Today in Class 8 we had a lot of fun as we continue to practice for our Hyogen Festival performance. After Discovery Time, we started our day with Katakana print and when we finished we enjoyed time using the tablets. Then we practiced our songs and learned a new line in our script today. After practicing in the class we went on stage, where we were able to practice 4 scenes, including the songs!! We did such a good job practice our scenes and songs we got really hungry. We joined Class 7 and enjoyed our delicious lunches from home. Thanks mom and dad! Great job today everyone!
2024.11.06Today’s Class 8
2024.11.05Today in Class 6
Today in Class 6, there was a big surprise waiting for the children. Right outside our classroom is a huge stage that will be used for IYK’s Hyogen Festival plays! Despite that distraction, everyone worked hard and had fun today. We did our Morning Meeting, a new ECT question (“What will you be for Hyogen Festival?”), practice for Scene 1 and Scene 2, a Music Lesson, Lunch, Discovery Time, and the Goodbye Meeting. Finally, Class 6 was the last class to practice moving on the big stage! We promised to obey the rules, and then we worked super hard to learn where to stand on the stage. Everyone did so well! It was a wonderful rehearsal! We are all excited about our play, “The Elves and the Shoemakers”. It will be great, so please look forward to it!2024.10.31Halloween Party!
Trick or treat! Today was the Halloween Party! We had so much spooky fun today. All of the children arrived in such wonderful costumes, and they were so proud to tell us what they were. Once everyone had arrived, we took turns taking pictures, playing games, eating Halloween lunch, and of course, trick or treating. Wanda the Witch had made some new ghost friends at her haunted house, but a big wind blew them away. All of the children went to different rooms to get the ghosts. In the Kitchen, Mr. Vampire had a quiz. In the Dining room, Mr. Zombie had a fun game where the children fed the zombies yucky brains. In the Bedroom, we helped Barry the Spider get energy to reach the ghost on the ceiling. And in the Garden, Mr. Jack-o’-lantern had a fun dance party to help a ghost hiding in a tree. Once everyone had helped four ghosts, we took them to the laundry room where Wanda the Witch was waiting. When all of the ghosts were together again, she was so happy that she gave presents to all of the children. We also brought home presents from the pinatas. We had such fun today. Thank you to all of the parents for such cool and cute costume ideas.2024.10.30Today’s Class 7
Today in Class 7 we completed our final page in our numbers workbook, writing from 1-to-100!! We then completed our Morning Meeting and opened the last Halloween haunted house door before tomorrow’s Halloween Party!! The children were very excited for today’s main event…pinata! The Class 7 parents went to great efforts to make 3 amazing pinata boxes full of origami, shiny surprises and tickets to get presents at tomorrow’s party. Everyone had so much fun hitting the pinata boxes with children calling out, “I love pinata!” and “Pinata is so much fun!” Thank you everyone for a fun day (and thank you to all the IYK parents that helped make such cute, fun and cool pinata boxes for today!)2024.10.29October Birthday Party
Today was the Birthday Party for friends born in October. Once the whole kindergarten had assembled, it was time to call in the birthday friends. Everyone marched in very nicely and sat at the front of the room. All of the children could answer in a big voice to “What’s your name?” and “How old are you?” After singing the ‘Happy Birthday’ song, it was time to give presents to the birthday friends. After three cheers, everyone sat back down to watch the teacher’s play. Wanda the Witch and Felix the Cat were looking for a house. When they finally found one they liked, it was haunted by four ghosts. Luckily, Wanda is a witch, so she was not afraid of the ghosts, who just wanted some friends anyway. We all had a Monster Mash dance party until a big wind blew the ghosts away. Wanda asked everyone to help her find her ghost friends at the Halloween party later this week. This month’s party was lots of fun. Congratulations to all the October birthday friends!2024.10.28Today’s Class 5
