  • 2017.11.10Today’s Class 7

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    Class 7 had a fantastic day today! Everyone is in hyogen festival mode, and everyone loves to practice our English play, Snow White, both in the classroom and on the stage. We had a music lesson with Yasue-sensei, and all of the children played their melodeons very well. We then went to the stage and had a lot of fun practicing big voices and big gestures. When we returned to the classroom it was time to practice with our rhythm sticks before a lovely packed lunch. After lunch, the children took turns practicing their character songs and before we knew it, it was time to go home. Have a great weekend, and see you on Monday!
  • 2017.11.09Today’s Class 6


    今日は朝から“あられ”が降り、天気が悪かったのですが、“Good morning!”と元気に登園してくれた6くみさん。表現フェスティバルに向けて、メロディオン、オズの魔法使いの練習をし、午後からは「絵の具とスポンジ」を使った絵画製作をしました。スポンジは丸、三角、四角の形があり、また赤や黄色、青など計6色の絵の具があって、お子さま達はスポンジに絵の具をつけ、思い思いに画用紙にスタンピング。「これは家!」「こっちはマンション!」と言いながら、形を組み合わせて描いていきましたよ。絵の具をつけすぎるとぽたぽた垂れてしまうのがわかると、「しぼるといいよ。」と伝えたり、重なってスタンプすると色がかわることがわかると「まざると色が変わるよ。」など発見したことを口にし、「そうだね!」「やってみる!」と教え合いながら進めあう可愛い姿も見られました。画用紙いっぱいにスタンピングされ、明日はクレヨンで飾り付けをします。「また、やりたい!」と手が絵の具だらけになっても笑顔いっぱいの6くみさんでした。
  • 2017.11.08Today’s Class 5


    今日もみんなでHyogen Festivalに向けてダンスやMusicを思い切り楽しんだ5組さん。毎日楽しみにしているステージでは、”ビビディバビディブ―”のメロディオンや楽器を行いました。ステージ上で自分が経つ場所や、楽器のリズムがわかるようになり、日に日に上手になっているお子さま達。「○○ができるようになった!」と、いつも自信たっぷりに練習に取り組んでいます。お部屋でも、シンデレラのオペレッタやうたに取り組み、新しいことを覚えたことを喜んでいました。明日もステージでオペレッタやMusicを行うことを知ると、「楽しみ!」「早くやりたい!」と大喜びのお子さま達でした。明日も元気に幼稚園に来てくださいね!
  • 2017.11.07Today’s Class 4


    Today was a lot of fun in Class 4. The children really enjoyed playing with Class 7 as well as splitting up into two teams to have fun with hand bells.It was great to see everyone making such beautiful music. After that we had Hyogen time in class. We did Scene 1 and 2 as well as learning some new dances. The children really enjoyed dancing with each other and it was great to see them having even more fun on the stage. We learned about Italy for world lunch and everyone could say “Hello” in Italian. I am sure the children will have even more fun tomorrow.
  • 2017.11.06Today’s Class3


  • 2017.11.02Today’s Class2


    今日の2組さんは、Swimming Lessonがありました。2週間ぶりのLesson。登園時には、ちょっぴり涙がこぼれてしまったお子さまもいたようですが、Lessonでは元気に取り組んでいました。忍者に変身して、水中に潜ることにも積極的になり、「見てて!」「ほらね!できたよ!」とイルカもびっくりのジャンプやラッコも驚く背浮きなど、どんどん出来ることが増えて、自信につなげているお子さま達です。さて、Swimmingの後は、Hyogen Festivalに向けて、初めてのステージでの活動でした。1階に設置された大きなステージを見て、「わぁ~!すご~い!ここでアリーとかやるんだね!」と目を輝かせていました。ステージの上での、いろいろな約束を聞いて、さぁ!いよいよ練習の始まりです。今日はタンバリンを鳴らしてみましたよ。Mesic Lessonで安江先生に教えてもらったリズム打ちをしっかり覚えて、初めてとは思えない演奏に思わず、「すご~い‼!」と声が出てしまった先生達でした。来週からのステージ練習もみんなで力を合わせて頑張りましょうね☆
  • 2017.10.31Halloween Party


    Today was the Halloween Party here at IYK! All of the kindergarten children wore such cute and cool costumes. It was such a fun day full of games and activities. We pretended the kindergarten was a “Magic School”. The children went around to meet many Halloween characters like spiders, skeletons, ghosts, and a monster. They collected magic items from each character and gave them to The Wizard. With the children’s help, he did a magic spell to make yummy candy! The children were all so happy and had a great time. Good job everyone and Happy Halloween!
  • 2017.10.30Immersion Day

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    Today was Immersion Day for Classes 1, 4, and 7. All three classes had the chance to spend the day together. We were able to play together during morning Discovery Time, and the everyone could participate in exercise and morning meeting together. All the children gathered and after finding a letter from the Wizard, we played some English Halloween games and activities to find our magic grape tree to give the the Wizard. All three classes worked very well together, and the older children helped their younger friends a lot. Then we headed downstairs to meet the Wizard and give him our tree. After heading back upstairs it was time for lunch, and we were able to have lunch together. After our yummy lunch we had play time together before our final activity, a Halloween quiz that all the children were great at. It was so nice for all the Immersion classes to have the day together, and we are all looking forward to spending time together tomorrow at the Halloween party!
  • 2017.10.27Koala class today


    Koala class today had lots of fun. We practiced the English phrases “Who is it?”, “It`s a ghost” and “It`s a skeleton”. We are getting our English ready for a big Halloween party on Tuesday the 31st. Our English activity involved helping the baby skeleton and ghost find their family in the haunted house. We had to walk up the hill and crawl through a scary tunnel everyone tried really hard and it was a good challenge. After our activity Koala class enjoyed a story book about a green monster, sang the ABC song and danced a scary Halloween dance. Today was lunchbox day and we shared yummy lunches together and shared stories. Happy Halloween and see you Tuesday for a scary party!

  • 2017.10.26Today’s Class 1


    Today in Class 1 we had lots of fun with crafts. In the morning, we had craft play time with Class 2. The children made paper pizzas and more. After that, we introduced songs for our Hyogen performance. The children enjoy them and tried singing. Good job! We also made a Halloween candy bag. The children decorated a witch’s face and gave her colorful hair. They counted how many they needed. After lunch, we prepared our “shop” for our Junior shopping activity. Tomorrow, the children will pretend to sell “takoyaki” octopus balls. It will be very fun. We look forward to it!