  • 2023.02.28February Birthday Party/Today’s Class 9

     今日は2月生まれのBirthday partyを行いました。やっと自分の順番がきたと朝から待ちきれない様子だった2月生まれのお子さま達。いざ本番が始まると、大勢の友達を前に少しドキドキして声が小さくなってしまうお子さまもいましたが、“How old are you?”の問いかけには“I´m 5!!!”と同じ学年の仲間と一緒に元気いっぱい答えることができましたよ。Teacher’s playの時間にはShark・Rabbit・Duck・DogからなるSihouette huntersが登場!treasure mapを頼りにシルエットクイズに挑戦し、見事2月生まれのお子さま達をお祝いするBirthday cakeのお宝を発見することができました。

    Class 9は、外遊びや俳句発表会、English Lessonなど、楽しいことがたくさんの1日でした。1学期から触れてきた俳句では、自分たちでオリジナルの俳句をつくって詠んでいます。今日の俳句会では、6人のお子さまが、年長組・年中組の前で春にちなんだ俳句を発表しました。ひなまつり、卒園式、小学校、チューリップやさくらなどのお花が咲くことなど、様々な事柄から”春”をイメージしつくった俳句は、春を楽しみにする気持ちが伝わってくるものばかりでした。English Lessonでは、大好きなMr. Chrisと楽しいEnglish Activityをしました。残りのレッスンはあと1回となり、寂しそうな表情を見せていたお子さま達でした。明日は年長組の先生達からの挑戦状でお知らせした、”文字かずChallenge”があります。チャレンジをクリアできるよう、パワーをつけて幼稚園に来てくださいね!完成したオリジナル絵本の発表も、順番に行う予定ですよ!

  • 2023.02.27Today’s Class 5

    Today in Class 5 was a lot of fun with a lot of laughs! In today’s English Activity we reviewed and practiced our prepositions by playing the soft block game and helping Mr. Apple make his soup, everyone spoke so much English! We also managed to play in the park together and build a really tall snowman – it was taller than Ruka-Sensei! After we finished our delicious lunches, we played a new sleeping game where we had to figure out which friend was hiding whilst everyone was sleeping – Class 5 could guess correctly every time. Well done today Class 5, everyone tried their best and we had fun together. See you tomorrow!
  • 2023.02.24Today’s Class 4

    Today was a lot of fun in Class 4. First, we did some number and English writing worksheets. It is great to see all of the Class 4 children writing so nicely and enjoying worksheets so much. After that we had Intermediate Mix Day where the children split up into different groups and the teachers rotated as well. It was nice to hear that all the children had a lot of fun playing with different children from other classes. At the end of Intermediate Mix Day we did cooking. We made parfait by cutting up peaches and oranges, putting whipped cream in a cup and putting a pocky on the top. All the children did a great job and are looking forward to going to Kitakaze park on Monday. Well done Class 4!
  • 2023.02.22Immersion Day

    In the Immersion Classes today, we had a super fun-filled activity called “Immersion Day.” Classes 1,2,3,4,5,7, and 8 mixed into several groups and spent the day together. After the children arrived at IYK, they had Discovery Time together. Next, they had the Morning Meeting and put on their snow wear to go to Kitakaze Park. At the park, they had Exercise Time in the snow. Everyone had so much fun doing the moves outside on the snow! After they warmed their bodies up, they did two really fun winter games. Game 1 was a Corner Quiz Game. The children had to listen to the English teacher describe a certain animal, sport, or country related to winter. The children did an excellent job at listening to the English description and going to the right corner while saying, “We think it’s…” Game 2 was the Polar Bear Game. In this game, the children asked the English Teachers who acted as polar bears: “Polar bear, polar bear, may I cross the ice?” The children then had to cross to the other side without getting caught by the polar bears. After heading back to IYK, the children ate their lunch in the same group. The children had so much fun immersing themselves in English with other class friends and English teachers.
  • 2023.02.22Today’s Bear Class

    The Bear Class children had so much fun today! The children could get more cookies from Ms. Bear. Today there were many different shaped cookies. They remembered shapes like “circle”, “triangle”, and “square”. Each child could ask “May I have a cookie, please?” individually and then say what shape they wanted. They could pretend to eat their cookie and then they could get more to take home. We had so much fun dancing along to “Skidamarink” too. We are looking forward to our lessons in March. See you next week, Bear Class friends!
  • 2023.02.21Today’s Elephant Class

    Today in Elephant Class we went shopping with the Junior children. It was so nice to see the children holding hands with bigger kids and going shopping together. The children got wallets and money and could ask “please” to get six items from the Junior children’s shops. They got lollipops, cupcakes, crowns, necklaces, crepes, and video games. The children did so well following directions and we saw so many happy faces in both Elephant and Junior classes. Great job to everyone and see you next week!
  • 2023.02.20Today’s Elephant Class

