Today’s Elephant Class children had lots of fun playing musical instruments and dancing during our music lesson. We were so happy too since everyone came an nobody was absent. The children did great dancing to “Under the Sea” and once that was finished, they got to try tambourines for the first time. They really enjoyed playing along and moving to the fun music. When music was finished, we enjoyed lunch together and ate lots of udon noodles. It was a hot day but everyone did their best to have fun and enjoy it together. Great job and see you all on Friday!
2021.07.13Today’s Elephant Class
2021.07.12Today’s Elephant Class & Senior Class
Today in Elephant Class we had so much fun with music. It’s almost time for summer vacation and we could enjoy our final music lesson before the break with Yasue-sensei. The children all had fun dancing to new and familiar songs. They even got to try playing tambourines for the first time. We sang a song about “ice candy” and it was perfect for the hot, summery day. After music, we ate hot dogs and ABC Soup for lunch. Great job today everyone and we’re looking forward to seeing you again on Thursday!今日の年長組は、カワイ体育教室のゆうか先生が来て下さって初めてのチアダンスを楽しみました。まずはしっかりと準備体操をして、よーいスタート!音楽に合わせて行進したりうさぎ跳びをしたり、大の字ジャンプをしたりと思い切り身体を動かすことの楽しさを味わっていたお子さま達。踊ることが大好きな年長組なので、初めて見るはずのチアダンスの振り付けをどんどん覚えて、ゆうか先生も驚いていましたよ。“High V”や“Low V”など、チアダンスの難しい言葉も楽しみながら覚えていきました。次回の体育教室は2学期です!クラスでもたくさん踊って、ゆうか先生をもっともっと驚かせましょう!
Today was a lot of fun in Class 4. First we went to play soccer in Kitakaze park. Everyone is getting very good at kicking and passing the ball as well as scoring goals. This was followed by phonics time where the children could learn new words for the blend “tr”. It was great to see everyone using a big voice to say the new words. This was followed by sunflower drawing using crayons and paint. Class 4 did a great job drawing nice flowers and used up all of the big papers. We had a yummy lunch consisting of yakisoba and watermelon and everyone is looking forward to craft activities tomorrow. Well done Class 4!2021.07.07Today’s Class3
今日も元気いっぱい登園してくれた3組さん。「赤く見えた♪」や「丸だったよ~♪」など、昨日行ったシャボン玉を思い出しながらクレヨンでたくさんの色鮮やかな丸描きを楽しんでいました!また、お部屋では「これください!」と1,2,3のかずカードをもって同じ個数のドーナツを買いに行く”かず遊び”をするお子さまの姿も見られていました。今日は7月7日でしたね。「大きくなったら何になりたいですか??」とみんなで発表し合い、お友達の発表一つひとつに、聞いていたお友達からは大きな拍手が鳴っていました♪素敵な七夕飾りをもち帰れることに大喜びのお子さま達でした。みんなの素敵なお願い事が叶いますように☆また明日も元気に来てくださいね!2021.07.06Today’s Class 2
Today was Immersion Day! Classes 1,2,4,5, and 7 all had fun playing games together. The challenge for Immersion Day was to use English for each game as well as play the games with Intermediate and Senior friends. Class 2 did an excellent job in all of the games. We played Twizzler, Pop Up Pirate, a quiz game, and a phonics game with rubber ducks. Everyone had lots of fun collecting stickers for their fairground games card!2021.07.05Today’s Class 1
Today’s Class 1 was so much fun! After our Morning Meeting we had a special Phonics Challenge, where all of the children had to listen very carefully and find the correct words. All of the children did a fantastic job and then did an amazing job during E.C.T. Today the children could walk around the class to the music and then find a different partner to have conversations with, “What’s your favourite animal?” We had just enough time before Exercise and Nature Discovery to play some fun English games. Everyone did very well and we are all looking forward to tomorrow’s Immersion Day games!2021.07.02Today’s senior~コンサドーレ~
今日は第2回目の防災避難訓練でした。今回は地震が起きた時を想定して行いました。地震を知らせる園内放送を聞き、「だんごむしのポーズ」をして頭を守り、絵本をもっていたお子さまは、絵本を使って頭を守っていました。揺れが収まり、一斉に園庭に避難しましたが、大きな混乱もなく無事に避難することができました。「お・は・し・も」の約束を守って前回よりもさらに真剣な表情で取り組んでいたお子さま達。とてもかっこよかったですよ!園庭で避難訓練の大切さの話を聞き、部屋に戻ってからもそれぞれのクラスで反省点やお子さま達のかっこよかったところについて話をして終了しました。次回の避難訓練は2学期を予定しております。引き続き、お子さま達とともに真剣に取り組んでいきたいと思います。2021.06.30Today’s Class 5
Class 5 had lots of fun today. It was a half day, but we had lots to do. After tying bows and writing their names, the class went over to Kitakaze Park to play. Many friends like to run around, play tag, find bugs, and pick flowers. It was a hot one in the park. When we got back we had morning meeting, then had an English Activity. We learned about natural disasters like earthquakes, typhoons, volcanos, and tornadoes. Then the children got to work making their own tornadoes with bottles, beads, and colored water. After putting them together, we spun them around and saw the tornado twist around inside the bottles. Next we did some physical activities. First we did summersaults, then the children practiced supporting their weight on the iron bar. Soon it was time to go. What a great day. See you tomorrow!