  • 2022.04.19Elephant Class Opening Ceremony

    今日はElephant Class(火金)のOpening Ceremonyでした!お父さまやお母さまと一緒に少し緊張した様子で登園したお子さま達。Morning meetingが始まると、お天気のダンスを一生懸命したり、名前を呼ばれると嬉しそうにタンバリンをたたく様子がとても可愛らしかったです。金曜日からも元気なElephant Classのお子さま達に会えることを楽しみに待っています!

  • 2022.04.18Elephant Class Opening Ceremony

    今日はElephant Class(月木)のOpening Ceremonyでした!初めてのお部屋や先生達に少し緊張した表情のお子さま達でしたが、おもちゃを見つけると夢中になって遊び始めていましたね!Morning Meetingでは、お名前を呼ばれると「I’m here」とタンバリンをたたいたり、スティッカーブックを受け取ると嬉しそうにめくる姿がとても可愛らしかったです。これからElephant Classでたくさん遊んで楽しい思い出をつくりましょうね!木曜日も元気なお子さま達に会うことを楽しみにしています!
  • 2022.04.15Today’s Class 5

    Today was a lot of fun! We started our day with exercise with both intermediate friends and senior friends combined and we did the robot dance. After that we introduced the schedule for the day and dove straight into our English alphabet writing worksheet, which everyone was very excited for and completed perfectly! After that we finished our carp craft from yesterday by glueing our colourful stripes and adding an eye and a mouth. From here, we enjoyed lunch time together and followed lunch up with playtime, a book time story and our goodbye meeting for the day, where we reviewed today’s schedule and what we will on Monday.
    Thank you everyone for a great day, we look forward to seeing you on Monday! See you!
  • 2022.04.14Today’s Class 4

    Today was a lot of fun in Class 4. First we started the day with open play time on the first floor. Everyone had a lot of fun playing with their friends not only from Class 4 but from other classes as well. This was followed by exercise and a morning meeting. After that we got a letter from the ABC King and ABC Queen. They had a challenge for the children of Class 4. It was a writing challenge where the children wrote the letter A and they received a special crown for completing the challenge. We also did a craft for children’s day. Everyone did very well at using a magic paint techniques to make beautiful patterns for their carp headbands. After that we played the hiding game and had the first school lunch of the new year. Well done Class 4! Everyone is looking forward to seeing the Easter Bunny tomorrow!
  • 2022.04.13Today’s Class 3

    In today’s class 3, we had our third day at IYK. Being the third time to do the morning meeting, everyone did a terrific job. Many of the children have adjusted to singing the Good Morning song with the words and actions. Class 3 was also introduced to clay today. After the children received a present from Ray the rabbit, many friends tried making fun objects using their imaginations. Everyone has also started to play together as friends during Discovery Time.
  • 2022.04.12Today’s Class 2

    Class 2 children had lots of fun today. It was only our second day, but many friends are already learning some of the daily routines. After Discovery Time with Class 1, we cleaned up and exercised together. Then it was back to the classroom, where there was a letter from Mr. Panda. He gave the children some donuts to colour in with their new crayons. We found the crayons in a shiny box on the piano. Everyone did a great job colouring in their donuts. Before we knew it, it was time for a story book and the Goodbye Meeting. We all had a great day! See your tomorrow everyone!
  • 2022.04.11Today’s Class 1

    Today in Class 1 it was the first day of the school year. Some of the children were nervous but started to have fun after playing with new toys and making new friends during Discovery Time. We did Junior exercise time with Class 2 and Class 3 and all the children in Class 1 had a lot of fun doing the baby bot dance. After this we did our first Morning Meeting and all the children could get their first sticker in their sticker books. Next we did Physical Time where the students jumped off a box and balanced on a thin bar, all the Class 1 children did so well and had big smiles on their faces. We then went to the toilet for the first time and the children learnt how to wash their hands. We then read the Very Hungry Caterpillar and got ready to go home. Once we had done the Goodbye Meeting and sung the Goodbye Song it was time to get on the bus or go to the gate to get picked up. Class 1 had lots of fun during their first day at the kindergarten and are excited to see what will happen tomorrow.
  • 2022.04.10入園式

    本日、令和4年度の入園式が行われました。初めての園生活に期待を膨らませながら、お父さまやお母さまに手を引かれて登園してきた、かわいいお子さま達。少し緊張した様子で、担任の先生に名札を付けてもらい、小さな椅子に座って、副園長先生のお話や年少組の担任の先生の話を聞きました。「同じバッジだ!」「Mr. Ianだって!」と興味津々で話を聞きながら明日からの幼稚園での生活を楽しみにしていましたよ!そして、クラスごとに撮影した集合写真はみんな上手にカメラのレンズを見て撮ることができました。 帰りには、「明日待ってるからね!」と担任の先生に声をかけられ、ニコニコ笑顔を見せてくれたお子さま達。いよいよ新しい環境での生活がスタートします! どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。
  • 2022.04.08始業式

    令和4年度の新学期がスタートしました。「どの先生になるのかな?」「どこの部屋になるのかな?」とワクワクしながら登園してきたお子さま達。登園すると、担任の先生がお部屋で出迎えてくれ、一人ひとりに名札を付けてくれました。始業式には、一つお兄さんお姉さんの学年になった喜びを感じながら参加していましたよ。お部屋では、新しいSticker bookをもらったり、担任の先生の自己紹介を聞いたりしながら、過ごした1日目。自分のロッカーや靴箱、スモックかけなども全て新しい場所になったので、たくさんの名前の中から自分の名前を一生懸命に見つけていました。また、年中、年長組になるとどんな活動があるか担任の先生が話し始めると興味津々で聞き入っていたお子さま達。これからの園生活への期待を高めていまいた。来週からは、新たに年少組も加わり本格的な教育活動がスタートします。今年度もどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。
  • 2022.03.14Closing Celemony
