  • 2021.12.17Today’s class 8

    今日のClass 8は、お正月に向けて鏡餅をつくりました。「うちにもあるー!」「去年あったよー!」と、生き生きと教えてくれたお子さま達。お餅の部分は白い折り紙で貼り絵をし、みかんや三方などの周りの装飾は画用紙で自分達で形を考え、切ってつくりました。「まだクリスマスも終わってないでしょー!」と言うお子さまもおり、少し気が早いですが、お正月に期待を膨らませながらどのお子さまも楽しんで作ることができました。冬休みの間のお部屋に飾っておくので、始業日を楽しみにしていてくださいね☆
  • 2021.12.16December Birthday Party

    Today we celebrated all the December birthday friends at the birthday party! It was a special Christmas party. Santa and his friends Reindeer, Elf, and Mrs. Claus came to visit IYK. The children had prepared gifts for Santa to help him get ready for Christmas. The junior class friends made cookies from America, the intermediate class friends made candles from Sweden, and the senior class friends made boomerangs from Australia. When Santa finally received his gifts, he was so happy! In fact, it was so nice of all the IYK friends to help him, that he decided to do something nice for them. Santa gave all the good boys and girls a special present! Everyone enjoyed seeing Santa and dancing with him, as well as celebrating all the December birthday friends.
  • 2021.12.15文字かずChallenge (年少)

  • 2021.12.14Today’s senior

  • 2021.12.13年中体育教室

  • 2021.12.10Today’s Class 7 & Immersion Day

    Today was so much fun at IYK! Class 7 arrived very excited because today was a special day – it was Immersion Day! During Immersion Day, the children of Class 1, 2, 4, 5, and 7 mix together and have lots of fun. It is a chance to talk with new friends and do special crafts with different teachers. After arriving at IYK, the children had lots of fun during Discovery Time, before splitting into different groups. The children of Class 1, 2, 4, 5, and 7 were able to do exercise together, before moving to different classrooms for a Phonics Challenge and a special Christmas craft. Some children made a cute snow globe with a colourful Christmas tree, while others made a cool snowman with a hat, scarf, and buttons. After having fun doing our snowman dance, the children were ready for lunch and returned to their everyday classrooms. After lunch, Class 7 had lots of fun playing card games, writing story books, and making towers with Lego! It was such an eventful day, and everyone had lots of fun! Good job, everyone!
  • 2021.12.09Today’s Intermidiate

  • 2021.12.08Today’s Class 5 and Immersion Day

    Today was a very fun day for everyone in Class 5 and also everyone in Immersion class. After Discovery Time where everyone wrote their name, tied a bow, and got ready for the day, we had Morning Meeting and sticker time. Soon it was time for Immersion Day. All 5 Immersion classes split into 4 groups and did special activities. After exercising and calming together we went to different classroom for winter phonics and a Christmas craft. Half of the class made snowman masks, and the other made snow globes. Junior, Intermediate and Senior friends all worked together, and it was lots of fun to see everyone having a good time together. Before we knew it, it was time for packed lunch. We said goodbye to everyone and took out our lunch sheets. After a yummy lunch, we got busy painting sticks to make reindeer tomorrow, and had some fun with the Hyogen Festival costumes. Soon it was time to say ‘see you’ and go home. What a great day! See you tomorrow!
  • 2021.12.07Today’s Class 6

      今日のClass 6は、2つの活動を行いました。1つ目は、Swimming lessonのテストです。2学期に取り組んできた「頭まで潜って鼻からブクブクと息を出す」や「両手両足を伸ばしてけのびをする」など、一つひとつの項目に一生懸命だったお子さま達。テストが終わった後の自由時間は、ダイナミックに飛び込んだり、友達と手をつないで潜ったり、教師と水をかけあったりと、思う存分水遊びを楽しんでいましたよ。2つ目は、Intermidiateオリジナルのトナカイ製作。前日に茶色の絵の具で色付けをしておいた木のパーツに、毛糸をぐるぐる巻きにする作業に挑戦しましたが、「難しいな~」となかなかスムーズには進みませんでした。しかし、諦めずに挑戦し続けるうちにコツをつかみ、「できた!!」「かわいいトナカイだ♡」と出来上がったトナカイをうっとり眺めるお子さま達でした。
  • 2021.12.06Today’s Class 4

    Today was a lot of fun in Class 4! First, we had a music lesson where the children could use tone chimes for the first time! This was followed by a game where the children could guess what presents were in Santa’s sack through touching. Next the children made a reindeer for Christmas. This was followed by a yummy lunch and more playtime after that. Everyone is enjoying the lead-up to Christmas and everyone is enjoying dancing jingle bells everyday. Well done Class 4!