Today was the 2nd Immersion Day of the year and it was so much fun for everyone! We had a super fun shopping event, with the children either going to the 1st or 2nd floor. Everyone took it in turns to be shopkeepers and customers, and did a fantastic job using lots of english to buy the crafts everyone had worked so hard to make this month, “Welcome to the ___ shop, what do you want?” “May I have this one, please”. The Intermediates and Seniors did a great job taking care of their younger, Junior friends, escorting them to the lollipop, watch, bracelet, french fries, juice and microphone shops. We hope everyone had as much fun as the teachers did, and enjoy playing with their presents, wallets and money at home. Tremendous job everyone!
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2023.10.20Immersion Day 2
2023.10.18Today’s Class 2
Today was lots of fun in Class 2. It was a short day, but we managed to pack lots of fun into it. After arriving, Class 2 friends put on their hats and jackets and headed to Kitakaze Park to play. When we got back, we had Morning Meeting. Today’s Teachers Assistants did a really great job of leading the class and handing out stickers. Next, we made our wallets for Immersion Day, where we will do shopping with the other classes. After decorating them, everyone took turns choosing 6 dollar bills to put in their wallets. After that, it was time to get ready for the Goodbye Meeting. We had book time, then it was time to say goodbye! Thank you for a great day. See you tomorrow, everyone!2023.10.17Today’s Class 1
Today in Class 1 we started having fun right away with a swimming lesson! After swimming, we took turns practicing writing our names! Then we helped some animal friends do backflips through the air by drawing curly lines during line work time! Finally, we stamped white bubbles onto the beautiful drawings of sea turtles that we have been working on! Soon enough it was time to read a book together and say “See you!” to our Class 1 friends! Great job today Class 1!2023.10.16Today’s senior&Intermediate
今日の年中組は円山公園へ行き、秋の自然物に触れました。木の下は地面が落ち葉で敷き詰められており、「この葉っぱかわいい♪」と紅葉で黄色や赤になった綺麗な葉っぱを見つけたり、「こんなに大きな葉っぱあったよ!」と顔の大きさくらいの葉っぱを見つけ、大喜びのお子さま達。どんぐりを見つけると、「このどんぐり帽子かぶってる!」「どんぐりの帽子が2つ繋がってるよ!!」と驚いている姿も見られていました。まつぼっくりは、すごく細長いものや大きいサイズのものを見つけることができ、満足そうな様子でした。葉っぱやどんぐり、まつぼっくりを自分の袋に入れて「これは宝物だ♪」と言いながら、持ち帰ることを楽しみにしていましたよ。「ウサギの耳みたいだな〜」と細長い葉っぱを2枚頭の上のところで持ちながら動物に変身したり、どんぐりの帽子を自分でかぶってみようとするなど、可愛らしい姿もたくさん見られていました。2023.10.13Today’s senior
今日は、Group activityの発表会がありました。一輪車、竹馬、縄跳びの中から挑戦したい種目を一つ選んで、5月から取り組んできたGroup activity。練習を重ねるうちに、できなかったことが段々とできるようになり、「もう乗れるようになった!」「上手になったよ!」と自信を持って取り組むようになりました。
最後に披露したのは一輪車チーム。直線で進んだり、二人で手を繋ぎながら進んだり、ジグザグに進んだりと大技も披露してくれました。「すごくカッコよかった!」「早くGroup activityしたいな!」と年中さんは憧れの眼差しで見てくれましたよ。5月から、何度も挑戦して素敵な発表ができた年長さん。これからも、沢山のことに挑戦し続けましょうね!2023.10.12Today’s Class 6
Today was very exciting. We had an English Activity with Brother Skeleton. We learned about different places in the house, we played hide-and-seek to find Brother Skeleton’s family and we earned our second key for our chest! Later we had fun cutting paper, coloring it, and using tape to make our french fry crafts for Immersion Day. We were so hungry when it was time for lunch. Lunch was special today because it was World Lunch Day. We had a World Lunch Quiz and learned that there are eagles in the U.S. We listened to some jazz music from the U.S. and we ate cheeseburgers and potato wedges. It was so yummy. What a great day! See you tomorrow!2023.10.11Today’s Class 5
Today was action-packed and full of fun! We started the day by going to the park and enjoying the nice weather. Class 5 really enjoyed playing with the younger Junior classes – they raced and chased and played tag. After our time was up in the park, we made our way back inside and got ready to finish our dragonfly drawings! For this craft, the children are combining drawing with crayons as well as using paint for their background – their craft skills are improving a lot! Class 5 had a lot of fun using multiple different colours for their dragonflies, as well as drawing and painting different Autumn objects and backgrounds. Well done today Class 5, let’s have a great day tomorrow!2023.10.11Today’s Bear Class
Today in Bear Class we did an activity with family. We had a big hand with a different family member on each finger. For example, kids could show their “daddy” fingers and sing the song “Daddy finger where are you?”. Then we sang for each other finger too. Daddy, Mommy, and Baby fingers were all “sad” so we helped them. We gave daddy his necktie, mommy a flower, and sang the “ABC Song” for baby. Good job today everyone!2023.10.10Today’s Junior