  • 2021.06.03Today’s Elephant Class

    Today in Elephant Class we went to Kitakaze Park. The children all had fun playing games with Mr. Elephant. After we took a group photo together with parents, Mr. Elephant came and showed off his box of fruit candy. But he spilled it all over the grass. The children helped collect all the balls so quickly. We found 3 more boxes and decided to separate the balls by colors green, blue, and orange. Finally, we did a relay where parents and children carried a ball around a cone and passed it to the next friend. It was so fun and everyone did a good job! Thank you for coming today and playing in the park, even though it was sunny and hot. We’ll look forward to seeing everyone next week where the children will get to try school lunch for the first time.
  • 2021.06.02Today’s Class 5

    Everyone had a really fun time in Class 5 today. As soon as everyone arrived at the kindergarten, they practiced their bow tying and name writing. Once the whole class was ready, we went to Kitakaze Park to play with the other Intermediate and Junior classes. We had fun running around and finding interesting things. When we got back it was time for phonics, and learned about words starting with ‘ch.’ Class 5 also began making our Father’s Day crafts to give to the daddies. They drew Daddy’s face and painted plates and macaroni in different colors. There was just enough time for the Wednesday song before it was time to say goodbye. See you tomorrow!
  • 2021.06.01Today’s Class 4

    Today was a lot of fun in Class 4! First we had a swimming lesson and everyone did their best! It was great to see everyone enjoying the water and having fun with their friends. After that we had a morning meeting and a letter from our new friend the “What a waste Grandma”. She had a quiz about the environment and everyone did a great job thinking about different issues effecting the world. It was interesting to see what is good and bad for the earth. Today we also wrote the letter “M” and Class 4 could suggest a lot of different words for this letter. Everyone enjoyed a nice lunch and had fun playing with each other after lunch. Tomorow, we will go to the park and enjoy making a present for somebody special!
  • 2021.05.31防災避難訓練①~火災~

  • 2021.05.28Today’s class3

    今日はあいにくの雨模様でしたが、3組のお子さま達は元気いっぱいに登園してくれました!English Lessonでは、Zoo keeperからの依頼で、トンネルをくぐってフープをジャンプし、動物の赤ちゃんをお迎えに行ってからお母さんの所へ届けてあげるというゲームに挑戦しました。「かわいいね♪」と赤ちゃんたちを迎えに行き、みんな無事に届けることができましたよ!また、大好きなお母さまから作ってもらったお弁当を大喜びで食べたり、食後の歯磨きもしっかりと行い、お友達や先生との時間を元気に過ごしました!
  • 2021.05.27Birthday party

    今日は5月生まれのお子さまのBirthdy Partyでした。全園児が集まり準備ができると、ピアノの曲に合わせて入場してきたお子さま達。少し緊張していたり、ニコニコ笑顔で客席に手を振ったりと一人ひとりがみんなの手拍子に合わせて元気に登場してきました。まず始めに自分の名前を言うことからスタートです。“What’s your name?”の質問に、みんな上手に答えることができました。そして次は、何歳になったかをみんなに伝えます。“How old are you?”の質問に、“I’m five!”と5本指を出しながらそれぞれが自分の歳を答えました。全園児の手拍子に合わせてのBirthday songが終わると最後は、クラスの友達からのBirthdayボードとBirthdayカードのプレゼントを嬉しそうに受け取っていましたよ。そして今月の先生達からのプレゼントは、楽器演奏です。メロディオンやウッドブロックなどいろいろな楽器を使った演奏をみんなで聞きました。曲名は、“ミッキーマウスマーヂ”、“Under the sea”、“おひるねタイム”の3曲でした。5月生まれのお友達、Happy Birthday!
  • 2021.05.26Today’s Class 2

    Today, we had lots of fun making colorful tulips for our English Activity. As a part of the English Activity Theme for this month, the children were excited to help Timothy Pope make his park beautiful! Everyone enjoyed ripping and gluing origami paper as they practiced lots of English! We also split up and had a special English Conversation Time with Class 5. It was an exciting opportunity to practice English with some new friends! For the storybook time, we read a book called, The Green Queen. It was a funny book that used lots of colors. Everyone is doing a truly terrific job at learning their colors in English!
  • 2021.05.25Today’s Elephant Class

    Elephant Class had a fun time on Tuesday. We started with separate play for the children. Everyone tried hard and we could play with many toys. After parents return we had our morning meeting and also did an English craft. The children made colorful butterflies by sticking on red, yellow, blue, and green stickers. When we finished, the children “flew” their butterflies around the room and had a fun time. Great job, everyone and we’re looking forward to seeing you on Friday!
  • 2021.05.24Today’s Intermediate

  • 2021.05.21Today’s Class 1

    Today was Class 1’s first swimming lesson! Saki-sensei and I were so happy to see so many BIG smiles on the children’s faces as everyone tried so hard to follow the swimming coaches instructions. Everyone changed into their swimming costumes so well, then we exercised before splashing our legs, faces and heads in the water! Trying to walk like ‘crabs’ was a little difficult, but becoming ‘crocodiles’ was easy for everyone. There was enough time to play and splash around one more time before we got changed. I am sure everyone was a little tired after having so much fun today! Great job everyone and I am sure we will have LOTS more fun at our next swimming lesson on Tuesday