  • 2023.02.09Today’s Class 8

    Today in Class 8, we had a swimming lesson. The children practiced holding their breath underwater for a long time and we had so much fun swimming in the pool. The water was nice and warm today. Then, after today’s yummy World lunch, we worked very hard on our picture book. We needed to write neatly all the words in English. It was a little difficult, but everyone gave their best efforts and all the children are making really great progress. Next is drawing our pictures! Then the children enjoyed playing the card game Karuta. Everyone was super competitive and it was a lot of fun! See you tomorrow!
  • 2023.02.08Today in Class 1

    Today in Class 1 we had a super fun day with an English activity and Snowtopia games in Kitakaze park. During today’s English activity Class 1 friends identified animals from clues and learnt which country they come from. As a result of helping the Animal Ranger they could receive their second sticker for their Animal Ranger cards. After English activity Class 1 put on their snow wear by themselves and we went to Kitakaze park to meet up with the other Junior classes for Snowtopia. For today’s games, first we did a sled relay race where in pairs we pulled a sled around a cone and back. Class 2 were the winners of this game. The second game we played was finding balls in the snow and then putting them into a basket. Class 1 friends were so fast and had lots of fun and were the winners of this game.
  • 2023.02.07Today’s Elephant Class

    Today Elephant Class went to the park and played in the snow! The children had so much fun digging with shovels and sledding down the hill. We saw lots of smiles and took lots of photos too. After play time in the park everyone was hungry and they ate lots of yummy school lunch. Everyone used lots of energy but still had more fun playing after lunch. Great job and see you all on Friday!
  • 2023.02.06Today’s Class 6

     今日のClass 6は、ひなまつりCraftとSwimming lessonを行いました。今朝登園し、幼稚園の1階に飾られたひな人形に気付くと「きれいだね~!」「家にもある!」と嬉しそうに眺め、「金曜日に絵本で見たよね」とおひなさまに興味津々なお子さま達。クラスで行ったひなまつりCraftの1回目では、好きな和柄の折り紙を着物に見立てて折ったり、畳のへりを色の順番を決めてクレヨンで塗ったり、ひし餅をハサミで切ったり、おだいりさまとおひなさまの顔を描いたりと盛りだくさんの内容でも「まだまだできるよ」「楽しい!」と夢中になって取り組んでいましたよ。Swimming lessonでは、カニさんでウォーミングアップを行い、ビート版を使っての「けのび」と「ラッコさん」に挑戦!水が苦手だったお子さまも自信をもって顔がつけられるようになり、自由時間になるとプールに飛び込んだり潜ったりと思い切り楽しむ姿が見られました。給食の時間はわかめご飯のおにぎりCooking!お腹がペコペコだったお子さま達は大きな口でおにぎりを頬張り、「美味しいでーす」と大喜びでした。

  • 2023.02.04English Speaking Contest

     Today was the English Speaking Contest at IYK. We had a great time talking with so many friends in English today. In the morning was the kindergarten level. The children got to go to three different shops and try making many things. In the Cake shop, they decorated cakes. In the Aquarium shop, they put various sea creatures in a tank. And in the Clothes shop, they chose different clothes to talk about. The English teachers asked everyone questions about what they made and there was so much great English spoken today. We were very impressed! There was also a live listening section where children answered questions based on sentences they heard. In the afternoon was the ESC level section. Students brought items from home to talk about, and have conversations with the English teachers. We talked about many things and were blown away with the level of everyone’s speaking abilities. Today’s winners received medals, but everyone did such a fantastic job. Thank you to everyone for coming today, and keep having fun speaking English!   
  • 2023.02.03

    Today Class 7 had a very fun and eventful day! In the morning we took the bus to Noshi Park and had LOTS of fun sliding down the big hill together and making snow angels. After we returned to the kindergarten we were met by an ogre! All of the Intermediate and Senior children did a great job frightening it away by throwing their beans at it! We had lots and lots of fun today. Have a great weekend everyone and see you all on Monday.
  • 2023.02.02Today in Class 5

    Today was a lot of fun in Class 5. We first joined the rest of the Intermediate classes outside in the park so that we could all participate in the Snowtopia relay race together! Everyone tried their best and ran as fast as they could in the snow. We also practiced our arts and crafts skills today, by adding detail to our painted snowmen, with crayon. Class 5 always enjoys expressing themselves through art! Finally, today’s lunch was very delicious, and there was even a super special dessert for the children to enjoy. Well done today Class 5, see you tomorrow!
  • 2023.02.02Today’s Elephant Class

    Today in Elephant Class we had a fire drill. The children learned about how to safely exit the school in the event of a fire and we practiced one time. Everyone did such a good job following the rules and going safely. After that we pretended to throw beans at ogres and said “Go away!” The children got to take home their handmade ogre masks and we hope they can wear them at home for Sestubun. Well done everyone!
  • 2023.02.01Today’s Bear Class

    Bear Class had so much fun today on the first day of Feburary. We started the day with play time with children only. Their parents waited while they got comfortable playing together. Bear Class is a parent and child class but since the children are almost Juniors, today was good practice for them. We made ogre masks when parents returned. The children could color their own mask and throw balls at big ogres while saying “go away!” Everyone had so much fun today!
  • 2023.01.31避難訓練〜不審者〜
