  • 2023.05.08Today’s Intermediate


  • 2023.05.02Senior Food&Life

    今日はSenior Classでじゃがいもの種芋植えを行いました。じゃがいもの種類や栄養の話を聞いて、「昨日の給食のクリームシチューにもじゃがいもが入っていたよね!」「僕、ポテトフライ大好き!」など大好きなじゃがいもを育てることに期待を膨らませていたお子さま達。IYKガーデンでは、市野渡先生から「芽の部分は触らないよ」「土のお布団をやさしくかけてあげようね」と教えてもらい、丁寧に、一生懸命植える姿が見られました。そして最後はクラスみんなで、「Grow!Grow!Grow!」と大きなじゃがいもが育つようおまじないを唱えましたよ。
    教室に帰ってからは、Poteto Diary⓵「たねいもをうえました」を書きました。「たくさん育つかな」「お水をあげにいこうね!」と活動を振り返り、「収穫まで大切に育てよう!!」と気合い十分なSenior classのお子さま達でした。
  • 2023.05.01Today’s Class 5

    Today in Class 5 was awesome! We started the day with a new topic for our May English Activities – animals. Today, we learnt about Mother animals, their babies and which pairs match together. It was a lot of fun to experiment with matching animals and to be able to practice using our new English phrases together. In addition to our English Activity today, we also completed a 1-20 Number Print exercise. It was great to watch the children work in their teams to put the number cards in the correct order, as well as complete their worksheets carefully and neatly. Class 5 are so talented! Finally, we practiced hanging from the iron bar in order to develop our strength and our confidence during Physical Activities. Everyone was able to complete the iron bar challenge with ease and everyone is looking forward to the next Physical Activity. Once we had completed everything, we finished off the day with a delicious school lunch. Well done Class 5, see you tomorrow!
  • 2023.04.28Today’s Class 3

    We had lots of fun in Class 3 today! Everyone had a chance to line up at a yellow table and ask a friend, “How are you today?” Many of the friends could answer and ask the ECT target confidently, and everyone did their best. We also had a special Phonics Time today. The children had lots of fun jumping off a step, crawling through a tunnel, and hopping in some hoops. Then, they chose an ABC card and put it in the proper hoop. Class 3 loves to move around during Physical Time! We also received a special present from Daisy, the bunny puppet. Today, the children received their very own Line Work books. The children engaged themselves enthusiastically in writing dots on the rice balls and strawberries.
  • 2023.04.27Today’s Class 1

    Today in Class 1 we had even more fun! We started the day off by playing with our Class 2 and Class 3 friends, did an exercise to boost our energy and then were able to match the lowercase A’s and B’s with their friends in the hoola hoops during Phonics Time. We had a Morning Meeting where everyone got two stickers! Then we stretched out and rolled around and around on big mats during Physical Time! After that we made delicious rice balls and strawberries in our line work books by drawing many tiny dots! We ate yummy spaghetti and meat sauce for lunch before reading a book about a bunny who painted stripes, dots and zig zags on white eggs! Before long it was time to say bye-bye to our kindergarten friends and go home! Let’s play together again tomorrow!
  • 2023.04.26Today’s Class 2

    Class 2 had lots of fun today. When everyone started arriving, we had Discovery Time with Class 1 and Class 3. We are very happy to see many of the children playing nicely together. After doing our exercise, we could sing and dance to the ‘Wednesday Song.’ Once Class 2 went back to our classroom, we had our Morning Meeting. Everyone could say, “It’s rainy!” when we asked about the weather. After getting stickers for our stickerbooks, we had some fun doing Phonics Time. Friends could match words to their starting letters. Today we also had Physical Time, where everyone could climb up the step and jump off onto the mat. We then practiced jumping with two feet together. There was lots of fun and cheering each other on! Before we knew it, it was time to get ready to go home. See you tomorrow! Thank you for a great day!
  • 2023.04.25April Birthday Party

    We had the very first birthday party of the year today! There were nine birthday friends in all, and everyone did a fantastic job saying their name and age. All of the IYK friends also sang the “Happy Birthday” to the birthday friends enthusiastically! The birthday friends also received a present from a friend in their class. Several of the birthday friends were really happy to see their mommies and daddies watching the Birthday Party too! Today’s birthday play was done by the English teachers. The title was, “The Ugly Duckling.” In the play, Ugly Duckling was sad because he had no friends to play with until Chicken and Cat became his friends. In the end, Ugly Duckling learned to fly and joined the other ducklings, Chicken and Cat, who were going to a birthday party. Then, everyone discovered that they were at the IYK Birthday Party! Everyone wished the IYK friends a Happy Birthday!
  • 2023.04.24Today’s Class 9

    今日のClass 9は、Music Lessonと、絵の具遊びをしました。年長組になって2回目のレッスンに参加したお子さま達は、”たんぽぽ団”の歌を元気いっぱい歌ったり、ピアノの教本を見ながら”ロンドン橋”の曲をピアノで弾いたりと、年中組の時よりもレベルアップしたレッスンを楽しんでいました。最後のページまで終わって、講師の安江先生からStickerを貼ってもらったピアノの教本をお部屋に持って帰ってくると「全部上手に弾けるようになったんだよ!」と嬉しそうに見せてくれたお子さま達です。レッスンが終わった後は、みんなが大好きな絵の具遊び。年長組になってゲットした12色入りの絵の具を使うことをいつも楽しみにしているClass 9は、「絵の具を開けたら留めるゴムは腕につけてなくさないようにするんだよね!」「筆を洗ってから次の色を塗るんだよね!」と、約束事も完璧。3、4色の絵の具を使って、綺麗にシャボン玉を塗ることができ、「絵の具って楽しいな!」と大満足の様子でした。活動の後は、ランチタイム。今日は”Wprld lunch”でタイの料理を食べました。Class 9ではガパオライスが大人気で、たくさんおかわりをしてモリモリ食べていたお子さま達でした。明日はBirthday partyです!元気に幼稚園に来て下さいね!
  • 2023.04.21Today’s Class 8

    Class 8 was so much fun today. We had our first swimming lesson of the year and we were all very excited to go to the pool. We could practice bouncing in the water, floating on our backs and also putting our head underwater. Everyone did super well. After eating our super yummy packed lunch boxes for lunch, we enjoyed listening to an English story during Story Time. The book was interesting and funny. After that, we finished our origami and coloring craft. We made a beautiful tulip and a super colorful picture. We can’t wait for next week. See you on Monday!

  • 2023.04.20Class 7 today

    Class 7 had a busy but super fun day today! We had our 3rd English Activity of the month, learning about endangered animals. The children used the tablets in pairs to move the animals into the correct habitats that they live in. We then learnt about the different rankings of endangered animals and discussed how we could help save them. We then had our first origami lesson of the year and the children did a fantastic job folding, gluing and then after lunch, drawing on their papers. Well done everyone and we look forward to our first swimming lesson as Seniors tomorrow!