  • 2021.11.02Today’s Class 1

    Today in Class 1 we had swimming! It was lots of fun, jumping, ‘crab walking’ as well as ‘crocodile walking’ and ‘otter’ swimming. It was lots of fun and everyone tried their best. Unfortunately there are no more swimming lessons this month, but we will start Hyogen Festival stage practice from Thursday! Great job everyone!
  • 2021.10.29October Birthday Party

     今日は10月生まれのBirthday Partyを行いました。自分達のBirthday Partyを楽しみにしていたお子さま達は、少し緊張しながらも、自信をもって自己紹介をしたり、同じ学年の友達と一緒に元気よく年齢を答えたりと、素敵なお兄さんお姉さんになった姿を見せてくれましたよ。続いて、特別ゲストを招いてのMusic concertの時間。「ピアノとドラムがあるよ!」「誰先生が弾くのかな?」と予想していたお子さま達の前に登場したのは、ピアニストのりなさんとドラマーのみつゆさんです。まずはピアノのソロで『動物たちの謝肉祭』を演奏していただくと、「指が速く動いているね」「きれいな音~」とお子さま達は聞き入っていました。次にピアノとドラムとのセッションで『夜に駆ける』と『炎』が始まると、「大好きな曲だ」「知ってる!」と思わず口ずさんだり、体を揺らしたり手拍子をしたりと全身で演奏を楽しんでいましたよ。普段なかなか触れる機会が少ない生演奏のMusic concertの時間は、お子さま達にとって、とても貴重な経験になりました。
  • 2021.10.28IYK Halloween Party

    Today was the IYK Halloween Party! The children arrived in the morning in their cute and cool Halloween costumes, ready to have lots of fun! In the morning, we played together and everyone was super excited to show their costumes to their friends. For the Halloween Party, the Witch came to IYK to make everyone some yummy Halloween treats. But the Witch needed help to find three ingredients for the magic potion. The children searched IYK for the Witch’s friends, Vampire, Black Cat and Mr. Jack-o-lantern, and did a challenge to find the ingredients. The children did a special Halloween dance to help the shy skeleton and bat. They also crept like cats to get the sleeping monster’s teeth. And they did a special Haunted House quiz with Mr. Jack-o-lantern to find the final ingredient. In the Witch’s room, the children put the three ingredients – a spider, an eyeball, and a monster tooth – into the cauldron and helped to make a magic potion! They got yummy Halloween snacks and many cool Halloween presents. Next, it was time for lunch, and the children were very excited to have a special Halloween lunch. It was so yummy! Everyone had so much fun today. Happy Halloween, everyone!
  • 2021.10.27Today’s Bear Class

    Bear Class was full of fun since we had a Halloween activity and everyone got presents. The Witch gave the children all brooms. Parents helped the children decorate their brooms and everyone could “fly” around the room. Since they did such a good job, the children also got a special Halloween snack. Each child could come up and say “trick or treat” to receive their yummy Halloween treat. We saw lots of smiles and had such a wonderful time. Great job everyone and Happy Halloween!
  • 2021.10.26Today’s Elephant Class

    Today’s Elephant Class had a Halloween Party and the children had so much fun! Everyone could dance to “Fly Little Bats” and they got brooms from the Witch. Children could decorate their brooms with Halloween stickers and “fly” around the room. We saw lots of big smiles and the children were especially happy to get snacks. Each child could say “trick or treat” and “thank you” when getting their Halloween snack. Great job, everyone and have a wonderful Halloween!
  • 2021.10.25Today’s Elephant Class

    Elephant Class had a Halloween Party today! The children could dance along to the song “Fly Little Bats” and when we finished, they got a present from the Witch. Everyone got a witch’s broom and decorated it with Halloween stickers. They even got a special shiny sticker to give their brooms lots of power to “fly” around the classroom. After that, each child could say “trick or treat” and received a yummy Halloween snack. We had so much fun. Great job everyone and have a Happy Halloween!
  • 2021.10.22年少 Milk Challenge

    今日は“エミナ”主催のMilk Challengeがありました。どんなことをするのか昨日から楽しみにしていたお子さま達。3クラスが集合し、みんなで「うっしー!」と元気に呼びかけると、かわいい牛さんが登場。ミルクについての紙芝居を読んでくれました。牛一頭の重さや、一頭から一日にとれるミルクの量を聞いて「すごーい!」とみんなビックリしていましたよ。また、チーズやヨーグルト、バターなどミルクからできているものがたくさんあることも知りました。その後はみんなで塗り絵タイム。かわいい牛の顔に思い思いに色を塗り、素敵なお面を完成させました。そして最後は、みんなが楽しみにしていた試食タイム!シスコ―ンを食べたり、パンケーキにクッキーを乗せたりホイップクリームを付けて食べたりと、とってもおいしくいただきました。最後には、一人ひとりお土産ももらい、大喜びのお子さま達でした。
  • 2021.10.21Today’s Class 9

    今日も元気に登園してきたClass 9のお子様達。Music LessonではHyogen Festivalのパートごとに楽器の練習をしました。それぞれの練習を終えてクラスに帰ってくると「上手にできた!」「楽しかった!」と大満足の様子でしたよ。クラスでは、Halloween製作を行いました。今日つくったのはSpider。紙ストローに毛糸を巻いて蜘蛛の巣をつくった時には、巻き方を友達と教え合いながら真剣な表情で取り組み、出来上がると嬉しそうに笑顔を見せていたClass 9でした。明日は晴れたら円山公園に行きますよ!天気が良くなるといいですね!
  • 2021.10.20Immersion Day

    Today we held our Immersion Shopping event! All 5 Immersion classes had prepared the products to sell in their shops, donuts, i-phones, juice, popsicles, pet puppets, tacoyaki, crowns, fish, biscuits and hotdogs! It was fantastic to see all of the children working together, helping each other and using LOTS of English to buy and sell their products. The next Immersion event will be in December and the teachers are hoping it will be as much fun as today!
  • 2021.10.19Today’s class 8

    今日のClass 8はEnglish Lessonからスタートしました!ハロウィンにどのコスチュームが着たいかをEnglishで質問し、友達から聞いた答えをスティッカーで記していきました。Lessonが終わるとすぐに卒園アルバムの集合写真を撮りに北風公園へ。どのお子さまも素敵な表情で写真を撮りました。8組に戻りひらがなワークに取り組んだ後は給食をモリモリと食べ、カプラで大きな作品をつくったり、コマを台の上で回そうとチャレンジするなど、たくさん遊びました。今日もとっても楽しかったですね!