Today was lots of fun in Class 1. We helped some fish family friends back to their houses, “It’s father shark!” followed by a game of musical chairs. We then went to the park with the other Junior and Intermediate classes and had a fun picnic and playtime in the sun! Great job everyone, have a fun weekend and see you all on Monday.
2021.09.24Today’s Class 1
2021.09.22Today’s Bear Class
Today’s Bear Class was so much fun! Last week, the children helped put our farm animals in the farm but there were so many, so we gave each animal its own habitat. The children could walk like animals and then pick their favorite animal. Some friends picked a “duck” while others picked a “cow”, a “sheep”, or a “horse”. They could match the animals and even remembered their English sounds for animals like “moo” and “quack”. We enjoyed dancing and sticker time too. Our class went by so fast since we had so much fun. -
2021.09.21かけっこ・リレー動画撮り & Today’s Elephant Class
今日は各学年、「かけっこ」と「リレー」の動画撮りを行いました。暑すぎず、風もない穏やかな天気の中、北風公園を全速力で走っていたお子さま達。よーいドン!の合図で、歯を食いしばって一生懸命走るお子さま、ニコニコ笑顔で走るお子さま、「やーー!」と声を出して走るお子さま、様々でとても可愛らしかったです。年長組さんは、頭にはちまきをつけて、リレーも頑張っていましたよ。今年度は残念ながら動画配信の形になったPhysical Festivalですが、今日までの経験を通して、からだを思い切り動かす楽しさ、友達と競い合う楽しさ、そして心を一つにして協力して取り組む楽しさなどを感じ、一人一人の心がより豊かになったと思います。帰りにはキラキラのメダル、そして「父母の会」からボールがプレゼントされ、とても嬉しそうにしていたお子さま達でした。動画配信をぜひお楽しみにしていて下さいね。Today in Elephant Class we had lots of fun helping our farm animal friends. The children could dig through a box of hay and find the same animals as the teachers. Then, they put the animals in the pen to help the farmer. Everyone could say the animals names “cow”, “horse”, “duck”, and “sheep” by themselves. They also remembered each animal’s sound in English like “moo” for cows. Great job everyone and thank you for helping on our farm! -
2021.09.17Today’s Class 9
今日はPhysical Festivalのダンスを動画に撮りました。今まで練習してきたダンスの成果をお父さまやお母さまに見せたいと大張り切りだったお子さま達は、朝から「今日頑張ろうね!」と気合十分。園庭に行くと「手がお空に届くくらい伸ばして踊ろうね!」などと、今まで練習の中で意識していた部分を声かけ合いながら思い出す姿も見られました。ダンスもexerciseも力一杯踊ることができ、大喜びな年長組です。お部屋では、カプラ、製作、ストロートイなどで遊びました。ストロートイでは、みんなでアイディアをだしあったり、協力して大きなお城をつくるなどして楽しむ姿が見られ、全部のストローを繋げると嬉しそうに見せてくれましたよ。
来週の火曜日は、リレーの動画を撮ります。元気に幼稚園に来てくださいね。2021.09.16Today’s class 8
2021.09.15Today’s Class 7
Today, we had lots of fun in Class 7! The children arrived and played together with their friends during Discovery Time, before doing our Morning Exercise together. After our Morning Meeting, we sang our September song, ‘A Sailor Went to Sea, Sea, Sea’, in a nice, clear voice. The children worked hard to write hiragana in their workbooks, before heading outside to practice their Physical Festival dance. Class 7 have been working very hard over the past few weeks in order to do the best dance they can. Everyone held their flags with straight arms and listened carefully to the music. After practicing our dance, we went to Kitakaze Park to practice racing for Physical Festival. Everyone ran so fast! We then played in the park together on the slide and the swings. It was so much fun! Good job, Class 7! Let’s have lots of fun tomorrow too!2021.09.14Today’s Class 6
今日のClass 6は、前日にハサミで切った〇をシャボン玉に見立てて、描画活動を行いました。「シャボン玉ってどんな色に見えるかな?」という教師の問いかけに、「透明!」「よーく見たら虹みたいな色がしてる時もあるよね。」などとイメージを膨らませながら、周りに家族や好きな動物を描いたりと、一人ひとりが思い描くシャボン玉遊びを表現していましたよ。また、1学期『フルーツ』の名前をつけて取り組んでいたグループ活動のメンバーを、くじ引きをして新しいメンバーにChange!2学期は『動物』の名前にしようと、早速グループごとに話し合いました。なかなか決まらないグループもありましたが、お互いの意見を聞いたり、お子さま同士で相談する姿に成長が感じられました。園庭では、みんなが大好きなDynamiteの曲に合わせて、レインボーブレスレットをなびかせながらのダンスタイム!「昨日よりももっとかっこよく踊れるようになりたい!」と、毎日全力で取り組んでいるお子さま達でした。2021.09.13Today’s Class 5
We had lots of fun in Class 5 today. After everyone arrived and we had Discovery Time, we did our exercise and practiced our Physical Festival dance with Class 4. We had Morning Meeting, then it was time for an English activity. Today we went to Action Park, where the children asked each other questions about what sports actions they can do, such as “bounce a ball” and “hop on one foot.” Then we did a group phonics activity where the children worked in teams to choose the correct first letter for some new words. Then it was time to head over to Kitakaze Park to practice our running race, and to the IYK grounds to practice our dance. Everyone did a great job! Finally it was time for lunch and some Discovery Time before the Goodbye Meeting. See you tomorrow everyone!2021.09.10Today’s Class 4
Today was a lot of fun in Class 4. We had a special English activity where the children tried different types of sports. There was also time for English writing and everyone is getting much better at writing short words and sentences. This was followed by a trip to Kitakaze park where everyone did their best in the running race and dancing to dynamite. After this we had a lot of fun playing in the park searching for signs of autumn such as insects and leaves. We returned to the Kindergaten to have lunch and spend more time playing together. Well done Class 4!2021.09.09Today’s class3