2021.10.06Today’s Class 4
Today was a lot of fun in Class 4. We started the day with exercise and we did a new scary dance for Halloween. We also found the key to the haunted house and received today’s Halloween sticker. We also wrote numbers from one to forty as a new challenge from Ninjaro. Next we made Takoyaki for the Class 4 shop. Everyone is looking forward to the shopping day with the other Immersion classes and Class 4 is also looking forward to becoming shopkeepers and customers. To end the day we finished with a Halloween books about ten different trick or treaters and learned about all the costumes they wore. Well done Class 4! -
2021.10.05Today’s class3
2021.10.02IYK World Carnival~年中組イベント~
Today was the World Carnival. We recieved a letter from the World Rangers inviting the Intermediates to held friends from around the world. First we made special ranger medals to power everyone up. Next we got lunch from the rangers as a thank you for making the medals. Everyone enjoyed the curry and rice and had a pleasant lunch. Next we went out as a grade on three missions to New Zealand, Thailand and Egypt. Everyone did well at making a pyramid, playing rugby and feeding the elephants. When we completed the mission the special panel lit up and everyone achieved max power! Well done Intermediates! -
今日は、年長組がさとらんどにさつまいもを収穫に行きました。さとらんどへは幼稚園バスで約30分かけて向かいました。わくわくしながら軍手を付けて、いざ畑へ出発!職員の方の話を真剣に聞き、一生懸命に土を掘り、たくさんのさつまいもが収穫できました。今年は例年より雨が少なかったため、さつまいもは巨大化したものが多かったようです。お子さま達は、大きくて重たいさつまいもを最後までしっかり運んでくれていました。頑張った後は、ほくほくの美味しい焼き芋をみんなで食べました。外で食べる焼き芋は格別でしたね。秋らしい気持ちのいいお天気で収穫日和になりました。ご家庭でも是非、美味しいさつまいも料理をつくってお召し上がりください。 -
2021.09.30Today’s Elephant Class
Elephant Class was so much fun today! The children got to make their own farms by picking any 3 animals they liked. The could choose from horses, cows, sheep, ducks, and pigs. Everyone could say the animal they got and many children said the animal’s English sound like “oink” for pigs, all by themselves! We sang “Old McDonald had a Farm” but changed the lyrics to each child’s name. After that, the children enjoyed their lunch boxes and had lots of time to play together before going home. Please have a fun and safe weekend and we’ll see you all next week! -
2021.09.29Today’s Class 2
Class 2 had a another fantastic day! During Discovery Time, some of the children have been recently enjoying setting up wooden blocks and knocking them over like dominoes! Everyone was also super excited to have their first Music Lesson in a long time! The children were able to play with a familiar instrument from the first term (tambourine), but the real fun was playing with some new instruments! The children challenged themselves with wood blocks and triangles. Playing the percussion instruments to the rhythm of the music was so much fun! Today’s teacher’s assistants did a fantastic job as with the rest of the children this month. It is exciting to see everybody catch on to leading the class with more and more confidence! -
2021.09.28August & September Birthday party
今日は、8月生まれと9月生まれのお友達のBirthday Partyを行いました。年少組さんはちょっぴり緊張していましたが、名前と「I’m 4!」を元気に答えていて素敵でしたよ!年中組さんはニッコニコで誕生会をとても楽しんでいました!年長組はさすのお兄さんお姉さん!格好いい姿を見せてくれました。8月9月生まれは総勢38名!たくさんのお子さまがまた1つ大きくなりました。本当におめでとうございます。教師からみんなへのプレゼントは、「やすやすさんのつくって遊ぼう!」でした。牛乳パックや新聞紙などで、すぐにつくって遊べるおもちゃを紹介しました。ぜひ、ご家庭やクラスで楽しんでみてくださいね。つくり方が分からないときは、クラスの先生に聞いてみてください。10月のBirthday Partyも楽しみですね! -