we had an English Activity. Class 8 helped King Triton by swimming out to sea to save the trapped sea animals. Great job today everyone!2024.09.04Today’s Class 7
Today in Class 7 we had so much fun!! After morning Discovery Time, we folded origami paper to make rockets! We glued them onto the backgrounds we made yesterday (paint blowing with straws), and then decorated them with crayons. There were so many colourful aliens, stars and planets being drawn! We then went to Kitakaze Park to practice for the Cheer Dance we will perform to begin the Physical Festival. Yuka-sensei gave us lots of tips and advice and everyone is confident that they can perform and amaze their parents on the day! Thank you for another fun day and for trying your best everyone! Well done!2024.09.03Today’s Class 6
Today, Class 6 practiced the Opening Ceremony of the Physical Festival. First, we watched the Seniors’ cheer dance. Everyone loved their wonderful dance! Next, we practiced how to enter the field properly. Class worked hard to walk nicely to the marching rhythm. Finally, the three intermediate classes practiced their dance! On the large grounds, it is difficult to move in formation, form a circle, and spread out evenly, but everyone is practicing hard! The children in Class 6 love dancing, so we want to make sure they can participate well and have fun too! After all our hard practice, we ate a delicious lunch and finished our Origami Craft and coloring. It was a fun but tiring day!2024.09.022024.09.02 Today’s Class 5
Class 5 had an exciting day, starting off with our morning meeting and using our new page in the sticker book diary for September. Then we moved on to completing the final letters of the alphabet in English Writing. We practiced writing Y and Z and were able to think of all kinds of words that start with those letters! We enjoyed E.C.T, throwing a ball around and thinking of words that start with letters that our teacher gave us. After, we all got to go outside and practice our dancing for the Physical Festival. We split into our groups, the Red Stars and the White Angels, then we started dancing to music in the park. After, we practiced racing and went as fast as we could to get to to the finish line! After using lots of energy in the morning, we went back to IYK and enjoyed a well deserved lunch together. Then we practiced our dance one more time before sitting down and enjoying story book time. What a fun and energetic day! Well done Class 5!