今日は1月生まれのお子さま達のBirthday Partyでした。みんなの前で少し緊張したような様子も見られましたが、堂々とお名前や年齢を言うことができました。大好きな友達からプレゼントをもらい、とっても嬉しそうなお子さま達でした。お歌とプレゼントをもらったあとは、ピアニストとドラマーのお二人をゲストにお招きして、コンサートをしていただきました。1曲目に演奏していただいたショパンの『プレリュード』を聞いて、「手の動きが速くてすごい!」と驚きながら、「素敵な曲だね」と感動していたお子さま達。続いてドラマーの方が登場し、さらに大興奮です。『Lemon』『Pretender』『RAIN』を演奏していただき、口ずさみながら楽しむ姿が見られました。最後の『パプリカ』は、みんなで歌ったり踊ったりしながら、とても盛り上がっていましたよ。耳馴染みのある曲をたくさん演奏していただき、終始笑顔で楽しんでいたお子さま達でした。
Today, the Golden Prize winners of the English Recital Contest got their opportunity to recite their speeches for the whole kindergarten during this month’s birthday party. It was wonderful to see the children present to their friends with confidence and clear voices. Many children entered the contest, and everyone did very well. We were very impressed with the level of fluency and pronunciation from this year’s contestants. It was very difficult to choose the winners. Congratulations to the winners, and also everyone who entered the English Recital Contest.
Today, the Golden Prize winners of the English Recital Contest got their opportunity to recite their speeches for the whole kindergarten during this month’s birthday party. It was wonderful to see the children present to their friends with confidence and clear voices. Many children entered the contest, and everyone did very well. We were very impressed with the level of fluency and pronunciation from this year’s contestants. It was very difficult to choose the winners. Congratulations to the winners, and also everyone who entered the English Recital Contest.