  • 2021.01.28January Birthday Party


    今日は1月生まれのお友達のBirthday Partyでした。一つお兄さんん・お姉さんになったことを喜び、元気いっぱいに名前や年齢を教えてくれました。教師からのプレゼントはマジックショー!Mr.Yasuというマジシャンがやって来て、スペシャルマジックショーを披露してくれました!封筒の中にお金を入れてはさみで切っても切れなかったり、普通の水がとっても美味しそうなジュースに変身したり、水が入っている袋に鉛筆をさしても水がこぼれなかったり・・・。次々と不思議なマジックが出てきて、大喜びのお子さま達でした。最後はタネもしかけもない新聞紙の中から”Happy Birthday”のメッセージが出てきて、1月生まれのお友達をお祝いしました♪またMr.Yasuが幼稚園に来て、マジックを披露してくれるといいですね♪
  • 2021.01.27Today’s Class6

  • 2021.01.26Today’s Class 7


    Today, we had lots of fun in Class 7! The children arrived with big smiles and, during Discovery Time, the children made many cool things, including large cardboard dinosaurs! During our Morning Meeting, the children were able to ask their friends questions such as “Can you ski?” or “Can you swim?” in a big voice. We also watched our ‘Dinosaur Roar’ video, which the children have been working hard to create, and even got to play our Pac-Man game in teams. We then went to Kitakaze Park and had lots of fun playing in the snow, having snowball fights, sledding down hills, and making igloos. After our yummy lunch, Class 7 worked very hard to finish their English story books. The children have been concentrating on their great stories and illustrating the pages with beautiful pictures. Good job, Class 7!
  • 2021.01.25防災避難訓練~地震~


  • 2021.01.22Today’s Class5


    かずっきーからの手紙や手紙と一緒に届く数字プリントを楽しみにしている5組のお子さま達。登園して来ると、すぐにかずっきーからの手紙を見つけ、「今日は60までのかずがとどいているんじゃない?」「もう、無限でもかけるよ!」と意欲満々♪数字カードがバラバラになっているのを見て、「かずっきーがいたずらしたんだよ、きっと!」と言いながら早速正しい数列に直し始めました。「私たちもやりたい!」と順番を待って行う姿はとても微笑ましく、成長を感じました。また、今日は3学期最初のMsic lessonがあり、楽しみにしながらLesson roomに上がっていきました。安江先生に「3学期もよろしくお願いします!」と元気いっぱいにご挨拶。Lessonを終えて戻ってきたお子さま達は、みんなにこにこの素敵な笑顔。「楽しかった~!!」と大喜びでした。毎日のように行っているリズムカードやベルの演奏も楽しんで取り組んでいますよ。今週は外遊びも楽しみましたね。また、来週もたくさんお外で遊んで、楽しいことをいっぱいしましょうね!
  • 2021.01.21Today’s Class 4


    Today was a lot of fun in Class 4. We started the day with a swimming lesson and it is great to see all the children getting better at swimming. This was followed by a letter from the ABC magicians. Everyone enjoys spelling three letter words and were very happy to get cards they could use in a card game. Next we made Birthday presents for the January Birthday children and had a delicious school lunch. Everyone is looking forward to going to Kitakaze park tomorrow and getting a letter from Humpty Dumpty to have even more fun with flying things! Well done Class 4.
  • 2021.01.20Today’s Class 3


    今日の3組さんは2回目の雪遊びでした!「米ぞり持って行く?」「また、雪合戦しよう!」などと、昨日から楽しみにしていたお子さま達。3学期になり、毎日、スキーウエアで登園し、着脱の練習を兼ねている甲斐あって、自分で身支度を整えることも上手になってきましたよ。北風公園では、昨日から降り積もった雪に大興奮!早速、ダイビングするお子さま、雪玉をつくって雪合戦を始めるお子さま。米ぞりを持って一目散にお山のてっぺんを目指すお子さまと、寒さに負けず、思い思いの遊びを楽しんでいました。そして今日は大好きなお母さまがつくってくれたお弁当の日。たっぷり遊んだ後のお弁当の美味しいこと…あっという間に、お子さま達のお腹の中に消えていきました。明日は、Nature Discovery。かなこ先生が3色食品群についてお話して下さいます。しっかり聞いて、なんでもモリモリ食べて元気いっぱい丈夫な体をつくりましょうね。また明日も待っていますよ☆
  • 2021.01.19Today’s Class 2


    Class 2 had a lot of fun today. Everyone was able to take off and put away their snow wear by themselves, and get ready for the day. After Discovery Time and a short morning meeting, we had ECT with Class 4. Half of the class focused on Left and Right, while the other half talked about different patterns. After that it was time for a music lesson, so we headed upstairs to see Yasue-sensei. Today was a special surprise, as the children got to play the handbells for the first time. Everyone worked together to play ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.’ After music, we made birthday presents for this month’s birthday friends. Because of the blizzard going on outside, we decided to stay indoors today, and played Musical Chairs until lunch time. After lunch, we enjoyed some Discovery Time until it was time to head home. Today was great, and we’ll see you all again tomorrow!
  • 2021.01.18Today in Class 1


    Class 1 had so much fun today. In the morning, we played with Class 2, and then did our exercise and calming together. After that, we practiced our phonics with a challenging game. For today’s English Conversation Time, we joined our friends in Class 7 and spoke together. Everyone did a great job. We also went to the park and played in the snow. We have been doing many winter activities, like making snowballs, building snowmen, playing in an igloo, and making snow angels. But today, we brought our homemade sleds, and got to slide down the big hill! Everyone had so much fun using their sleds and playing together in the snow. We were so hungry after playing in the park that everyone ate a big, yummy lunch. We are all looking forward to a lot more winter activities this month!
  • 2021.01.15Today’s Elephant Class


    Today’s Elephant Class children all seemed very happy to be back for the start of the 3rd Term. Everyone enjoyed playing with familiar as well as new toys. We had morning meeting and danced to “Under the Sea” too. The children enjoyed the book Hooray for Fish and helped a “mommy” fish look for her “baby” who was hiding. They could concentrate very hard and find the fish each time and hid it. Lunch box time was very nice and the children were happy to show us their bento lunch boxes. Thank you parents for your support and let’s have a wonderful time in the 3rd term. Happy New Year and see you next Tuesday!