Today was Open Class for Class 4. Mr. Tornado had made the ocean dirty and blown everyone’s parachutes away so Class 4 was very excited to help the Earth Ninja. We started off singing “The Bear went over the mountain” and did some E.C.T asking each other about fruits and preferences. This was followed by a phonics challenge where the children got letters from the alphabet and match them with the correct starting of words. After that Mr. Tornado revealed himself and we went to the ocean to clean up the rubbish and recycle it in the correct box. All the children did a good job using a nice voice to recycle the items correctly. The sea turtle found the parachutes and gave them back to Class 4. Once again thank you to all the parents who could come watch today. Well done Class 4!
Today was an exciting day for Class 5. We had a special lesson where our Mummies and Daddies came to watch. We started by singing the July song ‘The Bear Went Over the Mountain’. Next we had English Conversation Time (E.C.T), where we practiced June’s question about which fruits we like and dislike – Class 5 used very big voices today for E.C.T! After E.C.T, we had phonics where we reviewed the letters G/ H/ I/ J as well as some vocabulary, which we then used to play the ‘missing letter game’! Finally, we received a letter from Super Ranger that Dirty Dinosaur was close by and he needed our help to clean up the park. So we put on our Super Ranger headbands and ran through our obstacle course. At the end of the obstacle course we collected one piece of trash each and put it in the correct trash boxes so that we can recycle and create new things. Everyone managed to help Super Ranger clean up the park and defeat Dirty Dinosaur. Thank you very much to all the parents that came to watch today, see you next time. Good job Class 5!
本日はお忙しい中、Class 6のOpen Classにお越しいただきありがとうございました。お子さま達は、大好きな友達『ぴかぶー』と『らっきー』からの手紙を読んで、『ばにーすたー』のバースデーケーキをデコレーションするためにMissionに挑戦しました。アイテムを集めるのに夢中で、カードに書かれた数よりも沢山バスケットに入れてしまうチームもありましたが、「水色混ざってるよ!」「ちょっと多すぎるんじゃない?」などと応援している友達がヒントを出してくれたり、集めたアイテムのColorと数が正しいかどうかを声に出して数えて確かめたりと、Class 6全員で協力しながら無事にケーキを完成させることができましたよ。すると、バースデーケーキを見て喜んだばにーすたーから『Best friendメダル』のプレゼントが届き、お子さま達は大喜び!ばにーすたーからのリクエストの「小さな世界」を元気いっぱい歌って、バースデーパーティーは大成功しました。大好きなお母さま達の前でMissionに挑戦したり、歌ったりすることにちょっぴりドキドキするお子さまの姿も見られましたが、お部屋に戻ってからは、「メダル大事にするね!」「Open Class楽しかった!」と達成感でいっぱいのお子さま達でした。