  • 2022.12.09Immersion Day Part 1

    Today we had a special, Christmas Immersion Day. The children all met for Exercise & Calming Time together and separated into their teams for the day, with the Juniors, Intermediates and Senior friends all being mixed together. Everyone then went to their classrooms for the day with their new teachers. We checked attendance and introduced ourselves to all our new classmates, then had a special Christmas phonics activity. There were 2 special Christmas crafts to be made today, with 3 classes making angels and 4 classes making Christmas trees. Everyone listened so carefully to the craft instructions and worked well together to complete their crafts. It was fantastic to see the older friends helping their younger classmates. On Wednesday we will have Part 2 of the Immersion Day and the children will get the chance to create the other craft. Tremendous job everyone and the teachers are looking forward to having more fun together next week!
  • 2022.12.08Today’s Intermediate

     今日は年中組の文字かずChallengeを行いました。World Carnivalに仲良くなったWorldレンジャーズや、Physical Festivalでミニオンダンスを教えてくれたPhysicalレンジャーと親しんできたお子さま達は、久しぶりの文字かずレンジャーからの手紙が届いて大喜び!新しいMissionに挑戦できる今日を楽しみにしてきました。まず最初に行ったMissionでは、みんなでイス取りゲームを行い、順番にNumberプリントへ。赤い丸がいくつあるか数えて正しい数字を書くクイズで、お子さま達は「10のかたまりが3つだから30と、残りの4つを合わせて『34』だね!」と、10のかたまりごとに数をかぞえながら、真剣に取り組む姿が見られました。次に行ったMissionでは、ひらがなの『濁音』『半濁音』のルールを思い出し、「かかみ」「ほけっと」などが書かれているカードに、イラストや写真のヒントを見て、正しく『〝』『°』を書いて名前を完成させられるか挑戦しました。どの文字に『〝』をつければいいのかじっくり悩むお子さまもいましたが、「分かった!ぴーまんだ!」「『は』に『〝』をつけておばけだよね」と声に出して読んだりと、一人ひとりが楽しみながら答えていましたよ。無事に2つのMissionをクリアすると、またまた文字かずレンジャーから「ふゆやすみれんしゅうちょう」のプレゼントが届き、お子さま達は「できるー!」「点結びもあるね!」と目を輝かせていました。冬休みも、れんしゅうちょうを通して文字やかずに親しみ、年長組に向けてさらにレベルアップできることを楽しみにしている年中組のお子さま達でした。
  • 2022.12.07Today’s Class 7

    Today in Class 7 we had lots of fun playing ‘Boom Chika Boom’ during our morning exercise time with Classes 5, 6, 8 and 9! We then had our final Katakana lesson of the term, followed by the Winter Traffic Safety lesson with the other Senior and Intermediate classes. Before lunch, there was time for some Christmas craft and Tablet Time. After we enjoyed our yummy lunch boxes we had another craft before going home. Fantastic job everyone!
  • 2022.12.06Today’s Class 8

    Today in Class 8 we had a busy but super fun day! In the morning we had a swimming lesson, then we had a great time making Japanese karuta cards, thinking of what to draw and write by ourselves! After lunch we had enough time to play with the Hyogen Festival costumes, dressing up as many different characters. We had lots of fun and everyone did a great job today!

  • 2022.12.05Today in Class 5

    Today was a great day in Class 5! We had swimming lessons with Class 4 and Class 6 which is always fun, and the children always really enjoy being in the pool. Today the children built their confidence lying on their backs, jumping gaps and using floats correctly. As well as today’s swimming lesson we also began to make our Christmas craft for this year – this year we are making a Christmas stocking! Class 5 barely needs any help anymore with their crafts anymore, they are becoming much more independent and capable. After our swimming and craft lessons we enjoyed a delicious lunch of teriyaki chicken! After we all finished, we enjoyed playing many different games during Discovery Time. Well done today Class 5, see you tomorrow!
  • 2022.12.02Today’s Class 4

    Today was a lot of fun in Class 4. We started the day with morning playtime and read the new Christmas letter. Today Santa Claus was in Mexico and he is looking forward to going to many countries around the world. This was followed by another letter from Dr.Grapes who had a challenge for the children. Everyone had a very good time identifying the different organs of the body. After that we did some jump rope and drew pictures of train tracks. The children really enjoyed their lunch boxes and I am sure they will be full of energy to come back to Kindergarten next week. Good job Class 4!
  • 2022.12.01Today’s Elephant Class

    Today the Elephant Class children had so much fun helping make a zoo! The children could dance to “Do the Monkey” and then they found animals that were hiding. One by one the children could come up and say “elephant” or “It’s an elephant” and go through the Zoo Gate. Then, they could match the correct animals to the correct habitat. The tigers, monkeys, and elephants were all together and happy. Great job! Please stay warm and enjoy the first snow of the year.