Today was a lot of fun in Class 4. We started with first floor playtime and moved on to having fun with the handbells. All the children are getting better at recognising their sounds and putting them together to make a song. Next, we had map time and today’s country was England. It was great to see the children finding it on the map. This was followed by jump rope time. Everyone is getting very good at this. Writing time is going well and we did both hiragana and the alphabet today. We had the green pepper lunch challenge and all the children passed this challenge. Well done Class 4! Everyone is looking forward to dancing tomorrow!
2022.08.23Today’s Class 4
2022.08.22Today in Class 1
Today in Class 1, we had a very busy day full of fun. We had an English Activity where we went to an aquarium and looked at different sea animals with Timothy Pope’s telescopes. We practiced writing our names on our Name Cards for the first time, and Class 1 friends did really well. Class 1 also coloured and drew tomatoes that we grew in the I.Y.K. garden, and which we ate for lunch with our spaghetti. We then received a tomato sticker for eating all of our lunch. This was put on the vegetable challenge poster on Class 1’s board and is the first step for us to complete this week’s vegetable challenge. -
2022.08.19Today’s Class 7
Today in Class 7 we had a super fun packed first full day back after the holidays! After ‘Body Measurement’ time to check how much we have grown throughout the Summer, we had E.C.T. The children did well discussing their fun adventures during the holiday, “I went to Grandma and Grandpa’s house” and “I went to the beach”. We then drew pictures of our favourite memories from our holidays and everyone showed their excellent creative skills. We then got together with Classes 8 and 9 to learn our new flag dance for the Physical Festival in September and everyone was so excited at all of the cool poses and movements! After lunch there was just enough time for English Writing time, before learning about the classes new ‘Friend of the Day’ system. It is great to see everyone back and full of energy after the holidays and ready to have a fantastic second term. Have a great weekend everyone! -
2022.08.18Opening Ceremony
2022.08.10Today’s Kids World
2022.08.09Today’s Kids World
2022.08.08Today’s Kids Wold
2022.07.29Today’s Kids World
2022.07.28Today’s Kids World
2022.07.27Today’s Kids World