2022.03.02Class 8 and Class 9 English Open Class
Today, Class 8 and Class 9 had their English Open Classes. We received a letter from the athletes at the Beijing Paralympics. They needed the children’s assistance to get new items to help them to compete at skiing, ice hockey and snowboarding. The children of both classes did a fantastic job asking each other, “What does he/she need?” and “Where is he/she from?” before finding the correct equipment to put into the Amazon box, to be sent to China! Everyone did a fantastic job helping the athletes at the Beijing Paralympics and to work in teams to spell different 3 letter words. Well done everyone, you all tried so hard and spoke with great confidence! -
2022.03.01Elephant Class Mini Performance
Today in Elephant Class the children had their mini performance and their parents came to watch! Everyone dressed up as super-cute red, blue, or yellow fish and did so well. The children could say “I’m here”, “I’m happy”, and sing “Here I am, here I am, how do you?” with confidence. They did so well dancing and playing bells along to “Under the Sea” too. Thank you to all the parents who came today and we hope you enjoyed the show. All the children did an excellent job! -
2022.02.28Birthday Party and Elephant Class
Today was the Birthday Party. First, the children who did well at various art contest received their awards. It was pleasing to see so many wonderful pictures and creativity from the children. Next was the February Birthday Party. After counting this months birthday children they could all say their names in a big voice and showed a lot of confidence in front of everyone. Everyone sang Happy Birthday to them and gave them their presents. Next was a musical performance from the Intermediate teachers. They introduced the instruments used today. These included hand bells, a marimba and a saxophone. They performed to a BTS track and finished with a rendition of Happy Birthday. Once again congratulations to this months birthday friends.
Today in Elephant Class the children had a mini performance in front of their parents. They dressed up as cute red, yellow, and blue fish and did so well. They could sing, dance, and play bells together. We were so impressed by the children’s performance and how much they’ve grown over the year. To the parents, thank you so much for coming today and thank you for your support all year!
2022.02.25俳句会/ Immersion Day
今日は、スタンダードクラスのClass 6・Class 8・Class 9が集まって、俳句会を行いました。日頃からクラスで取り組んでいる俳句活動。年中組は同じ文字から始まる言葉をつなげてつくる「あいうえお俳句」の創作に親しみ、今回は2つのグループに分かれて考えたオリジナルの俳句について、どんなことをイメージしたのかを絵に描いて発表を行いました。年長組は「五・七・五」からなる俳句を一人ひとりが考え、Class 8は『冬の季語』、Class 9は『春の季語』を入れた俳句を各クラス3名ずつが発表してくれました。どの俳句も、子どもらしい視点や発想が存分に発揮された作品ばかりで、「筋肉なんて面白いね」「クリスマスだから冬なんだ」などと、それぞれの俳句にお子さま達も興味津々。今後も俳句活動を通して日本語の面白さに気づいたり、初めて聞く言葉に興味をもつきっかけになれるよう取り組んでいきたいと思っております。
The immersion classes had a lot of fun together in Immersion Day. We all started off with the Intermediate/Senior exercise before splitting up into two groups. The Junior friends worked really hard to learn the new exercise. Class 5 presented how they have been learning about many foods from around the world and the countries they are from. The children in class 5 did a great job at matching the flashcards on the board. Class 2 showed the other friends their “continents zoo.” The friends watching asked questions while Class 2 said what animals they were holding and the continents they are from. Class 7 presented what they wanted to be in the future. They showed poster they made of different occupations. Next, they went into the time machine to change into their future selves. Class 4 presented flying things and world food. It was very pleasing to see children describing things that they had made. Well done to all the children who participated in today’s Immersion Day.2022.02.24Today’s Class 1
Today in Class 1 we had lots of fun with a Physical Activity lead by the swimming instructors. We learnt to move our bodies to the music to replicate the actions needed to swim. It was great fun! We then had our last Numbers Activity of the year, followed by a trip in the sun to Kitakaze Park. After lunch we had a long playtime with Mr. Andy, before heading home. Well done today everyone!2022.02.22Today’s Elephant Class
Today Elephant Class had so much fun going shopping with Classes 1, 2, and 3. The junior children made shops selling lollipops, ice cream cones, masks, necklaces, cotton candy, and maracas. They worked so hard to make items, prepare the money, and show Elephant friends how to go shopping like big kids. They held he Elephant Class children’s hands and together the children walked around to each shop and get all 6 items. They could say “I want this one,” to the shopkeepers and receive each item. Fantastic job Elephant Class and Thank you so much to Classes 1, 2, and 3!2022.02.21Today’s Elephant Class
Today Elephant Class had so much fun going shopping with our Junior friends. Classes 1, 2, and 3 made shops and sold lollipops, ice cream cones, masks, necklaces, cotton candy, and maracas. They did such a good job making the items, preparing the money, and showing Elephant friends how to go shopping like big kids. The Elephant Class children could walk around to each shop and get all 6 items by saying “I want this one,” to the shopkeepers. Great job Elephant Class and Thank you so much to Classes 1, 2, and 3!2022.02.21Today’s Class 6 English Open Lesson
Today in Class 6 we helped surprise our friends Finn and Fiona by moving things we helped them choose to complete their house! All Class 6 friends could play musical chairs and help move one item from the delivery trucks into the correct room. We showed Finn and Fiona who were so happy they gave us all a friendship ribbon.2022.02.18Today’s Class 2 & Class 3 English Open Lesson
Today was another special challenge from Mr. Zookeeper for Class 2. The animals in the zoo had run away again! This time they ran all the way to the forest and hid behind trees and grass. Class 2 did an excellent job finding the animals and flying them back to the zoo in their jump rope airplanes. Everyone did their best at speaking the English phrases such as: “What is it?” and “Where is it from?” The children had the most fun becoming pilots and wearing special hats as they flew in their jump rope airplanes. When all the animals were safely back in the zoo, Mr. Zookeeper was so happy that class 2 helped him out. Class 2 might even get a chance to help him again sometime!2022.02.17Class 4 and 5 Open Class
Today was the final Mr. Delivery challenge for Class 4. We started off by singing the children of the world song and moved into a phonics challenge. This challenge involved putting puzzles together to spell three letter words. Everyone did a great job at this and could present their words to the class. Class 4 gave this box to Mr. Delivery and received toppings to put on their food to send to other countries who didn’t have food. After all the toppings were put on the food we set up Mr. Delivery’s shipping center to put the food in boxes and send them to other countries. Everyone did a great job speaking to each other and putting the items in the correct countries. Class 4 really enjoyed this topic and were so happy to get a final present box from Mr. Delivery! Well done Class 4!
Class 5 did a wonderful job today doing their Open Class today. The box that held all of the ingredients that we collected to make a worldwide lunch was locked, and the children did a phonics challenge to get the code to open it. But inside the box, Curious George had eaten all the ingredients! To get more, we went to the International Market, and chose new items based on shopping lists we found. Children found the items on their list by identifying what country it comes from and finding the correct flag. Once everyone had their ingredients we put them on the pizza and fruit salad. Children could also find the different countries on the world map. Everyone had a great time and used lots of English today!