Today was the first day for Elephant Class! It was so much fun to see everyone and play together. We were also able to speak English together and learn some new dances. We even got a special present from Mr. Elephant: new sticker books! Now we can get shiny stickers each time we come to Elephant Class. We are really looking forward to seeing everyone again next week.
2021.04.22Today’s Elephant Class
2021.04.21Today’s class 8
2021.04.20Today’s Class 7
We had lots of fun in Class 7 today! The children arrived and were able to play with friends from lots of different classes, before doing our morning exercise. After the Morning Meeting, everyone worked hard to finish their carp streamer craft. During our English Activity, Class 7 received a letter from Phileas Fogg, who had visited Australia to see many things such as kangaroos and boomerangs. The children made and decorated their very own boomerangs using paint, making cool patterns with dots, stripes, and zig-zag patterns. Everyone did so well, and the children received a special boomerang present from Phileas Fogg. After our yummy lunch, we were able to go to Kitakaze Park to practice throwing the boomerangs, and play on the swings, slide, and climbing frame. Good job, Class 7! -
2021.04.19Today’s Class6
4月が始まり、毎日様々な活動に挑戦しているClass6のお子さま達。今日は「はじき絵あそび」でオリジナルのスペアバッグづくりをしました。初めに教師が見本を見せると、クレヨンの模様が浮かび上がる様子に『先生って魔法使えたんだね…』と、目を丸くして驚ろいていました。いざ、自分の製作が始まると、『はしご車描いちゃうよ』『本当の自分のスペアバックと同じ模様にする!』などと思い思いの模様が完成!いよいよ絵の具を上から塗っていくと『ポコポコ出てきた』『これ面白い!!』と夢中になって楽しんでいましたよ。また、お絵描きの時間には、お料理や宝石など自由に表現を楽しむ人や、新しいスケッチブックを届けてくれた「ぴかぶー」というお友達が大好きで、『描いてあげたよ!見にきてー!』と記念写真撮影をするお子さまもいましたよ。 -
2021.04.16Today’s Class 5
Class 5 had lots of fun today. Today was the last day of our first week, but everyone has settled in nicely. During morning Discovery Time, many friends went to the computer room to use the tablets. The children have been learning how to log in and use QR codes, and have been practicing tracing English letters as they get used to using the tablets. After Morning Meeting, phonics, and ECT, we had an English activity. The children learned about different kinds of baby animals, what sounds they make, and what they are called. We then found lots of eggs with baby animals that the children helped return to their mommies. Class 5 kids also tried hula hoops before doing our first English writing exercise. Soon it was time for packed lunch. And after we cleaned up and brushed our teeth, we just had time for some Discovery Time and a story book before it was time to say goodbye. Have a great weekend, and see you next week! -
2021.04.15Today’s Class 4
Today was a lot of fun in Class 4. During the morning we could do English writing activities on the tablets. All of the children are having a lot of fun with technology. This was followed by exercise with Class 5 and a phonics activity where the children found Easter power stickers. Class 4 are doing well as teachers assistants and did very well during the morning meeting. Today we also learned about the upcoming event Children’s Day in Japan. Everyone did very well at cutting the scales of the carp and sticken them on. During nature discovery we had a quiz about school lunch. All the children were very excited for school lunch and did a good job at eating it. Tomorrow we have some more English tablet time, an easter bunny challenge and some writing time. Well done Class 4! -
2021.04.14Today’s class3
幼稚園生活がスタートして3日目の3組さん。今日はどんなことをするのかな?と期待に胸を膨らませ、ニコニコ笑顔でお部屋に入ってきてくれました!クラスではみんなで英語と日本語を使ってMorning meetingをしたり、じゆうが帳にお絵かきをしました。「ママの顔を描くよ♪」や「アンパンマン描けた!」と嬉しそうに完成した作品を教師に見せてくれました。また、3組さんのお友達だけではなく、イマージョンクラスのお友達とも遊びました♪最初は靴の履き替えや身支度など、ちょっぴり戸惑っていた様子のお子さま達でしたが、今では少しづつ自分の力で頑張ろうとする姿が見られるようになりました!明日はどんな楽しいことがまってるかな?元気に幼稚園に来て下さいね♪ -
2021.04.13Today’s Class 2
We had a wonderful time in class 2 on our second day at IYK! Some of the children had already adjusted to much of the classroom routine. We started with discovery time, where everyone chose a playtime activity. On our second day of junior exercise, many children were seen doing the exercise themselves! Following the morning meeting, we had our daily phonics time. We are learning some vocabulary and the sound for A. Last of all, the children enjoyed receiving a special present from Mr. Crocky, the class puppet. Everyone enjoyed coloring a donut with their new crayons! During the goodbye meeting, the children were thrilled to hear about receiving another present tomorrow! -
2021.04.12Today’s Class 1
Today in Class 1 we had lots of fun on the children’s first day at IYK! Everyone arrived in the classroom with happy smiles on their faces and soon settled into their new surroundings. We played with Class 2 before learning the new Exercise together. We then had our Morning Meeting, getting today’s sticker, checking the weather and checking who is in Class 1. We took a tour of the toilets and learnt the rules, before having time to read an English book before going home. Today was a short, but fun filled day and we are looking forward to getting some special presents tomorrow! Great job everyone, see you in the morning. -
今日は、令和3年度の入園式が行われました。新しい環境でのスタートに期待いっぱいの気持ちとちょっぴり不安な気持ちをもちながら、かわいいお子さま達が登園してきました。幼稚園に入ると、まず最初にピカピカの名札を先生に付けてもらい、嬉しそうな笑顔を見せてくれたお子さま達。新しいSticker bookを広げてお母さまと一緒に見たり、クラス名簿を見ながら知っている友達を探す姿も見られました。式では、副園長先生の話を聞き、その後は担任の先生と年少組や年中組の先生の紹介もありました。自分と同じ色のバッチを付けた先生が自分の先生になることを知り、さっそく先生の名前を呼ぶお子さまもいましたよ。最後は、みんなで一緒に集合写真撮影。お父さまやお母さまに見守られながら、記念になる1枚が撮れましたね。明日からはいよいよ幼稚園生活がスタートです。たくさんの友達とたくさんの先生と、毎日楽しく過ごしましょうね。先生方みんなで待っています!