2022.06.20Today’s Intermediate Class
2022.06.17Junior Open Class
Today was the Junior Open Class day. Class 1 had lots of fun having Mummies and Daddies come and watch an English Activity today at IYK. We started by singing the ABC song and then playing a phonics quiz with words beginning with M. After that we then went to Fruit Wonderland and were greeted with a surprise visit from the Fruit Wizard. Class 1 friends have been receiving letters from the Fruit Wizard this month helping us learn about different types of fruit. In today’s activity he showed us his magic fruit machine. Class 1 friends put the fruit they took from the Fruit Wonderland into the fruit machine, said the magic words and then the fruit changed into juice. Once we received our juice we sang the juice song together. Everyone had lots of fun meeting the fruit wizard and did a great job today. We would like to say thank you to the parents who attended today and also for their continued support!
Class 2 had lots of fun showing off their English skills to their Mommies and Daddies. Everyone sang the ABC song together, then called out lots of words that start with the letter ‘J.’ This month Class 2 friends have been learning about many kinds of fruits, and also enjoyed reading the story book, ‘Millie the Millipede.’ We received a letter that Millie was coming to IYK today, but when she got here, she was very sad because she wanted to be a colorful rainbow. We decided to give her some fruit candy that they went shopping for yesterday. All the children were able to ask Millie what she wanted, then ask Mr. Ian for the same flavour candy. Once everyone had a candy, Millie called them up and the children fed her the candies one by one to make her a colorful rainbow. She was so happy, and everyone say together. All of the children did a wonderful job today. We would also like to say a big thank you to all of the parents who joined us today. Thank you for your support!
Class 3 did a terrific job in today’s English Activity! Everyone was excited that their parents would be visiting and could speak the English really well. We began with a short phonics time. The children sang the ABC song and had a review of the letter ‘j’. The children could say the vocabulary very well, and everyone knew what the hidden word was in the game we played! The children had been anticipating Clifford’s arrival for days. They even had a fruit basket ready for him as a special present, but the basket was empty! The children were introduced to Mr. Fruit, a character who sells fruit from his colorful basket. Everyone used the special Mr. Fruit coupons to buy fruit for Clifford’s fruit basket. When Clifford finally appeared, the children could all tell him ‘Here you are!’ Thank you very much to all of the parents who came to support their children by watching the Activity. -
2022.06.16Intermediate Open Class
Today was Open Class for Class 4. Mr. Tornado had made the ocean dirty and blown everyone’s parachutes away so Class 4 was very excited to help the Earth Ninja. We started off singing “The Bear went over the mountain” and did some E.C.T asking each other about fruits and preferences. This was followed by a phonics challenge where the children got letters from the alphabet and match them with the correct starting of words. After that Mr. Tornado revealed himself and we went to the ocean to clean up the rubbish and recycle it in the correct box. All the children did a good job using a nice voice to recycle the items correctly. The sea turtle found the parachutes and gave them back to Class 4. Once again thank you to all the parents who could come watch today. Well done Class 4!Today was an exciting day for Class 5. We had a special lesson where our Mummies and Daddies came to watch. We started by singing the July song ‘The Bear Went Over the Mountain’. Next we had English Conversation Time (E.C.T), where we practiced June’s question about which fruits we like and dislike – Class 5 used very big voices today for E.C.T! After E.C.T, we had phonics where we reviewed the letters G/ H/ I/ J as well as some vocabulary, which we then used to play the ‘missing letter game’! Finally, we received a letter from Super Ranger that Dirty Dinosaur was close by and he needed our help to clean up the park. So we put on our Super Ranger headbands and ran through our obstacle course. At the end of the obstacle course we collected one piece of trash each and put it in the correct trash boxes so that we can recycle and create new things. Everyone managed to help Super Ranger clean up the park and defeat Dirty Dinosaur. Thank you very much to all the parents that came to watch today, see you next time. Good job Class 5!本日はお忙しい中、Class 6のOpen Classにお越しいただきありがとうございました。お子さま達は、大好きな友達『ぴかぶー』と『らっきー』からの手紙を読んで、『ばにーすたー』のバースデーケーキをデコレーションするためにMissionに挑戦しました。アイテムを集めるのに夢中で、カードに書かれた数よりも沢山バスケットに入れてしまうチームもありましたが、「水色混ざってるよ!」「ちょっと多すぎるんじゃない?」などと応援している友達がヒントを出してくれたり、集めたアイテムのColorと数が正しいかどうかを声に出して数えて確かめたりと、Class 6全員で協力しながら無事にケーキを完成させることができましたよ。すると、バースデーケーキを見て喜んだばにーすたーから『Best friendメダル』のプレゼントが届き、お子さま達は大喜び!ばにーすたーからのリクエストの「小さな世界」を元気いっぱい歌って、バースデーパーティーは大成功しました。大好きなお母さま達の前でMissionに挑戦したり、歌ったりすることにちょっぴりドキドキするお子さまの姿も見られましたが、お部屋に戻ってからは、「メダル大事にするね!」「Open Class楽しかった!」と達成感でいっぱいのお子さま達でした。 -
2022.06.15Today’s Bear Class
Bear Class had a fun and active time today when we did an activity with colors. The children did really well remembering “red”, “yellow”, “blue”, and “green” and could ask “Candy please?” to get colored candy for Mr. Elephant. The children had lots of fun jumping over our obstacle course too. Great job everyone and see you next week! -
2022.06.14Senior Open Class
Today was the Senior Open Class day. Class 7 received 3 space challenges from Captain Planet to be able to get their ‘Space Ranger’ badges. They could all put the planets in order of size, from biggest to smallest, as well as arrange them by temperature, ordering them from hottest to coldest. The final challenge was to play a special Top Trumps card game together. Everyone could overcome their nerves to be able to speak in front of their parents and use large, confident voices to complete the challenges. Great job everyone and thank you to all of the parents that visited today to show support for your children.