Today in Class 5 we enjoyed English writing. We have been practising making new words with different sounds and today we focused on words with “et” in them. We tried very hard to write as nicely as we could! We are also getting really good at writing out own names in English without any help! After, we had a lot of fun making our new craft! It is a cute owl that we made from paper plates! We got to fold the plates and then painted them all sorts of colours, like orange, green and blue. Then, we cut out the eyes and beaks ready to stick on for later! We used a lot of glue and paint so it got a bit messy, but we were very good at cleaning up after. It has been a busy day and we tried our best! Well done Class 5! Keep up the great work!2024.10.25Immersion Day
Immersion Day was held today and we had a big shopping event. The Junior friends made pizzas and jumping frogs, the Intermediates made shiny medals and sushi, and the Seniors made yummy ice creams and glasses that they sold to each other today. All classes got together on either the first floor or second floor and everyone could enjoy being shopkeepers “Welcome to the ___ shop, what do you want?” whilst the customers bought 6 items each with their IYK money, “This one, please!” It was great to see the older children help their younger friends and everyone used such confident voices to buy and sell their items. Great job everyone!2024.10.24Today’s Class 4
Today in Class 4 it was an exciting, action-packed day! We started out the morning with a super fun English Activity. We could use all the family and Halloween themed vocabulary we learned this month to get some costumes and have a party with our Halloween friends. It was a little spooky, but we were all so brave and did a great job! Next we did some line work and did our best to write nice and neatly. We are getting so good at writing hiragana! After that we used our craft skills to make our own maracas! We could cut up the materials all by ourselves. When we were finished, we showed them off by having a Halloween music concert. For lunch we enjoyed making our own rice balls. It was super yummy as always. Tomorrow is Immersion day and Class 4 is super excited to show off the products we made and have fun shopping!2024.10.23Today’s Class 3
Class 3 had lots of fun today. As everyone arrived, we had Discovery Time until it was time to clean up. Today’s Teacher’s Assistants did a fantastic job leading the Morning and Goodbye Meetings. We checked on today’s monster in the haunted house, and also read the latest Halloween letter from Wanda the Witch. During ECT, many friends had fun telling the class what they would be for Halloween. Today was our first day to practice writing numbers. We did our best to hold our pencils correctly and wrote 1 and 2. Soon it was time for a yummy packed lunch. Soon after lunch, it was time to get ready to go home after a quick story book. Thanks for a fun day. See you tomorrow, everyone!2024.10.22Mushroom Cooking
今日の年長組は、きのこcookingを行いました。「いろいろなキノコがあるの知ってる?」「キノコって山にも生えているんだよ!」と友達と朝からきのこについての話をしながらcookingを楽しみにしていたお子さま達。秋の食材の代表でもある「きのこ」の栄養素を学んだ後、各グループに分かれて舞茸を手で裂きました。「不思議な匂いがする!」ときのこの特有の香りを感じたり、「これくらい小さくしたらジュニアさんでも食べられるかな?」と給食に自分たちが裂いたきのこが入ることを期待しながらcookingしていましたよ。全てのきのこを裂き終わると、美味しくなるように「Yummy !Yummy!Yummy!」と大きな声でおまじないをしました。実際にランチのお味噌汁の中に自分たちが裂いたきのこが入っているのを見ると、「これきっと僕が裂いた舞茸だ!」と喜ぶ姿が見られましたよ。「みんなでcookingしたきのこはいつもよりも美味しいね!」とお友達と会話をしながら、秋の味覚を存分に楽しんだ年長組でした。We started our day with Discovery time and got to play with many of our crafts from this month. We then got to make frisbees from paper plates. We did a great job cutting and folding the plates, and we finished our frisbees by decorating them with lots of shiny and spooky stickers. We got to go outside and practice throwing frisbees, and we really liked getting to see how far ours could be thrown. We got to learn about yummy mushrooms and how healthy they are, and we had tasty mushrooms for lunch. We ended the day with a fun Halloween book. Great job today everyone!