Bear Class had so much fun today on the first day of Feburary. We started the day with play time with children only. Their parents waited while they got comfortable playing together. Bear Class is a parent and child class but since the children are almost Juniors, today was good practice for them. We made ogre masks when parents returned. The children could color their own mask and throw balls at big ogres while saying “go away!” Everyone had so much fun today!
2023.02.01Today’s Bear Class
今日は今年度5回目の避難訓練があり、幼稚園に不審者が来た時の避難の仕方を練習しました。今までの地震や火事の時とは違った放送がかかり、みんなで逃げることを事前に教師が話すと「不審者に居場所がわかったら大変だもんね!」「放送をよく聞かないと逃げ方がわからなくなっちゃうね!」と、自分なりに考える姿が見られました。今日の避難では、みんなが真剣な表情で参加しており、避難した後には「ちょっと怖かった」「緊張した」などと話すお子さまもいましたが、「今日練習したからもう不審者が来ても命を守れるよね!」と自信をもつことができたようにも見えました。これまでの避難訓練を通して、様々な災害から身を守る方法を学んできました。訓練を重ねるうちに「火事の時には大事なものをもって逃げたいけど命よりも大事なものはないからすぐに逃げなきゃね!」「命は買えないからね!」などと、自分の命を大切に感じる気持ちも大きくなったように思います。何か起きた時に落ち着いて身を守る行動ができるよう、避難訓練で学んだことを忘れずに過ごしましょうね! -
2023.01.30January’s Birthday Party
今日は、1月生まれのBirthday Partyでした。ピアノの演奏とみんなの手拍子に合わせて入場してきたお子さま達は、少し緊張していたりニコニコ笑顔だったりと様々な様子でした。質問タイムでは、自分の名前を大きな声で言ったり、何歳になったのか、自分の年齢の数を指でつくったりして元気いっぱいに答えていました。全園児の手拍子に合わせて、誕生日一人ひとりの名前を呼びながらBirthday songを歌い終わると、最後はクラスの友達からBirthday presentを受け取り、とても嬉しそうな表情を浮かべていました。そして、今月の先生達からのプレセントは、‟魔法の電子レンジ”というパネルシアター。空っぽのお皿を魔法の電子レンジに入れて歌を歌うと、不思議なことに中からオムライスやお寿司など、美味しそうなごちそうが出てくるというストーリーで、たくさんのごちそうが現れる度に、「え~!?すごい!」や、「なんでだろう?」という声がたくさん聞こえてきました。最後には、大きなお皿にのったデコレーションケーキが出てきて、みんなで1月生まれのお友達のお祝いをしました。お子さま達はパネルシアターが終わった後も、劇中の歌を口ずさみ、余韻を楽しんでいましたよ。1月生まれのお友達、Happy Birthday! -
2023.01.27English Recital Contest
Today was the English Recital Contest. Over the year the children have been enjoying different nursery rhymes. During the Winter Vacation a lot of children submitted entries to the contest and the winners were announced today. First of all, we reviewed the nursery rhymes as a Kindergarten. Next the Gold, Silver and Bronze winners came to the front to receive their certificates. The Gold prize winner from each grade presented their recital in front of their friends on the microphone. Although they were a little nervous each child could use a nice voice. Once again I would like to extend a warm thank you to all the parents who supported their children in entering the contest. Congratulations to all the winners and participants and let’s have a lot of fun in next years contest! -
2023.01.26Today’s Class 4
Tody was a lot of fun in Class 4. First we did a three letter spelling game and and some Japanese character writing. Next, we went to the park to play with the other Intermediate classes. Everyone had a great time sledding and making igloos out of snow. After that, everyone got hungry so we went back for a nice lunch and did a quick quiz about farmyard animals. well done Class 4. -
2023.01.25Today’s Class 3
In Class 3 today, we were able to accomplish many things indoors because of the bad weather. Everyone had so much fun! After the Morning Meeting and ECT, we had our first English Writing in the third term. Today, we learned how to write the letter “Ii.” Most of the children are able to confidently complete their writing sheets by themselves now after lots of practice in the second term. The children had fun using their mommy fingers to “write” the letter in the air. After English Writing, we started making some things for the Shopping Day with Elephant Class in February. Today, we made many video games for our “Video Game Shop.” The children enjoyed coloring their favorite characters and decorating the video games with colorful stickers. -
2023.01.24Today’s Class 2
Everyone had lots of fun today in Class 2. All the children are doing a great job learning to put on and take off their snow wear by themselves. After morning Discovery Time we went downstairs to the pool for our swimming lesson. Today was the first day that we got changed in the changing room by the pool, and all of Class 2 could put their clothes aways nicely. After a great time splashing around and finally getting changed, we went back to the classroom and got ready for lunch. Today was World Lunch from India, and everyone enjoyed a yummy curry. Namaste! After lunch it was time for a story and Goodbye Meeting. The day was over so quickly, but we will see everyone again tomorrow! See you! -
2023.01.23Today’s Senior
今日は年長組最後の体操教室でした。準備体操や柔軟体操の後に、跳び箱を跳ぶのに大事な動きの‟うさぎ跳び”と‟いぬあるき”を行いました。うさぎ跳びは両足を揃えて跳ぶこと、いぬはしりは両腕で自分の体重を支えながら進むことを意識して取り組みました。跳び箱に挑戦する準備がばっちりなお子さま達は、縦向きと横向きの跳び箱それぞれにチャレンジ!縦向きでは遠くの位置に手をつくこと、横向きでは両手がしっかりと跳び箱につくことを意識して取り組みました。繰り返して挑戦しているうちに、上達していることを実感して嬉しそうなお子さま達でした!最後に、‟リス魔女おにごっこ”をしました。リスはゆうか先生魔女から逃げて、ゆうか先生魔女に捕まってしまった子は両手両足を広げて木に変身し、その木なってしまった友達の足の下をリスがくぐって助けると、再び逃げることができるというルールの鬼ごっこです。お子さま達は大はしゃぎで逃げ回ったり、友達同士で足の間をくぐったりくぐられたりすることに大笑いしたり、ゆうか先生魔女に捕まってギューっとされて嬉しそうにしたりと、終始楽しんでいました!最後にゆうか先先にこれまでの感謝の気持ちを伝えて、最後の体操教室を終えました。ゆうか先先、運動の楽しさを教えて下さって、本当にありがとうございました! -
2023.01.20Today in Class 1
We hope everyone had a lovely and relaxing winter holiday. It has been very nice to see everyone’s smiles again. We had a very busy day starting off by measuring everyone’s weight and height. Then we had our first English activity of the term. Today we learnt about all the different things that make a snowman, then we made our own snowmen for the classroom. All the children did a great job working together to make their snowmen in their groups. After that we did our first Japanese writing worksheet, we started off by writing shi and tsu. Everyone did a great job writing their first Hiragana characters. We then coloured little card shapes to decorate the birthday card for Class 1 friends who have birthdays in January. Finally, we had a lovely game of dodgeball before getting ready to eat lunch together. Today was a very busy day but we all had lots of fun, we look forward to seeing everyone again on Monday. -
2023.01.193学期Opening Ceremony