Today in Class 8 we had a busy but super fun day! In the morning we had a swimming lesson, then we had a great time making Japanese karuta cards, thinking of what to draw and write by ourselves! After lunch we had enough time to play with the Hyogen Festival costumes, dressing up as many different characters. We had lots of fun and everyone did a great job today!
2022.12.06Today’s Class 8
2022.12.05Today in Class 5
Today was a great day in Class 5! We had swimming lessons with Class 4 and Class 6 which is always fun, and the children always really enjoy being in the pool. Today the children built their confidence lying on their backs, jumping gaps and using floats correctly. As well as today’s swimming lesson we also began to make our Christmas craft for this year – this year we are making a Christmas stocking! Class 5 barely needs any help anymore with their crafts anymore, they are becoming much more independent and capable. After our swimming and craft lessons we enjoyed a delicious lunch of teriyaki chicken! After we all finished, we enjoyed playing many different games during Discovery Time. Well done today Class 5, see you tomorrow! -
2022.12.02Today’s Class 4
Today was a lot of fun in Class 4. We started the day with morning playtime and read the new Christmas letter. Today Santa Claus was in Mexico and he is looking forward to going to many countries around the world. This was followed by another letter from Dr.Grapes who had a challenge for the children. Everyone had a very good time identifying the different organs of the body. After that we did some jump rope and drew pictures of train tracks. The children really enjoyed their lunch boxes and I am sure they will be full of energy to come back to Kindergarten next week. Good job Class 4! -
2022.12.01Today’s Elephant Class
Today the Elephant Class children had so much fun helping make a zoo! The children could dance to “Do the Monkey” and then they found animals that were hiding. One by one the children could come up and say “elephant” or “It’s an elephant” and go through the Zoo Gate. Then, they could match the correct animals to the correct habitat. The tigers, monkeys, and elephants were all together and happy. Great job! Please stay warm and enjoy the first snow of the year. -
2022.11.30Today’s Bear Class
Today in Bear Class we had so much fun helping take animals to the zoo. The children could guess the animals and say, for example “It’s an elephant.” They could each find an animal before taking it to the zoo all by themselves. They told the zookeeper’s helper what animal they had and went through the Zoo Gate. Then they could put the animal in the correct habitat. The monkeys played with the monkeys, the elephants ran with the elephants, and the tigers roared with the tigers. Great job, everyone! See you in December. -
2022.11.29November Birthday Party
Today was the November Birthday party. It was great to see all the birthday children using a big voice and doing their best today. After the birthday sing was sung and the presents were given, we had a visit from our friend Timothy Pope who was looking in the park. He asked the children if they could help him look for things in the park by using his telescope. At first something that looked like a shark fin appeared, but it was just Timothys’ father. Another fin appeared but it was an ice-cream. Finally, a real fin appeared which was actually a shark. After all, the shark was hungry, and the new friends looked together to find a birthday cake. Once again, a big congratulations to all the November birthday children! -
2022.11.27Hyogen Festival Day 2
今日はHyogen Festivalの二日目で、Class 2, Class 4, Class 6, Class 7が発表をしました。発表に向けて、クラスで毎日練習してきたお子さま達。登園時には、少し緊張した顔や、「早く見て欲しい!」とステージに立つことを楽しみにする笑顔など、いろいろな表情が見られましたが、クラスで教師に「これから本番だよ!」と声をかけられると、みんなのやる気は十分。ステージで、一人一人のお子さまが自分の力を発揮して、笑顔いっぱいの発表を披露する姿が見られました。どのクラスも、本番が一番素敵なステージでしたよ!発表を頑張った皆さんに大きな拍手を送ります!
日々の練習の成果を本番で発揮できたことは、お子さま達の大きな自信につながったと思います。これからも、みんなでいろいろなことに挑戦しましょうね!見にきてくださったご家族の皆様、たくさんのご協力とご声援をありがとうございました。 -
2022.11.26Hyogen Festival
今日はHyogen Festivalの1日目で、Class 1・Class 3・Class 5・Class 8・Class 9の発表が行われました。約1ヶ月間、クラスで取り組んできたMusicやEnglish Playをご家族の方々に見ていただく日を、カウントダウンしながら楽しみにしてきたお子さま達。いつもと違う雰囲気にソワソワしたり、少し緊張気味のお子さまも見られましたが、「お客さまに伝わるように元気よく話す!」「かっこいい所を見てもらう!」と、自信をもって堂々と演じる姿が見られ、どのクラスも今までで1番素敵なステージになりました。発表を頑張ったみなさん、お疲れ様でした!明日のHyogen Festivalのお友達も、みんなで頑張りましょう! -
2022.11.24Hyogen Festival Rehearsal3
今日はHyogen Festival Rehearsalの最終日でした。3日目は、Class2、Class6、Class7のお子さま達がステージMusicとEnglish Play、オペレッタの発表を行いました。Class2のEnglish Playは”The Little Red Hen”を披露し、メンドリや犬、猫、カモなどの動物になりきって歌や踊りを楽しんでいる姿がとても可愛らしかったです。Class6は、クラスで気持ちをひとつにしながらハンドベルでキラキラ星を演奏し、太鼓やシンバル、ウッドブロックなどの様々な楽器でハイホーを合奏しました。お客さんになっていたお子さま達は、大太鼓やシンバルの迫力のある大きな音と、素敵な演奏に「すごい!!」と驚いていた様子でした。Class7は、English Playで”Beauty & Beast”を披露し、お客さんが引き込まれてしまうほど、感情豊かに表現する姿はとても年長児らしくて素晴らしかったです!今週末はいよいよ本番です。Rehearsalを終えたお子さま達は、更にステージに立つことへの期待が膨らんでいるので、本番を楽しみにしていてくださいね。 -
2022.11.22Hyogen Festival Rehearsal 2
昨日に続きHyogen FestivalのRehearsalをした今日。2日目は、Class 1・Class 5・Class 9のお子さま達がステージでMusicとEnglish Playの発表を行いました。Class 1がEnglish Playで披露したのは、 “The Three Little Pigs”。可愛らしいPigsや恐ろしいWolfなど、キラキラとした表情で役になり切り一生懸命に演じておりました。Class 5がEnglish Playで披露したのは、 “The Golden Goose” 。自分の役のキャラクターソングになると堂々と張り切って踊ったり、大きな声でEnglishを話したりと、たくましい姿を見せてくれました。Class 9がEnglish Playで披露したのは、 “Remember Me” 。お話の世界観が少し難しい劇ですが、年長組らしい表現力とEnglishで見事に演じあげ、Final Songでは素敵な歌声を響かせてくれました。お客さんだったお子さま達は「面白かった!」「私達もやってみたい!」と本日も大満足だった様子。どんどん近づくHyogen Festivalに期待で胸を膨らませるお子さま達でした。