2016.02.10Today’s Class 8
2016.02.09Today’s Class 7
Class 7 had a fun filled day today. Once everyone had arrived we had some Discovery Time where many of the children played at different stations. Some made origami, while others played with lego. After a music lesson with Yasue-sensei, Class 7 joined Class 8 and 9 to practice for their graduation ceremony. All of the children are getting very good at remembering what to do and when. After a very filling lunch, we began to write the final versions of our story books. The children were able to write their stories in English very nicely. I can’t wait to see them when they are finished! -
2016.02.08Today’s Class 5
今日の5組さんです。今日は、Swimming lessonの見学日だったので、朝から「お母さま達が来るのが楽しみだなー!」と期待している様子だったお子さま達。「いつも通りだけど、いつもよりももうちょっとだけ頑張ってみようね!」と話すと、「頑張るぞー!!!」と意欲的な表情を見せてくれました。Lesson中は、お母さま達が来て嬉しいような恥ずかしいような…照れながらも一生懸命に頑張っている5組さんの姿が見られましたよ♪Swimmingの後は、怪盗Xのプリント!今日の文字は、「わ」で、「わ」のつく言葉をたくさん考えてくれました!そして、俳句会に向けてあいうえお俳句の練習もしましたよ♪お休みのお友達も多かったですが、声をそろえて大きな声で発表してくれました!お待ちかねのランチ!「今日は少ないね。」「早くみんな来てほしいね!」と話しながら、今日は机をつなげてみんなで食べました!
風邪やインフルエンザが流行ってきました。みなさんお気をつけてくださいね!明日も元気に登園してきてくれるのを待っています! -
Today we enjoy the secrets of the Caribbean and the adventures that we had overseas. We talked about Calcite Clams of Florida and the hidden meaning for natives living there. We discussed what was found symbolic in both countries. I had a wonderful time and want to thank all the mothers who attended todays ICEC. -
2016.02.04Today’s Class 4
Today was a very fun day in Class 4. First was outside play with the other Immersion classes and Class 8. The children had a lot of fun riding their sleds and having snow ball fights. After morning meeting Class 4 got a letter from Hone who taught them a New Zealand song. Everyone did a good job in remembering the Maori words for the song. After singing we did some English writing and played some of the favorite games of Class 4, Cargo Train and the Stop Game. After a yummy lunch some of the children continued to practice writing English while others played with marbles. Overall it was a very pleasant day in Class 4.2016.02.03Today’s Rabbit Class
2016.02.02Today’s Koala Class
Today’s Koala Class was a lot of fun! The children could do so much and enjoy the day’s activities. Today, the children learned about Setsubun. Everyone made ogre masks. Each child picked a face, hair, and a horn in a color they liked. For example, the children could say, “I like blue!” I was so impressed by their use of English. They stuck on the eyes and nose and drew on a mouth too. After that everyone threw “beans” at a big ogre. We had a great day! Good job today, Koala Class.2016.02.01Switch day ① Class 4 & Class 7
Today it was really fun to be with Class 7. We had a very yummy lunch together and the children could eat their lunch so quickly! After lunch we learned about countries around the world and the what food, animals and landmarks are in each country. The children did very good at matching these during a game. Then we had a play time where we made a lot of things out of lego and did a lot of jump rope. I hope the Class 7 children enjoyed the switch day today.In Class 4 the time went by so quickly. After a yummy lunch we played the telephone game where the children whispered a message around to each other and see how it changes. We all had fun when we heard the message become very silly at the end. Finally we read ‘The Gruffalo.’ It was very fun to spend time with the Class 4 children!
2016.01.29Today’s Senior Class
Winter Festival最終日の今日は年長組で農試公園へ行きました!朝からバスに乗って農試公園をすることをとても楽しみにワクワクした様子で登園してきたお子さま達。バスではそり滑べりをする時のお約束を確認し、バスの中では「早く山でそり滑りしたいな♪」などの声がたくさん飛び交っていました。公園に着き、山をみて「早くやりたーい」と大喜び。中には「高くて少し怖いな」などと言うお子さまもいましたが、バスで聞いたお約束をしっかり守りながら、何度も何度も滑ったり、みんなで合体して滑ったりととても楽しそうに滑っていましたよ。またそり遊びはせず、雪で様々なものをつくったり、氷を集めたり、雪の上を元気に走り回りながら体をいっぱい伸び伸びと遊んでいるお子さまもいました♪Winter Festivalは終わりましたが、2月もたくさん外遊びがありますので、元気いっぱい体を動かして遊びたいと思います。