  • 2022.11.15Today in Class 1

    Today in Class 1 we did lots of practice for the Hyogen Festival. We started the day by practicing for the music performance with our tambourines. Class 1 have lots of fun tapping the tambourines to the music. Then we went to the stage and practiced our English play. Every day Class 1 are improving their performance and remembering more and more of their lines and their dances. During afternoon discovery time, Class 1 have been practicing writing their names. They are getting better at holding the pen correctly and using correct stroke order when writing the letters. We look forward to seeing Class 1 friends again tomorrow.
  • 2022.11.14Today’s Class 9

    今日も元気に登園してきたClass 9のお子さま達。早コースの発見活動では、Class 6やClass 4のお友達と遊びました。クラス以外のいろいろな友達とかかわることができる発見活動は、お子さまにとってとても楽しい時間のようで、お家で書いてきた手紙を交換したり、お互いのクラスで行っているステージの練習についてお話する姿が見られましたよ。クラスの活動では「かこうよもじ」のワークを行いました。”へんてこデパート”のページでは、やさいコーナーの「やさい」が「やさこ」になっていたり、「おかし」が「おかつ」になっていたりする間違いを探し、正しいひらがなに直しました。いろいろな間違いを見つけると、大盛り上がりで友達や教師に教えていたお子さま達でした。また、Hyogen Festivalに向けた活動では、安江先生のレッスンで合奏やベルを練習したり、クラスで”Remember me”のEnglish playの練習をしたりと、本番に向けてみんなで力を合わせて取り組みました。Remember meでは、上手に言えるようになってきたセリフに表情をつけたり、ダンスを楽しそうに踊っていたClass 9のお子さま達でした。明日もHyogen Festivalに向けてみんなで練習を頑張りましょうね!
  • 2022.11.11Today’s Class 8

    Today in Class 8 was so much fun. We went to the park in the morning to enjoy the sun. There was a lot of leaves on the ground and everyone had a good time to throw them in the air! After that, we made our Hyogen invitation cards. We all did our best to write a message in English. Everyone did a fantastic job on the stage today for Hyogen practice and we had a lot of fun. We cannot wait to practice more on Monday and we are all so excited to present our play to mom and dad. See you on Monday!
  • 2022.11.10Today’s Class 7

    Today in Class 7 we had LOTS of fun playing with the STEAM tubes in the morning, creating alien and astronaut masks! Everyone did a great job on the stage today practicing for our Hyogen Festival performance and the children are all VERY excited to show their parents. Great job today everyone! See you tomorrow!
  • 2022.11.09Today’s Class 6

     今日のClass 6を紹介します。まず最初は、Hyogen Festival当日、幼稚園に見に来てくれるお客さんのために、特別なInvitation Cardをつくりました。自分が変身しているキャストや楽器を演奏している所など、一人ひとりが1番頑張りたいことを選んで絵を描いたので、何を選んだのかは実際のCardが届くまでのお楽しみです!Music lessonでは大好きな合奏を行い、回を重ねるごとにどんどんレベルアップしてきたことに自信をもち、「もっとやりたい!」と夢中になって取り組んでいましたよ。『うらしまたろう』の活動では、今日から『おひげ』『玉手箱』『変身シート』『かめのこうら』のアイテムが加わり、「やったー!」とますますやる気満々でオペレッタの世界に入り込んでいたお子さま達。「早くタコの頭かぶりたいな~」と、自分のコスチュームやアイテムを身に付けて演じることを楽しみにしているようでした。お弁当を食べ終えると、みんなで忍者屋敷ごっこをしたり、久しぶりにPhysical Festivalのダンスを踊ったりと、帰る時間まで元気いっぱいのClass 6でした。
  • 2022.11.08Today’s Elephant Class

    Today in Elephant Class the children had fun making a craft in English. They could draw eyes and a mouth on an acorn and decorate a mushroom with stickers. They children did an excellent job repeating the vocabulary and listening carefully. They could say “red”, “blue”, “yellow”, or “purple, please.” when picking mushrooms and were very happy to show off their creations. We look forward to sharing them with parents soon. Have a wonderful day, everyone!
  • 2022.11.07Today’s Elephant Class

    The Elephant Children had so much fun doing an English craft today. A little acorn played hide and seek and the children did a good job finding him. Then they got their turns to make their own acorns. They drew faces on the acorn with crayons and then stuck decorations onto a mushroom. There were many cute acorns and happy children. We hope the parents can see the children’s art work soon. Please enjoy it!
  • 2022.11.04Today in Class 5

    Today in Class 5 was a lot of fun! Firstly, we had swimming which everyone enjoyed and tried very hard. After swimming we finished our origami craft by decorating with colourful pictures and presenting them to each other. Next was lunchtime and playtime. Class 5 is really enjoying practicing the songs for the upcoming play, so they requested the background music many times in order to be able to sing along and practice together. Well done today Class 5! See you on Monday.
  • 2022.11.02Today’s Bear Class

    Today the Bear Class children had lots of fun doing a zoo animal-themed English activity. They could listen carefully to animal sounds and guess what animal it was. They could say “It’s a monkey,” and pretend to be monkeys, tigers, and elephants. After that we danced and had fun reading the book Dear Zoo. We are looking forward to next week where we’ll share more animals and ask the children to help describe them like “it’s cute” or “it’s scary”. See you then!