  • 2021.03.08Today’s Class6

  • 2021.03.06新入園児保護者説明会


  • 2021.03.05年少 “文字かずChallenge”


    今日は、年少組最後の“文字かずChallenge”。1学期と2学期に来たPirate Captainがまた来てくれると、みんな楽しみにしていました。スタートの時間になりPirate Captainがくると、今回はどんなゲームができるのかみんな期待でいっぱいの様子でしたよ。今日の最初のチャレンジは“名前探しゲーム”でした。大きなホワイトボードに貼られたたくさんの名前カードの中から自分の名前を探すゲームです。はじからじっくりと探すお子さま、離れた所から全体を見回しながら探すお子さまと、探し方はいろいろでしたが、無事みんな自分の名前を探すことができました。そして2つ目は、〇✕クイズに挑戦!「ねこ」はどっち?の問題に、“ねこ” “ぬこ”と2枚のカードが出てくるなど、文字や数字に関する楽しい問題がたくさんありました。数字を読んだり、かずを数えたりと文字やかずの問題に夢中になっているうちに時間はあっという間に過ぎ、Pirate Captainとお別れの時間がやってきました。もう会えないことを寂しがるお子さまもいまいましたが、最後の文字かずChallengeも見事クリアしたお子さま達に、Pirate Captainから素敵なメダルのご褒美をもらい大喜びのお子さま達でした。
  • 2021.03.04Today’s Class5


  • 2021.03.03Today’s Class 4


    Today was a lot of fun in Class 4. After playtime in the morning we got ready to join Immersion Day. There were four challenges to complete which included games such as pop-up pirate, car race, twister and ring toss. All the Class 4 children had a lot of fun mixing with other classes using lots of different English phrases and completing these challenges. Everyone did a great job in getting all four stickers and it seemed like everyone enjoyed the day. This was followed by a mixed lunch among the Immersion classes where the children could eat with new friends and teachers. After lunch it was great to see children from different classes and grades playing very nicely together and having a lot of fun. It was a great day for all! Well done everyone!
  • 2021.03.02Today’s Class3


    今日の3組さんはSwimming Lessonがありました。着替えが自分でできるようになったり、カニさんやカエルジャンプ、ラッコ浮きなど、Lessonの中でもできるようになったことが増え、入園した頃は、顔に水がかかっただけで泣いてしまっていたことが懐かしく感じられるほど、今では大好きな活動になったSwimming。次のLesson(8日)は、いよいよ今年度最後のテスト!○をたくさんもらえるように頑張りましょうね!さて、Swimmingの後はランチタイム♪一日早く、ひな祭りランチをいただきました。Special デザートに大喜びのお子さま達でした。いろいろな活動が年少さん最後…になりつつありますが、年度の締めくくりには、全員が3組さん楽しかったね。みんな大きくなったね。年中組、楽しみだね!そんな気持ちをもてるように過ごしていきたいと思います。風邪が流行ってきています。体調管理をしっかりして、残り少ない3組さんを元気いっぱい楽しもうね♪明日も待っていますよ☆
  • 2021.03.01Today’s Class 2


    It was a wonderful day in Class 2, with lots of fun activities. Everyone was happy to be back at IYK after the weekend, and we warmed up by having exercise with Class 1. During phonics time, the children worked together in teams to turn all of the letters to either upper or lower case. Today was also the first day to help our new friends, the Bears in the Night, who needed help finding the Zoo. The children were able to make plans to get to the Zoo, and ask each other about their plans, using actions like, “Go under the bridge!” We also finished off our line work books today, drawing nice medals on the last page. After a yummy lunch and some Discovery Time, it was time to say goodbye for today. See you tomorrow Class 2!
  • 2021.02.26Elephant Class Mini Performance


    Today Elephant Class performed their “Under the Sea” dance while dressed up as color, shiny, and cute fish! All the children did so well saying “I’m here!” We could sing and then dance along together. We saw lots of big smiles from happy friends and happy parents. Some children were a little nervous but they all did their best. We could enjoy a mini English activity as well as lunch boxes together. It was very windy and snowy when going home so please be safe, everyone. Have a wonderful weekend and see you next week. March is here and we only have a handful of lessons left. Let’s enjoy them while speaking lots and lots of English!
  • 2021.02.25February Birthday Party

    2020-02 bday 12020-02 bday 22020-02 bday 3

    Today was the IYK February birthday party, and we had a lot of fun! Before starting the party, some of IYK’s artists were recognized for their special drawings and each received an award to take home. Next, the birthday children came up and told us their names and ages, then received birthday presents from their classmates. Lastly, the children watched a birthday play from the English teachers where characters pig, cat, and bird met a friendly witch who helped them bake a birthday cake. It was a very nice party. Happy birthday, February birthday friends!
  • 2021.02.25Elephant Class Mini Performance


    The Elephant Class children got to show their mommies and daddies their Mini Performance today! Everyone put on the fish hats and shiny bracelets and they looked so cute. Some children were a little shy but they did very well. Dressed as either a green, red, blue, or yellow fish, each child said “I’m here” and swam through the waterfall hula hoop. They sat together in the color teams and then everyone danced. It was so nice to see so much smiling and dancing. We hope all the parents who attended enjoyed the show. Thank you for your support today and throughout the year. The Elephant Class children have grown so much and are almost Juniors. We only have a few lessons left in March but we will be sure to enjoy them and speak lots of English. Great job, fish friends!