  • 2022.11.10Today’s Class 7

    Today in Class 7 we had LOTS of fun playing with the STEAM tubes in the morning, creating alien and astronaut masks! Everyone did a great job on the stage today practicing for our Hyogen Festival performance and the children are all VERY excited to show their parents. Great job today everyone! See you tomorrow!
  • 2022.11.09Today’s Class 6

     今日のClass 6を紹介します。まず最初は、Hyogen Festival当日、幼稚園に見に来てくれるお客さんのために、特別なInvitation Cardをつくりました。自分が変身しているキャストや楽器を演奏している所など、一人ひとりが1番頑張りたいことを選んで絵を描いたので、何を選んだのかは実際のCardが届くまでのお楽しみです!Music lessonでは大好きな合奏を行い、回を重ねるごとにどんどんレベルアップしてきたことに自信をもち、「もっとやりたい!」と夢中になって取り組んでいましたよ。『うらしまたろう』の活動では、今日から『おひげ』『玉手箱』『変身シート』『かめのこうら』のアイテムが加わり、「やったー!」とますますやる気満々でオペレッタの世界に入り込んでいたお子さま達。「早くタコの頭かぶりたいな~」と、自分のコスチュームやアイテムを身に付けて演じることを楽しみにしているようでした。お弁当を食べ終えると、みんなで忍者屋敷ごっこをしたり、久しぶりにPhysical Festivalのダンスを踊ったりと、帰る時間まで元気いっぱいのClass 6でした。
  • 2022.11.08Today’s Elephant Class

    Today in Elephant Class the children had fun making a craft in English. They could draw eyes and a mouth on an acorn and decorate a mushroom with stickers. They children did an excellent job repeating the vocabulary and listening carefully. They could say “red”, “blue”, “yellow”, or “purple, please.” when picking mushrooms and were very happy to show off their creations. We look forward to sharing them with parents soon. Have a wonderful day, everyone!
  • 2022.11.07Today’s Elephant Class

    The Elephant Children had so much fun doing an English craft today. A little acorn played hide and seek and the children did a good job finding him. Then they got their turns to make their own acorns. They drew faces on the acorn with crayons and then stuck decorations onto a mushroom. There were many cute acorns and happy children. We hope the parents can see the children’s art work soon. Please enjoy it!
  • 2022.11.04Today in Class 5

    Today in Class 5 was a lot of fun! Firstly, we had swimming which everyone enjoyed and tried very hard. After swimming we finished our origami craft by decorating with colourful pictures and presenting them to each other. Next was lunchtime and playtime. Class 5 is really enjoying practicing the songs for the upcoming play, so they requested the background music many times in order to be able to sing along and practice together. Well done today Class 5! See you on Monday.
  • 2022.11.02Today’s Bear Class

    Today the Bear Class children had lots of fun doing a zoo animal-themed English activity. They could listen carefully to animal sounds and guess what animal it was. They could say “It’s a monkey,” and pretend to be monkeys, tigers, and elephants. After that we danced and had fun reading the book Dear Zoo. We are looking forward to next week where we’ll share more animals and ask the children to help describe them like “it’s cute” or “it’s scary”. See you then!
  • 2022.10.31Halloween Party

    Today was the Halloween party. All the children received letters from the Skeleton over the last month. The SKeleton did too much dancing and all his bones went everywhere. It was up to the children to complete games and find the bones. In the Mummy room the children knocked over bad mummies to get the bone back. In the Witch room the children did a dance and found a cat who was hiding the bones. In the Frankenstein room the children avoided the mad scientist and powered up three monsters to get a bone. Once all these bones were brought back to the skeleton the skeleton came to life and danced with the children. The skeleton was so happy that he gave the children many presents. During this day we also learned about Mexican culture and made sugarskulls for Day of the Dead. It was great to see so many cute, scary and cool costumes from the children this year and a lot of fun was had by all!
  • 2022.10.28年少Milk Challenge

    今日は年少組でエミナ主催の“Milk Challenge”がありました。3クラスが集合し、みんなで「うっしー!」と元気に呼ぶと、牛の着ぐるみを来たエミナの方が登場。「うしだー!」とみんな大喜びでしたよ。まず始めは牛についての紙芝居や、バターやアイスなどミルクからできる製品のクイズなどを楽しみました。クイズでは、「ヨーグルトもだよね!」「チーズは?」と一生懸命考える姿が見られました。その後は、みんなで塗り絵タイムです。牛の顔が書かれた紙に、好きな色を塗ったり、模様を描いたりと、思い思いに色塗りを楽しみました。先生にホッチキスでとめてもらうと素敵なお面が完成!どのお子さまも嬉しそうにかぶっていました。最後は楽しみにしていた試食タイム。牛乳が入ったシスコーンとミルク蒸しパンが配られると、「いい匂いする!」と待ちきれない様子のお子さま達。いただきますをすると、とってもおいしそうな表情で夢中になって食べていました。帰りには自分でつくったお面を大事にスペアバッグにしまい、「ママに見せる!」と張り切って降園していきました。

  • 2022.10.27Today’s Class 9

    「今日の給食はカレーだって!」と、大喜びで登園してきた9組さん。今日はみんなでSwimming lessonに参加しました。大好きなSwimmingのコーチに会うと、「今日ラッコさんやる?」など、練習内容を聞きながら期待を高めており、レッスンに積極的に参加する姿が見られました。今日のレッスンで行ったのは、ボビング、カエルジャンプやふし浮きなど。お子さま達は水にどんどん慣れ、「お水の中でぶくぶくするの簡単だよ!」と得意気に話したり、バタ足でいつもより長い距離を進もうとチャレンジしていましたよ。プールが終わった後は、お待ちかねのカレーライスをみんなでモリモリ食べました。おかわりをたくさんして、大満足のお子さま達。English Playに向けた活動では、セリフを上手に言えるようになってきて、自信もついてきたようです。明日もみんなで元気に遊びましょうね!
  • 2022.10.26Today in Class 8

    Today in Class 8 was so much fun! We went to the park to play and run. We looked for some leaves and we also noticed that the ground was frozen at some places. We went back to the classroom, and it was time to finish our tree craft. We could cut so many colorful leaves and then glue them on the tree. Everyone was so happy because the craft looked really good! After that we went outside to try the parachutes that we made during English Activities. Everyone could go to the top of the athletic and let their parachute fly. It was so exciting to watch all the parachutes glide and spin! And then it was time to practice our songs for Hyogen festival. Everyone could sing the first few verses well. We can’t wait to practice more tomorrow!