  • 2023.03.09Today’s Class 8

    Today in Class 8 we started the day by practicing for our Graduation Ceremony. We want to be able to sing and do everything perfectly for Sunday, so we tried many times! We are now ready for the rehearsal tomorrow. After that, we had a Farewell Party with the Intermediate and Junior friends. We played some games with them, and it was so much fun to play with the different classes. We could do some super long trains! They gave us a nice surprise at the end of the party. They were beautiful flowers that they made for us. What a great present! Then back in Class 8, we had our last school lunch. It was very yummy. There was a lot of food and drinks, so everyone was happy! Tomorrow is the last day at IYK for Class 8 and all the seniors. Everyone is a little bit sad to leave but also very happy to soon go to Elementary school. We are very excited for the Graduation Ceremony on Sunday!
  • 2023.03.08Bear Class Closing Ceremony

    Bear Class had our Closing Ceremony today and it was great to see everyone one last time. The children enjoyed play time, morning meeting, and an English Activity. They could dance to “Skidamarink” with their parents and got flowers to give to them. The children could say “May I have a flower, please?” and ask for a pink, yellow, or blue one. Then they gave them to their parents and said “I love you!” After that, the children all got a special Bear Class Certificate of Completion. Thank you so much to everyone for coming to Bear Class every week and we will miss you. Good luck and have fun as Juniors next year!
  • 2023.03.07Elephant Class Closing Ceremony/March Birthday Party

    The Elephant Class children had their Closing Ceremony today. They showed their parents their morning meeting and danced along to “Under the Sea” with bells and cute headbands. We had many cute sea turtles, crabs, octopuses, and jellyfish! Some children were nervous but they did their best and we saw so many smiles. After that the parents joined the children and we had a quick English activity together.

    Today was the birthday party for IYK friends born in March. Before we began, there were many awards that were given out for outstanding artwork that the children had drawn. Congratulations to everyone who received one. Next, the birthday children came out, and used big voices to say their names and how old they were. After singing Happy Birthday and receiving their birthday presents, the English teachers put on a play about the story book, ‘The Gruffallo.’ Everyone had a good time. Happy Birthday to all of the March birthday friends!

  • 2023.03.06Elephant Class Closing Ceremony/Intermediate Moji Kazu Challenge

    Today Elephant Class has Closing Ceremony. Before that we had a lots of fun. First, the children sang the “Hello Song” and did attendance time in front of their parents. They could say “I’m here,” and everyone hit the happy tambourine and said “I’m happy!” After that, the children put on their sea animal headbands, got bells, and danced to “Under the Sea”. It was so nice to see so many happy sea turtles, jellyfish, crabs, and octopuses! The children then asked “May I have a flower, please?” and gave them to parents. When all that was finished, the children received a Certificate of Completion for 1 year in Elephant Class. Congratulations everyone and thank you parents for one year of support! We’ll miss you but wish you the best in Juniors at IYK!


  • 2023.03.03Today’s Class 7

    Today in Class 7 we started our day with 4 Teacher’s Assistants rather than the usual 2, this way everyone can enjoy being a Teacher’s Assistant one last time before we graduate next Sunday! After completing our final Hiragana work of the year, we started to write messages for our parents, followed by our last visit to Kitakaze Park! Everyone had LOTS of fun sliding, running, digging, throwing and rolling in the snow! There are only 5 days left at IYK for the Seniors and we all hope they are filled with lots of excitement and joy for everyone. Have a tremendous weekend everyone!
  • 2023.03.02Today’s Class 6

    今日のClass 6も楽しい活動が盛りだくさんの一日でした。まずは、Drawing「桜の木」の2回目。昨日絵の具で描いた「まるい形」や「もくもくの形」「おにぎりの形」などの桜に、花びらを描いたり、風で花びらが舞っている様子や、虹が出ているところ、お花見をしているところなど、年長組に進級した4月の春の様子をイメージしながら、思い思いの絵を描きました。その後は、北風公園へ雪遊びにLet’s go! クラス全員で並んで米ぞり滑りをしたり、雪の上で押すもうごっこをしたりと思う存分最後の外遊びを楽しんでいましたよ。また今日のLunchは、「ひなまつり給食」でお子さま達は大喜び。「このご飯(炊き込みいなり)おいしい!」「デザートも特別だ!」とおかわりが売り切れるくらい、たくさん食べて、嬉しそうなお子さま達でした。
  • 2023.03.02Junior Moji Kazu Challenge

  • 2023.03.01Today’s Class 3


    We had lots of fun in Class 3 today. After arriving at IYK, the children went upstairs for a Music Lesson. Everyone has been doing a great job at learning the Frog Song on the handbells. After the Music Lesson, the children did Japanese writing. Today, they learned how to write their names in Japanese! Everyone completed the writing sheet diligently. In the afternoon, the children colored some flower petals which will be used to make a farewell gift for the Senior Classes. Many of the Class 3 friends enjoy playing with the Senior friends, so the children were excited to color the petals colorfully and creatively.
  • 2023.03.01Senior Moji Kazu Challenge

  • 2023.02.28February Birthday Party/Today’s Class 9

     今日は2月生まれのBirthday partyを行いました。やっと自分の順番がきたと朝から待ちきれない様子だった2月生まれのお子さま達。いざ本番が始まると、大勢の友達を前に少しドキドキして声が小さくなってしまうお子さまもいましたが、“How old are you?”の問いかけには“I´m 5!!!”と同じ学年の仲間と一緒に元気いっぱい答えることができましたよ。Teacher’s playの時間にはShark・Rabbit・Duck・DogからなるSihouette huntersが登場!treasure mapを頼りにシルエットクイズに挑戦し、見事2月生まれのお子さま達をお祝いするBirthday cakeのお宝を発見することができました。

    Class 9は、外遊びや俳句発表会、English Lessonなど、楽しいことがたくさんの1日でした。1学期から触れてきた俳句では、自分たちでオリジナルの俳句をつくって詠んでいます。今日の俳句会では、6人のお子さまが、年長組・年中組の前で春にちなんだ俳句を発表しました。ひなまつり、卒園式、小学校、チューリップやさくらなどのお花が咲くことなど、様々な事柄から”春”をイメージしつくった俳句は、春を楽しみにする気持ちが伝わってくるものばかりでした。English Lessonでは、大好きなMr. Chrisと楽しいEnglish Activityをしました。残りのレッスンはあと1回となり、寂しそうな表情を見せていたお子さま達でした。明日は年長組の先生達からの挑戦状でお知らせした、”文字かずChallenge”があります。チャレンジをクリアできるよう、パワーをつけて幼稚園に来てくださいね!完成したオリジナル絵本の発表も、順番に行う予定ですよ!