Today, Class 7 had their first Open Class of the year, with everyone doing a tremendous job in front of their parents. We first boarded a flight to Spain where we then completed another ‘Phonics Hero’ challenge. We then quickly reviewed some more countries in Europe, before pretending to be immigration officers, checking and stamping our friend’s passports, then putting their faces into the correct transportation and sticking the vehicle onto the European map. We are so proud of everyones hard work both today and during our build-up lessons. Thank you to all of the parents that could come to watch today and we are looking forward to learning lots more English and having much more fun throughout the rest of the year.
Today Class 8 had a great Open Class! We started today’s lesson with a phonics puzzle. Some letters were a little difficult to find but everyone tried hard and we could solve the puzzle. We then discovered a letter from World Lunch-kun inviting us to a world lunch food party! After reviewing some continents and transportation vehicles, we sang a song to get more power for the activity! Then we started the main activity. Everyone tried to say the target questions and answering well. Today the children could travel to North America, Europe, Asia and Oceania using trains, airplanes, submarines, helicopters and ferries. All the children could find the correct continents and get some yummy food. We then ate the food that we collected and brought it back to the classroom after. All the children did well today and tried their best, especially that it is stressful to speak in front of so many people. We want to say a special thank you to all the parents that came to support us today. Well done Class 8! See you all tomorrow!
Class 9のOpen Classでは、辞書マスターになるためのチャレンジを行いました。Mr. Dictionaryからお部屋に届いた挑戦で、5つのうち4つの辞書パワーを集めていたお子さま達は、「今日はどんなチャレンジが届くのかな?」とチャレンジを楽しみにしつつ「ママが来るから頑張らなきゃ!」と朝から意気込んでいました。みんなで暗号を解いたり、チャレンジの指令が入った箱の鍵を開けたりする時には、「これはひらがなの五十音だ!」「あ行の鍵穴には”いぬ”の鍵をつけたらいいんだよ!」などと、気付いたことをたくさん発言してくれ、チャレンジがどんどん楽しくなりましたね!「じしょようちえん」の迷子になった言葉達を辞書から探し出し、探した言葉の発表も元気にできました!チャレンジクリアしたClass 9は、今日から辞書マスター!マスターとしてこれからも色々な辞書引き活動に挑戦していきましょうね!
Today Class 8 had a great Open Class! We started today’s lesson with a phonics puzzle. Some letters were a little difficult to find but everyone tried hard and we could solve the puzzle. We then discovered a letter from World Lunch-kun inviting us to a world lunch food party! After reviewing some continents and transportation vehicles, we sang a song to get more power for the activity! Then we started the main activity. Everyone tried to say the target questions and answering well. Today the children could travel to North America, Europe, Asia and Oceania using trains, airplanes, submarines, helicopters and ferries. All the children could find the correct continents and get some yummy food. We then ate the food that we collected and brought it back to the classroom after. All the children did well today and tried their best, especially that it is stressful to speak in front of so many people. We want to say a special thank you to all the parents that came to support us today. Well done Class 8! See you all tomorrow!
Class 9のOpen Classでは、辞書マスターになるためのチャレンジを行いました。Mr. Dictionaryからお部屋に届いた挑戦で、5つのうち4つの辞書パワーを集めていたお子さま達は、「今日はどんなチャレンジが届くのかな?」とチャレンジを楽しみにしつつ「ママが来るから頑張らなきゃ!」と朝から意気込んでいました。みんなで暗号を解いたり、チャレンジの指令が入った箱の鍵を開けたりする時には、「これはひらがなの五十音だ!」「あ行の鍵穴には”いぬ”の鍵をつけたらいいんだよ!」などと、気付いたことをたくさん発言してくれ、チャレンジがどんどん楽しくなりましたね!「じしょようちえん」の迷子になった言葉達を辞書から探し出し、探した言葉の発表も元気にできました!チャレンジクリアしたClass 9は、今日から辞書マスター!マスターとしてこれからも色々な辞書引き活動に挑戦していきましょうね!