    Today in Elephant Class the children went shopping with the Junior children of classes 1, 2, and 3. They were so happy to get wallets and money and could go shopping for six items. The preschool children held hands with Junior children and the big kids did a great job leading them around. They could try to ask “please” and get things like crepes, lollipops, cupcakes, video games, crowns, and necklaces. We were impressed that they could do it and will soon be junior children themselves. Great job everyone!
  • 2023.02.17Junior English Open Class

    Class 1 had lots of fun today with their special English Activity open lesson. Throughout February we have been learning about different countries that we have previously learnt about through World Lunch. We learnt about the food, landmarks and the animals from these countries. After learning about these animals we then made a zoo and today we returned the animals to their home countries so they could be with their Mommies and Daddies. Class 1 did so well using big voices and singing the songs so nicely and could use English with their friends. Well done everyone! We would also like to say a thank you to all the parents for their support of Class 1 over the course of the year and thank you to everyone that came today.

    Class 2 had a fantastic day today. Today was a very special lesson that Mommies and Daddies could come and see. This month we have been learning all about different animals from around the world and also what kinds of food they eat. Class 2 has been hard at work making their Zoo to show the Zookeeper and their parents. Everything was ready, but the animals ran away! It was up to Class 2 friends to identify where the animals are from, as well as what they eat, get them and put them back in the zoo. Everyone used nice big voices to answer their friends, and also to call out lots of words during phonics time. We all had fun getting the animals back and showing them to the parents. Class 2 could then also sing the Animals are Big song and name 16 different animals! Great job everyone! We would also like to say a big thank you to all of the parents for all of their help and support over the year. Thank you for coming today, and supporting your children.

    Class 3 had so much fun today in their Open English Class. Everyone was super excited that their mommys and daddys were coming to IYK to watch them. First, we had Phonics Time. Some friends put back the missing ABC lower-case apple cards beside the correct upper-case letters. For the English Activity, we practiced speaking animals and habitats in English. The animals in Mr. Zookeeper’s Zoo became sad because they wanted to go home to the arctic, river, and jungle. Class 3 friends did a great job taking the animals on the fun zoo train to their homes in the wild. Everyone did a great job participating and speaking the English phrases! We appreciate all the parents who came to watch Class 3’s Open English Class today. Thank you for your support!

  • 2023.02.16Intermediate English Open Class

    Today was the Final World Ranger Challenge for Class 4. The children have done a great job over the past few weeks learning about different countries and gathering keys. We started the final challenge by singing a song about greetings around the world. This was followed by a review of all the countries we have covered and what things can be found in each country. Class 4 received a final challenge from the world rangers asking the children to get items from the world shop, fly them around the world and put them back in the right countries. It was great to see all the children holding a conversation in English. Class 4 did a great job to get the key by completing the challenge but there was one more key to get through a phonics challenge. Class 4 successfully spelled all the words and got the final key to open the world ranger box. Well done Class 4 and thank you to all the parents who attended today’s open class!

    Today Class 5 completed their final challenge from the World Rangers! Class 5 has done incredibly well this month, learning all about the different foods, animals, clothes and landmarks of several countries from around the world. Having managed to complete the challenges given to them by the World Rangers, they were awarded three keys over the past few weeks. Today, Class 5 managed to complete the final challenge: matching items from around the world, with the silhouette. After this, they were rewarded with another key! However, they still needed one more key in order to open the shiny World Ranger box. Luckily, Class 5 worked together in their teams to complete one more phonics challenge. By spelling the words correctly, they were able to receive the final key. After opening the World Ranger box, everyone was rewarded with a World Ranger medal. Congratulations Class 5 and thank you to all the parents that came today to watch and show their support. Thank you!

    Today was a lot of fun for Class 6! Today was a very special day when Mommies and Daddies could come to watch our lesson, and everyone did a great job. The children have been receiving letters from Mr. Chef and making different foods together, such as pizza and sandwiches. Today they could make hamburgers. In order to get their hamburger tickets, the children did a phonics challenge, then went over to the hamburger shop. Children asked each other, “What do you want?” to get different parts of their hamburgers. Everyone took turns being shop staff and being customers. After enjoying their tasty burgers, Mr. Chef gave everyone special rainbow hamburger stickers for their medals. Finally, Class 6 friends sang, ‘The More We Sing Together’ for their parents. We are very happy that the children had fun using English today. Good job to everyone in Class 6!

  • 2023.02.15Today’s Class 2

    Today was a really fun day for Class 2. In the morning we had Discovery Time when everyone helped to make signs for our shopping activity with Preschool next week. After doing Morning Meeting and sticker book time, we did English writing. Today was the letter “H” and all the children could call out lots of words that begin with “H.” After writing, we got ready for lunch, then went out to Kitakaze Park for outside play. Some friends enjoyed sledding while other had fun making mountains out of snow together. When we got back, lunch was waiting, and we all had our yummy packed lunches. Before we knew it, it was time for the Goodbye Meeting and to say see you to everyone. Have a great day, everyone!