Today fourteen birthday children born in December lined up in front of their friends to celebrate being one year older. The present this month was an English Christmas play! Three reindeer received the gingerbread-man cookies that the IYK children had made for them, and later, Santa came. The children smiled and laughed as they danced to “Jingle Bells” along with the reindeer and Santa. Finally, Santa called his reindeer to pass out presents to each class, then wished the birthday children a happy birthday and a merry Christmas to everyone!
2020.12.16December Birthday Party / Christmas Party
今日はゆうか先生とどんなことをするのかな?とワクワクしながら登園してくれたお子さま達。準備体操で体を温めて、いざ挑戦!足をグーパーさせて橋渡りのサーキット遊びをしました。最初は両足を揃えてジャンプすることに苦戦するお子さまも見られましたが、だんだんと慣れてきたようで、その動作を跳び箱に活かしていました。鉄棒での前回りでは、前回恐怖心があって、教師のサポートの元行っていた子も、「自分でできる、先生は見てて♪」と言って、クルンッと見事な1回転も見せてくれました。最後には、人参鬼ごっこをし、マットを畑に見立てて、鬼に捕まったお友達は畑に集まる、抜いてもらったら復活してまた逃げる、というルールでした。人参になりきって、ゆうか先生に抜いてもらうときには、お子さま達が自然と「スポン!!」と言って出てくる姿が微笑ましかったです。4・5・6組の体育教室が終わった後、ゆうか先生に「よいお年を」のご挨拶をして、今年の年中組体育教室を締めくくりましたよ♪2020.12.11Immersion Day & Today’s Class 4
Today was the second Immersion day and all the children had a lot of fun mixing classes and teachers. During todays activities the children made letters, delivered them to Santa Claus, threw snowballs and helped santa ride a surf board.Class 4 children continued to enjoy measuring things and used their scales and rulers around the school. They have also had a lot of fun reprising their roles from Hyogen Festival and changing their characters around. Everyone enjoyed having lunch with different Immersion children and making new friends from different classes.
2020.12.10Today’s Class 5
今日も5組さんは元気いっぱい!「先生、今日のランチ、カレーだよ!知ってた?」と朝からランチを楽しみにしていました。発見活動では、折り紙で手裏剣をつくって友達と一緒に忍者になり切って遊んだり、絵本や図鑑を見たりと、とても仲良しな微笑ましい姿を見せてくれました。おまちかねのランチタイムでは、「今日はお腹がパンパンになるまでお替りするぞ~!」と笑顔を見せ、パクパクと美味しそうに食ベている様子はとっても可愛らしかったです。あっという間にお替りのお友達が並び始め、どのお子さまも、口の周りをカレー色にして「カレーお替り下さい!」とにこにこです。「もう、お腹がはち切れそうだわ!」とお腹を見せてくれたり、それを見て「僕も!」とお腹がいっぱいになったことを互いに認め合い?笑、会話を弾ませる姿にみんなの笑顔もこぼれます。日に日に仲良しになっていく5組さんはとっても素敵です。明日も元気に登園してきてくださいね!2020.12.09文字かずChallenge (年少)
今日は、年少組のみんなが楽しみにしていた“文字かずChallenge”。各クラスには、“Pirate Captain”から先週、“文字かずランド”への招待状が届いており、毎日楽しみにしていました。年少組全員が集合すると、さっそく“Pirate Captain”が登場! 今日のために2つのChallengeを準備してきてくれました。まず始めはChallenge 1。た行、な行、は行の15枚のひらがなカードの中から1枚選び、同じひらがなが貼られたボードへ貼り付けるゲームでした。みんな元気一杯トンネルをくぐってスタートし、カードを持ってボードの所へまっしぐら。ボードには、たくさんのひらがながあり、少し戸惑う様子も見られましたが、自分のカードをしっかりと見て、無事貼り付けることができました。2つめのChallengeは、5枚の形カードを、正しいカゴの中へ届けるゲームでした。6角形や星形、ハートなど5種類の形をよく見て、同じ形が貼られたカゴを探して、全員クリアすることができましたよ!最後は、“Pirate Captainの”チェックです。ドキドキしながら、間違いがないか一緒に確認しましたが、見事に全て大正解。大喜びのお子さま達でした。最後に、“Pirate Captain”から、迷路や形、ひらがなで遊べるプリントのプレゼントをもらい、2学期の文字かずChallengeは終了しました。「また、3学期もくるよ!」と約束して、“Pirate Captain”は帰っていきました。これからも、文字やかずでたくさん遊びましょうね!2020.12.08Today’s Class 3
今日も元気いっぱい登園してくれた3組のお子さま達。Miss. DorothyとEnglish Lessonを楽しみました!近づくChristmasに期待を膨らませているお子さま達。最近の話題は、“Christmas Present”や“Santa Claus”のことで盛り上がりをみせている3組さん。Lessonもそんなお子さま達の気持ちをさらに盛り上げるようなChristmas仕様。‟What do you have?”の問いに、“I have a~!”とStar、Angel、Bell、StockingなどのChristmas decorationを答えていました。また、昨日、色付けをした松ぼっくりにビーズを付けてクリスマスツリー製作にも取り組んだお子さま達。オリジナルツリーの完成に可愛い笑顔をたくさん見せてくれましたよ☆そして、なんと!!一足早く3組さんには、大型絵合わせパズルのChristmas presentが届き、みんな大喜び!早速、楽しみました☆明日は、先週から心待ちにしている“文字かずChalleng”。久しぶりに会う、Pirate Captainは、どんなChallengeを準備してくれているのかな…。楽しみですね。明日も元気な3組さんを待っていますよ♪2020.12.07Today’s Class 7
