  • 2022.02.18Today’s Class 2 & Class 3 English Open Lesson

    Today was another special challenge from Mr. Zookeeper for Class 2. The animals in the zoo had run away again! This time they ran all the way to the forest and hid behind trees and grass. Class 2 did an excellent job finding the animals and flying them back to the zoo in their jump rope airplanes. Everyone did their best at speaking the English phrases such as: “What is it?” and “Where is it from?” The children had the most fun becoming pilots and wearing special hats as they flew in their jump rope airplanes. When all the animals were safely back in the zoo, Mr. Zookeeper was so happy that class 2 helped him out. Class 2 might even get a chance to help him again sometime!
  • 2022.02.17Class 4 and 5 Open Class

    Today was the final Mr. Delivery challenge for Class 4. We started off by singing the children of the world song and moved into a phonics challenge. This challenge involved putting puzzles together to spell three letter words. Everyone did a great job at this and could present their words to the class. Class 4 gave this box to Mr. Delivery and received toppings to put on their food to send to other countries who didn’t have food. After all the toppings were put on the food we set up Mr. Delivery’s shipping center to put the food in boxes and send them to other countries. Everyone did a great job speaking to each other and putting the items in the correct countries. Class 4 really enjoyed this topic and were so happy to get a final present box from Mr. Delivery! Well done Class 4!
    Class 5 did a wonderful job today doing their Open Class today. The box that held all of the ingredients that we collected to make a worldwide lunch was locked, and the children did a phonics challenge to get the code to open it. But inside the box, Curious George had eaten all the ingredients! To get more, we went to the International Market, and chose new items based on shopping lists we found. Children found the items on their list by identifying what country it comes from and finding the correct flag. Once everyone had their ingredients we put them on the pizza and fruit salad. Children could also find the different countries on the world map. Everyone had a great time and used lots of English today!

  • 2022.02.16Today’s Class 5

    Today was a very fun day in Class 5. Everyone had a great time. After all the children arrived, we went to Kitakaze Park to play with Class 1, Class 2, and Class 4. Some friends went sledding, some dug holes, some played in the igloo. When we returned to the kindergarten it was time for a Morning Meeting and some English writing phonics practice. Everyone is improving their English teamwork skills when they are in teams. Next we put the finishing touches on our origami penguins that we folded last week, drawing eyes and feet, as well as lots of snow and mountains to their pictures. We were also able to squeeze in an English activity, gathering ingredients to make our worldwide lunch tomorrow. After a yummy packed lunch and some playtime, it was time for the Goodbye Meeting and we all said goodbye until tomorrow. See you soon, everyone!
  • 2022.02.15Today’s Class 7

    Today was a very special day in Class 7! It was Open Lesson, and all of the children were very excited to show their mummy’s and daddy’s what they have been learning this month during English Activities. The children started by singing one of their favourite English songs, Do You Know the Muffin Man? We then helped the Muffin Man’s friends to find their work places by asking questions such as “Who is he/she?” and “Where does he/she work?” The children then used nice, big voices to do their own presentations in front of their friends. Everyone talked about their dream jobs, and gave the time machine lots of power to go into the future. The children also tested their reading ability and worked very hard with their friends to match sentences to pictures of the book Goodbye Germs! We were then able to read the book together in a big, clear voice. Everyone did so well and tried their best, and the children are now preparing for graduation. Good job, Class 7!
  • 2022.02.14Today’s Class 4

    Today was a lot of fun in Class 4. We started with a music lesson where we continued to use the tone chimes. Everyone is doing a very good job doing this. Next we had morning meeting and a phonics challenge from Mr. Delivery. It was very nice to see everyone reading words and matching them to the correct pictures. This was followed by origami time where we learned about the habitats of penguins and how they move together. Class 4 challenged themselves by making an additional penguin by themselves. After lunch we continued to make crafts and read a book about waiting before we went home. Good job Class 4.
  • 2022.02.10Today’s Class 6

    今日のClass 6は、幼稚園の中やKitakaze Parkで様々なことに挑戦しました!クラスでは、ひなまつり製作の続きを行い、お雛様やお内裏様の着物と顔のパーツを貼り合わせたり、冠や烏帽子、扇や尺を身につけ、作品が完成しました。「のりが乾いてから、先生が最後の仕上げをするね」と伝えると、「早く見たいな~」「お願いしまーす」と楽しみにしている様子でした。Kitakaze Parkでは年中組で集まり、クラス対抗タワーリレーを行いました。2人がペアになり、バケツに雪を詰めて作った雪のブロックを順番に積み上げていき、1番高いタワーのクラスが勝ちというルールで、いざ、ゲームスタート!少し湿った雪で、ブロックが作りやすいと思いきや、押し込む力が弱いとすぐに崩れてしまったりと、なかなかスムーズにはいきません。どのクラスも傾いたり崩れたりしながらも協力して積み上げ、いよいよ結果発表…Class 6は3段の高さで惜しくも2位になりましたが、みんなで最後まで頑張れたことがいい思い出になりました。給食の前には、年中組のNature Discoveryで世界のデザートについてのクイズを行い、食べ物を見ているうちに「もうお腹空いたよー」「早くworld Lunch食べたい」と、待ちきれない様子のお子さま達でした。
  • 2022.02.09観劇

  • 2022.02.08Today’s Class 3

    ちょっぴりお休みさんもいましたが、今日は13人のお友達が元気いっぱいに登園してくれました!朝はteacher’s assistantの2人が力を合わせて一生懸命Morning meetingを英語で進めてくれました。Music lessonでは、今日で2回目のハンドベルを行いました。今日は何の音を使うのかな?と期待に胸を膨らませていたお子さま達。ハンドベルを嬉しそうに握りしめ、真剣な表情で先生の合図をみて演奏していました。ランチの後はみんなで北風公園に行き、雪遊びやミカン探しゲームを楽しみました。明日は観劇の日です♪みんなでたくさん楽しみましょうね☆
  • 2022.02.07Today’s Elephant Class

    Today in Elephant Class we had fun indoors. We were hoping to play outside in the snow but it snowed so much over the weekend and it was very deep. Instead, we staying inside and practiced our new morning meeting and played a fun English game. The children took turns flipping over rocks to find “mommy”, “daddy”, and “baby” fish. But a shark was hiding too. When they found a shark we had to run or swim away. After all, we found out that the shark wasn’t scary and he just wanted to dance. So we danced to “Baby Shark”. The children had so much fun! See you on Thursday.
  • 2022.02.03豆まき
