  • 2022.03.11文字かずChallenge(年少)

  • 2022.03.10Farewell Party

      今日は、年長組と年中組・年少組のお子さま達が集まって過ごすFarewell Partyを行いました。イマージョンクラス、スタンダードクラスに分かれ、じゃんけん列車やナンバーゲーム、友達かくれんぼなど様々なゲームを通して、学年の違う友達と触れ合い、みんなで遊ぶ楽しさを思う存分味わっていたお子さま達。ゲームの後には、今までたくさんお世話をしてくれたり、色々なことに一生懸命頑張るかっこいい姿を見せてくれた年長組のお兄さんお姉さんにありがとうの気持ちを込めて、年中組・年少組が力を合わせてつくった特別なメダルをサプライズプレゼント!年長組のみなさん、これからも友達に優しく、何事にも前向きに取り組むお兄さんお姉さんでいて下さいね!メダルのパワーで小学校にいっても頑張って下さい!幼稚園のみんなで応援しています。
  • 2022.03.09Intermediate文字かずChallenge



  • 2022.03.09Today’s Bear Class

    Bear Class today was special and we had so much fun! We had our last English activity as well as our Closing Ceremony. The children could each ask “May I have a flower please?” and gave it to their mothers. When they did so, they could all say “I love you!” We danced together too! After that, the children received Certificates of Completion from the vice principal. Everyone did such a good job and there were lots of smiles all day. We’ll really miss seeing everyone but we’re so happy to see the children growing up. Best of luck next year in Juniors!
  • 2022.03.08Today’s Elephant Class

    Today’s Elephant Class friends had their Closing Ceremony. All the children looked so nice and happy. They could all receive a special Certificate of Completion for trying hard all year. We took photos together and gave each other lots of high fives. We had a wonderful year and thank you parents for all your support. We’ll surely miss everyone but we’re looking forward to seeing the children back at IYK in April when they become Juniors in Class 1, 2, or 3. Please have a safe and fun spring vacation.
  • 2022.03.07Art Awards and March Birthday Party

    Today was a very special day. We not only had the birthday party for children born in March, but we also had an award ceremony for many children whose artwork had been recognized for being especially outstanding. The children stood nicely and showed their pictures, then received their certificates. Then it was time for the birthday fun. All the March birthday friends came to the front. After counting all the children, they could all say their names in a nice big voice, then tell us how old they were. After singing the Happy Birthday song and receiving their presents, we had a special play. Mr. Chef was baking some treats but needed help to open the oven. He called many friends to help him, and by using teamwork, they were able to get their cookies with a special birthday message. Thank you to everyone for a great day!
  • 2022.03.07Today’s Elephant Class

    Thank you Elephant Class friends and parents for attending today’s Closing Ceremony! It was so nice to see all the children dressed up nicely to receive their certificates of completion. We had such a fun year and the children have grown up so much. Some friends were shy today but we’re sure parents could notice how much they’ve changed since last April. We’ll miss everyone but we look forward to welcoming them back to IYK as Juniors. Great job today everyone and please have a safe and fun spring vacation!
  • 2022.03.04Class 1 English Open Lesson

    Today was Class 1’s English Open Lesson and the children all did a fantastic job. We received another letter from Mr. Zookeeper asking for our help to catch some new animals for his zoo. The children took planes to the forest to get an animal, then used the target language very well in front of the class, “It’s a crocodile” and “It’s from Australasia” before putting their animals into the correct continent enclosure. Well done everyone, you all did so nicely.
  • 2022.03.03Physical Activity by swimming teachers

    2月24日(木)と3月3日(木)にいつもSwimming lessonを担当しているサンプラザスイミングのコーチが泳ぎ方の動きを取り入れた運動教室を各クラスで行って下さいました。3学期は新型コロナウイルス感染予防のため、残念ながらSwimming lessonが中止になり、それにかわってクラスでできることはないかと、二人のコーチが子ども達に考えてくれた運動教室。音楽に合わせて体を動かしますが、バタ足につながる足の動かし方、クロールにつながる腕の動かし方など様々動きが次々と出てきて、お子さま達は楽しみながらも自然とその動きを習得しているようでした。年長組は残念ながら最後のレッスンになりましたが、ぜひ幼稚園で経験したSwimming楽しい!の気持ちを小学校でも活かしてほしいと願っております。
  • 2022.03.03Today’s Class 2

    The park was a little bit icy today, but it was perfect conditions for sledding! Many friends could slide very far down the hill because the slope was so slippery! Everyone was eager to take a nice class photo before heading back to IYK. Class 2 also enjoyed a fun craft making paper plate seesaws. Everyone colored their paper plates with colorful patterns and pictures. It was so fun to watch them rock on the tables! For today’s English Activity, we enjoyed helping Mr. Zookeeper one last time. Class 2 did a great job putting the animals in his new zoo.