Class 8 went to space in another exciting English activity with Doctor Planet!
Last week, all planets disappeared into a black hole, so Class 8 learned about planets and created new ones using what they had learned. Today, students traveled to space with them! Once we arrived in space, Class 8 gave fantastic presentations to the class and parents. Students were able to use phrases like “It has” as well as “It’s bigger than ___” in order to describe their wonderful planets.
Doctor Planet was so pleased, he may ask for more help from Class 8! Well done everyone and thank you to the parents who visited to support their children today.
Class 9の参観日は、俳句のチャレンジに挑戦しました。みんなの俳句の実力を試すためのチャレンジを届けてくれる魔女のハイックさんからの手紙で、いつも詠んでいる俳句の季語がバラバラになってしまったことを知ったお子さま達。みんなでバラバラになった季語を探す時には、暗号を解くためのヒントを考えてアイディアを出す姿が見られました。有名な俳人をよく知っているみんなは、季語が隠されているBOXも軽々開けることができましたね!
グループの友達と話し合いながら季語を取り戻し、元気に発表してくれた9組さんでした。明日からは、ハイックさんがプレゼントしてくれた夏の俳句を詠みます。どんな言葉が出てくるのか、楽しみにしていてくださいね! -
2022.06.13Today’s Elephant Class
Today’s Elephant Class was really, really fun! It’s just the second week of children coming for full days by themselves but they all did such a good job. We could play lots together, have fun in English, and eat school lunch. For today’s English activity, the children went looking for apples. When they found a big apple tree they could ask, “Apple, please?” and get it. Many children were excited to hold the apples and pretended to eat them enthusiastically. As the children continue to get more comfortable, we can have more and more fun and see lots of smiles. Good job everyone! See you on Thursday. -
2022.06.10Today’s Class 9♩
今日は日本で初めて時計による知らせが行われたことを記念して制定された「時の記念日」。9組さんでは、時計をつくる製作を行いました。”時計のうた”を歌うと「大人の針は足が速いんだね!」「子どもの針はゆっくり歩いててかわいいね!」などとイメージを広げて楽しんでいたお子さま達。みんなで時計の文字盤に数字を書く時には、時計の針がどちらの方向に進んでいくのか考えながら書く姿が見られました。また、折り紙や星のシールで飾り付けした時計が完成すると、「今は永い針が11で、短い針が5だ!」と針をセットしたり、「寝る時間何時にしようかな?」と、友達と時間を考えたりしながら遊んでいたClass 9です。午後からは毎週楽しみにしているグループ活動!それぞれの場所で、レベルアップを目指して一生懸命に練習していましたよ。来週の月曜日は、俳句が大好きなお友達からチャレンジが届く予定です!みんなで協力して、クリアを目指しましょうね! -
2022.06.09Today’s Class 7
Today in Class 7 we had swimming. It was so impressive to see the children’s confidence and to see them challenge themselves to improve their swimming abilities. After getting dry, we had English Conversation Time, followed by today’s yummy noodle and dumpling lunch. Before going home we had time for a Japanese book and short discussion about the overnight stay coming up towards the end of the month, ‘Adventure Quest’. Fantastic job today everyone. -
2022.06.08Today’s Class 6
今日のClass 6は、仲良しの友達と一緒に色々な活動を行いました!最近クラスで1番人気の「あぶくたった煮え立った」のわらべうた遊びでは、お鍋になった友達を「むしゃむしゃむしゃ」と味見したり、晩御飯やお風呂に入るジェスチャーが面白くていつも大笑いのお子さま達。「もう1回やろう!」と夢中になって遊んでいました。『ぴかぶー』が準備してくれた「数プリント」は、今日から穴埋め表にレベルアップ!空欄に当てはまる数字は何かをよく考えながら真剣に取り組んでいましたよ。ハンドベルの曲は、『かえるのうた』をクリアしたので『メリーさんのひつじ』に挑戦中♪音名で歌うことも上手なClass 6のお子さま達は、すぐにこのメロディーが大好きになり、とっても楽しそうに演奏することができました。 -
2022.06.07Today’s Class 5
We had a great time today in Class 5! We started the day with swimming, every week the children get more skilled at swimming and really enjoy every lesson. After that we came back upstairs and finished part 2 of our Father’s Day craft activity – we are making Father’s Day belts. When we finished our craft activity we got ready for a big lunch of chicken nuggets to get our energy back and enjoyed playing together, solving puzzles, drawing and building with lego.