Today was lots of fun in Class 7! The children began the day by arriving with big smiles and playing with their friends. Everyone was excited to have our Physical Lesson, during which the children did their best to swing on the iron bars. Following our Morning Meeting, we read a special Christmas book called ‘The Christmas Stockings’. The children used their crayons to draw really nice Christmas pictures of Santa Claus, Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Christmas trees and presents. Everyone is looking forward to adding snowy white paint to their pictures tomorrow! After lunch, the children had fun working with their friends to unscramble a number of stories. The pages were mixed up, but the children worked hard and were able to fix them! During Discovery Time, Class 7 made lots of cool things from Lego, clay, and paper. Many children also tried to make very tall towers from plastic straws and paper cups, and then measured them with a tape measure. It was a very fun day, and everyone did such a great job! Well done, Class 7!2020.12.04Immersion Day
Today was Immersion Day. All the children from each of the Immersion classes were mixed together and created new classes with Junior, Intermediate and Senior friends together. After morning meeting time was held each class got into some Christmas phonics and matched Christmas words with the letters of the alphabet. This was followed by English Conversation Time where the children asked each other what they wanted for Christmas. English teachers prepared crafts that related to Christmas and their respective countries. There were Christmas cards from the U.S.A, Snowmen from the U.K and a surfing santa from New Zealand. It was a great opportunity for the children of each class to mingle with each other and learn about other countries. Everyone had a great time and could use a lot of English not only with their English teachers but also with their classmates. Lunch time and playtime was also held together and it was pleasing to see so many happy faces enjoying English! Good job everyone!2020.12.03Today’s Elephant Class
Today we a had a wonderful day in Elephant Class. The children always do a great job cleaning up and today was excellent as usual. We did a Christmas craft as well. The children made little Santa Claus decorations. They stuck on a hat, eyes, a nose, arms, and legs. We were so impressed by everybody’s effort and ability to listen to instructions in English. The decorations were so cute and we will place them in the classroom for parents and friends to see. Great job and see you on Monday!2020.12.02Traffic Safety and Today’s Bear Classes
Today the Bear children had their first lesson in December. Since Christmas is coming this month, they could decorate a Christmas tree! We used stickers for lights and the children colored and stuck “ornaments” and “stars”. Please check next week because we will decorate the classroom walls with the trees. Next week we can have more Christmas fun too. We can help Santa with his presents and even make a cute Christmas craft. We also look forward to dancing along to the Christmas song “Jingle Bells”. Please stay safe and keep warm. See you next week!