  • 2021.10.11Today’s Class 6

     今日のClass 6は、English lessonと描画活動を行いました。English lessonでは、ドアの向こうにいるのが誰なのか“Who is it?”と尋ね、『Father』や『Sister』、『Grand mother』が出てくるはずが、ゴーストの『Mother』や『Brother』が顔を出し「きゃー!!」と逃げては大喜びしていました。Writingでは“O”のページまで進み、「Big O もSmall o も同じ形で簡単だったね」「Topから書くんだよね」と、丁寧に書くことができましたよ。Art Monthの取り組みで、多くの描画活動や製作活動に親しんでいる6組のお子さま達は、今回は海の生き物に挑戦しました。『ホウボウ』『タコ』『ハリセンボン』の中から1つの生き物を選び、今日はクレヨンを使って輪郭や模様など細かい所まで真剣に描いていました。明日は絵の具で生き物や海の色を塗る予定なので「早く絵の具したい!」「ちゃんと鱗が見えるかな」と完成を楽しみにしているお子さま達でした。
  • 2021.10.09IYK Adventure Quest ~年長組イベント~

    Today we had the Senior Adventure Quest at IYK. Earlier in the week, Class 7, 8 and 9 received a letter from Mr. Science, inviting the children to his School of STEAM. Everyone was excited to learn about STEAM – Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics – and do many cool and interesting experiments. Mr. Science showed the children some of his favourite experiments, and even made a lava lamp from water, oil, and a bath bomb! Then it was time for the children to carry out their own experiments. With Dr. Ian, the children learned about a curious substance called Ooblek, which is runny like water when you touch it slowly, but goes very hard when you touch it quickly. With Dr. Miki, we mixed coloured vinegar with baking soda to make cool pictures, and with Dr. Yasu, we made our very own mazes using straws and other materials. Finally, with Dr. Nao, we made bright and colourful Star Lights and made beautiful patterns in the dark. After our yummy dinner, we were able to go outside to use our Star Lights and listen to one final message from Mr. Science. Everyone passed the School of STEAM and are now cool IYK scientists. Everyone worked very hard and had so much fun! Good job, everyone!
  • 2021.10.08Today’s Class 5

    Everyone had a great time in Class 5 today. It was busy, but packed with fun activities. After everyone arrived, we went to Kitakaze Park and found different colored leaves and ran around. When we got back it was time for the Morning Meeting. We had Nature Discovery today and learned about what foods taste better in the Autumn. There was another letter from Captain Nemo today, and the class learned how to describe different kinds of fish, and save them from the Crazy Shark. After a yummy packed lunch, we began our sea animal pictures by painting their shapes. We will add the details with crayon later. Before we knew it, it was time to go home. Have a great weekend! See you on Monday!
  • 2021.10.07年長ジンギスカンイベント

  • 2021.10.06Today’s Class 4

    Today was a lot of fun in Class 4. We started the day with exercise and we did a new scary dance for Halloween. We also found the key to the haunted house and received today’s Halloween sticker. We also wrote numbers from one to forty as a new challenge from Ninjaro. Next we made Takoyaki for the Class 4 shop. Everyone is looking forward to the shopping day with the other Immersion classes and Class 4 is also looking forward to becoming shopkeepers and customers. To end the day we finished with a Halloween books about ten different trick or treaters and learned about all the costumes they wore. Well done Class 4!
  • 2021.10.05Today’s class3

    10月に入り、すっかり秋の季節を感じられるようになりましたね。お部屋には友達のMr.Coolから届いた”ソラナム・パンプキン”が飾られていて、実の生長や色付きを楽しみにみんなで毎日観察しています。また、今日は大好きなSwimming Lessonもあり、以前までちょっぴり怖かったお顔への水つけや、プールの壁をつかまりながら足を使って移動する”かにさん歩き”にも頑張って挑戦する姿が見られていました。スペインのWorld lunchをモリモリ食べ、Lessonの疲れを見せることなく、みんな仲良く元気に遊びを楽しむ3組のみんなでした♪
  • 2021.10.04年長体育教室

  • 2021.10.02IYK World Carnival~年中組イベント~

    Today was the World Carnival. We recieved a letter from the World Rangers inviting the Intermediates to held friends from around the world. First we made special ranger medals to power everyone up. Next we got lunch from the rangers as a thank you for making the medals. Everyone enjoyed the curry and rice and had a pleasant lunch. Next we went out as a grade on three missions to New Zealand, Thailand and Egypt. Everyone did well at making a pyramid, playing rugby and feeding the elephants. When we completed the mission the special panel lit up and everyone achieved max power! Well done Intermediates!
  • 2021.10.01園外教育~さとらんど~

  • 2021.09.30Today’s Elephant Class

    Elephant Class was so much fun today! The children got to make their own farms by picking any 3 animals they liked. The could choose from horses, cows, sheep, ducks, and pigs. Everyone could say the animal they got and many children said the animal’s English sound like “oink” for pigs, all by themselves! We sang “Old McDonald had a Farm” but changed the lyrics to each child’s name. After that, the children enjoyed their lunch boxes and had lots of time to play together before going home. Please have a fun and safe weekend and we’ll see you all next week!