  • 2017.02.13Mothers’ Storybook Day in Class 1 & 3


    Today in Class 1, two mothers came to read storybooks to the children. We were so happy to have them and the children really enjoyed the books they brought. One was Japanese and one was English. The first book was about a a grandpa and grandson losing their belly buttons to thunder ogres, but it was okay and fun! Next, the English book was about shopping with mommy and “What’s in the cart?” Thank you so much to the mothers who came and read. We are so thankful!
  • 2017.02.11The 15th English Speaking Contest


    The 15th English Speaking Contest was held today and the English abilities of the children was fantastic! Everyone did such a fantastic job speaking with each overseas teacher for 2 minutes (Kindergarten level) and 3 minutes (for Elementary School level) and it was lots and lots of fun for the teachers to get to know more about each child. We are all very proud and I was very impressed with everyone, fantastic job!
    – Mr. Chris
    Today’s English Speaking Contest was a lot of fun. All of the children impressed us with their English speaking abilities. They could tell the teachers not only about what they brought, but also a range of other topics. Everyone did a fantastic job, and I thoroughly enjoyed talking with each and every child. Great job!
    – Mr. Ian
    We were all so impressed by all of the children’s ability to speak and communicate in English. It was so fun talking about the objects that everyone brought! We teachers could all learn so much! Everyone did so well and today was such a fun event. We look forward to talking with everyone more in the kindergarten and at ESC. Great job, everyone!
    – Mr. Shay
    Today’s contest showcased a lot of kindergarten friends both past and present doing a wonderful job speaking in English. They were all able to do a splendid job speaking with overseas teachers for anywhere from 15 to 20 minutes overall. I was so pleased with everyone’s performance and can’t wait to see how everyone improves next year.
    – Mr. Jason
    It was so much fun to talk in English to all of the children who participated today. It was a great opportunity to learn about the children themselves and what interests them in English. I hope that all the children who participated today will continue to use English in the future. Once again well done to all the children who came and spoke English today.
    – Mr. Johnny
    The speaking contest was so fun and so challenging for all the Kindergarten and ESC kids. They did a fantastic job speaking and listening. We were all impressed by how much they have improved during the year. Their willingness to speak English is so wonderful to see. I know they will continue to do a great job in the future.
    – Ms. Candis
    Today was great fun and it was fantastic to listen to Sapporo children speaking such fantastic English with confidence and passion. I was surprised at how natural the children spoke. I know they will continue to improve their English skill and have bright international opportunities in the future.
    – Mr. Thomas
  • 2017.02.10Today’s Koala Class!

    koala3 koala4 koala5

    Today, Koala Class had their first trip to the park! We all walked together to find Snow Rabbit. Snow Rabbit had many friends and she needed our help to find them. To say “Thank you!”, the Snow Rabbit gave us some yummy oranges! After, we got to play on sleds. Koala Class loved using the sleds, going up and down the hill many times. We could also use shovels and buckets to gather snow. Koala Class pretended they were jewels they mined from a cave. After lunch, we got to eat our yummy oranges! Koala Class had so much fun. I know they will enjoy playing in the snow next time, too!
  • 2017.02.09観劇


  • 2017.02.08Today’s Rabbit Class

    rabbit1 rabbit2 rabbit3

  • 2017.02.07Junior Snowtopia~北風公園④~


  • 2017.02.06Snowtopia~年中組~


  • 2017.02.03年長文字かずchallenge&ICEC

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    Today was the first ICEC of 2017. We went for a quick walk in Maruyama Park to take some photos in the lovely sun. We then went to Starbucks to discuss British art and photography. It was very interesting discussing artists and different photography techniques. Thank you to the mothers that attended and I am looking forward to next months ICEC
  • 2017.02.02Snowtopia~年長組&年中組~




  • 2017.02.01Junior Snowtopia~北風公園③~


    年少組は、今日も北風公園に行きました!今日届いた手紙の通り、またまたスノーマンが登場し、大喜びのお子さま達。さらに、今日はスノーマンのお友達の森の動物達も来てくれて、一緒にゲームをしました。一つ目ゲームは、お腹の空いた動物達にごはん(ボール)を届けるゲームです。走り回る動物達の背中にあるかごを目がけて、玉入れのように一生懸命にごはんを入れていました。二つ目のゲームは、動物達の所にみかんを取りに行くゲーム。‟Orange please!”と言ってみかんを一つもらうと、‟Thank you!”とお礼を言って、嬉しそうにみかんを見つめるかわいいお子さま達でした。