  • 2022.07.08Today’s Senior

  • 2022.07.07Today’s Class 4

    Today was a lot of fun in Class 4. We started the day with a trip to the park where we could play games such as Shark in the Park and tag. After that, we attended to our green peppers in the garden by giving them water. Class 4 is enjoying the topic on maps and has learned a lot about where different countries are around the world. Today we could find New Zealand and Japan. This was followed by a number game, making a greeting card and a yummy lunch. Class 4 is looking forward to a happy Friday tomorrow.
  • 2022.07.06Today’s Class 3

    In Class 3 today, we had a really fun Music Lesson with Yasue-sensei. We used different types of percussion to join along with the fun music. The children especially enjoyed using the colorful bells. Many of the children did an excellent job at keeping up with the music’s rhythm. Like every Wednesday, everyone brought their own lunch box to kindergarten today. The children love to open their lunch boxes and see what’s inside! Today, we were able to finger paint and color some fish for Summer Greeting Cards. Everyone had lots of fun feeling the texture of the paint with their fingers.
  • 2022.07.05Immersion Fun Game Day

    Today was ‘Immersion Fun Game Day’ for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8. It was the first time for the children of different grades to get together and play with each other! The children were split into 3 teams, led by Mr. Ian & Mr. Jeff, Mr. Johnny & Mr. Andy and Mr. Ethan & Mr. Chris. The children could enjoy playing 3 fun games, fruit basket, where the children had to rush to the empty chairs depending on which fruit they had on the necklaces, “We have kiwi and banana”. A ‘Phonics Relay Race’ where in pairs, the children had to identify the correct letter of the alphabet and race to put it back on the ABC board. Finally, the children listened to descriptions of animals and had to guess the correct answer in a ‘Corners Game’. Everyone did a fantastic job, working in pairs, listening carefully to all the English directions and having fun together with new friends! Well done Immersion friends!
  • 2022.07.04Emergency Drill

  • 2022.07.01夏の交通安全指導/Today’s Senior


     今日は年長組のGroup Activiyが行われました。一輪車グループはバーに捕まりながら進む練習を行い、みんな真剣に取り組んでいました。うまくいかずに道路に足がついてしまっても「もう一回!」と諦めない姿がありました。縄跳びグループはこれまで取り組んできた走り跳びや片足跳びに加え、新たに左右開脚跳びと前後開脚跳びに挑戦しました!また発表会に向けての音楽決めの話し合いも行われ、みんなに縄跳びを披露することに期待が膨らんでいた様子でした。竹馬グループは、たくさん長い距離を進みたいという目標をもって何度も何度も取り組んでいました。最後には今日の頑張った証のシールをカードに貼り、達成感を味わっていたお子さま達でした。


  • 2022.06.30Today’s Senior Zoo Trip

    Today the Senior children went to Maruyama Zoo! This was the children’s first time in 2 years to go to the zoo and everyone was very excited. We walked all around the zoo, watching the Monkeys, Elephants, Bear, Seals, Flamingos, Red Panda, Giraffes, Kangaroos and more! The 3 classes did a fantastic job, comparing sizes, looking closely at the colours and features of all the animals. Great job Senior friends!
  • 2022.06.29Today’s Class 2

    Class 2 had lots of fun today. After everyone arrived and put away their bags and water bottles, we had Discovery Time together. After cleaning up, it was time for exercise to limber up, then on to Phonics Time. Many friends took turns pointing to the letters on the ABC board while the class sang the song. We then practiced drawing circles in our line writing books. For today’s English activity, all 3 Junior classes got together to do a science experiment. We learned about sinking and floating, and then the children guessed what different fruits would do. We then put peeled fruits in and there were some real surprises! It was lots of fun and everyone used lots of English. Before we knew it, it was time to say goodbye. See you tomorrow, everyone!
  • 2022.06.28June’s Birthday Party

    Today was the June Birthday Party and we welcomed 9 birthday friends for this month and 1 friend whose birthday was in May. The children all did a fantastic job telling everyone their names and ages, before we sang the Birthday Song and gave them the presents their classmates had made. After the birthday party, we were treated to a short musical concert from the IYK teachers. First was a guitar and piano rendition of ‘Let it go’ from the Disney movie, Frozen. Next up, the Japanese teachers played ‘Part of Your World’ from Little Mermaid with the handbells. The final song was ‘Under the Sea’ also from the Disney movie Little Mermaid and was played on piano, melodeons and various percussion by all of the IYK Homeroom Teachers. We hope everyone enjoyed today’s birthday party and we look forward to July’s party.
  • 2022.06.27動物園(年少)・体育教室(年中)

