Today’s Bear Class was so much fun! We had a wonderful first lesson today in Bear Class. Thank you so much to all of the parents for coming and we’re really happy to meet everyone. The children enjoyed play time and we had fun during our Morning Meeting. The children all did so well dancing along to new dances like the “Hello Song” and “Everyday’s a Beautiful Day”. We look forward to this year and are looking forward to seeing everyone next week! We’ll do an activity with greetings like “Good Night” and “Good Morning”.
2021.05.12Today’s Bear Class
2021.05.11Today’s Class 5
We had lots of fun today in Class 5. After a quick morning meeting, everyone got changed for our swimming lesson. The pool is always a great time, and the children enjoyed playing in the water. After getting changed and drying everybody’s hair, we did some English writing. Today was the letter F, and the class could call out lots of words that start with F. Soon it was time for lunch. We then had some Discovery Time and before going home, everyone presented their Golden Week pictures to the class, telling us what they did over the holiday. Before we knew it, it was time to go home. What a lovely day. See you tomorrow! -
2021.05.10Today’s Senior
2021.05.07Today’s Class 4 & Senior
Today was a lot of fun in Class 4! We started with body measurement and it was great to see that everyone has grown so much since coming to Class 4! Next we had a quiz about animal habitats and some hiragana writing! It was great to see everybody thinking about what animals live where and writing in their writing books. After that we could go to the park and play with Class 5 and 6. The children had a lot of fun swinging on the swings, going down the slide and spinning on the iron bars. This was followed by lunch and play time in the afternoon. On monday we have more challenges from the super lady bug, English writing and a dental examination! Class 4 is looking forward to this!
今日のSenior classは体育教室がありました。ゆうか先生との久しぶりの再会に大喜びだったお子さま達。初めの準備運動から気合充分!元気いっぱい体操をしました。かえる跳びや犬跳び、跳び箱やマットで前回りなど、思い切り体を動かすことを楽しみ、たくさん汗をかいていました。最後は“ハイタッチ鬼”をしてさらに熱くなったお子さま達。体育教室後はお水をごくごくと美味しそうに飲んでいました。次回の体育教室は6月に行われます。楽しみにしていてくださいね! -
2021.05.06Today’s Class3
2021.04.30Today’s Class 2
We began having our daily ECT (English Conversation Time) this week! This is a special time intended for children to practice the target conversation with other friends. This month we practiced asking our friends their names. Because today was the last day of April, we had a special review of our phonics from this month. The children enjoyed matching the vocabulary cards with the proper sound! Every Friday, the children look forward to eating their lunch box! All of the children enjoy sharing about the food in their lunch boxes with Mr. Ethan and Ryoko-sensei. -
2021.04.28Today’s Class 1
Today in Class 1 we had our first music lesson. The children had so much fun and were so excited to go upstairs for the first time to the music room. We clapped to the rhythm of the song, with the children deciding we should touch our backs, ears and shake our hands to the beat. Next we tried the Rhythm Sticks, tapping the floor in time to the song as well as hitting them together. There was enough time to try playing the bells too before the end of a fun first lesson with Yasuei-sensei. Great job everyone, it was fantastic to see everyone trying hard and enjoying music together. -
2021.04.27April’s Birthday Party
Today was April’s birthday party. It was the first birthday party of the year, and everyone was excited. After the whole kindergarten gathered together, the children with April birthdays came out. They could tell everyone their names and how old the are. After recieveing birthday presents that were made by their classmates, it was time for the teacher’s play. Today, two old shoemakers were helped by two perky elves, who made beautiful shoes for them while they were sleeping. To say thank you for the help, the old men gave them a birthday cake. Everyone was very happy. Good job to all of April’s birthday kids! We hope you had a wonderful birthday! -
2021.04.26Today’s Class 9
今日も元気に登園してきたClass 9のお子さま達。ピアノのレッスンがあることを知ると「早く行きたいな!」と楽しみにしていました。レッスンでは、楽譜に書いてある音名を自分で見ながら「ぶんぶんぶん」や「トントントンひげじいさん」などの曲を練習し、先週よりも上手になれたことをとても喜んでいました。そして給食は大好きなラーメンを食べました。デザートのバナナは大人気で、何度もおかわりをするお子さまも。みんなお腹いっぱいになって大満足だったようです。給食の後に行ったのはマット運動と跳び箱。「頑張るぞ!」と高い意欲をもって取り組むお子さま達でした。明日はBirthday Partyがあります。楽しみにして幼稚園に来てくださいね! -
2021.04.23Today’s Elephant Class (2)
Today was the first day for Elephant class. We met many new friends and played together a lot. We also enjoyed learning some new dances and singing English songs. We even got a special present from Mr. Elephant. He gave everyone a new sticker book! Now, we can get shiny stickers every day we come to Elephant class. We were so happy to see everyone today, and we can’t wait to have more fun together again next week. See you then!