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2023.03.31キッズワールド ゲーム大会
今日は年長組さんが参加できる最後の預かり保育(キッズワールド)の日でした。「あと2回だね!」「明日で最後だね!」とキッズワールドに来ていた年長組さんは毎日幼稚園へあと何回来ることができるかをカウントダウンし、ついに最後の日を迎えてしまいました。キッズワールドでは、「花火がドン!」や「椅子取りゲーム」「転がしドッジボール」など人気のあるゲームをたくさんして、最後に卒園する年長組は、「感謝状」を受け取りました。「帰りたくないなー」「まだ遊びたい・・・とそれぞれ名残惜しそうに帰って行く姿も見られましたが、年少、年中組のお世話をしてくれたり、遊びをリードするなど、すっかりお兄さん、お姉さんになった年長組さん。小学校へ行っても、笑顔で頑張ってくださいね!ずっと応援しています! -
2023.03.30キッズワールド メダルづくり
Class 7は、元気いっぱいに式に臨みました。笑顔いっぱいで、とても素敵でしたよ。
Class 8は、やる気いっぱいな姿を見せてくれました。先生の話を背筋をピンと伸ばして聞く姿がとてもかっこよかったです。
Class 9は、卒園することへの寂しさを感じながらも、最後に素敵な姿を見せたいという意欲をもって参加していました。
一人一人が、練習したことを思い出しながら頑張っていた卒園式。これからお子さま達が小学校で楽しい毎日を送り、夢を持って羽ばたいてくれることを祈っています。ご卒園、おめでとうございます。 -
2023.03.10Today’s Class 9 and ESC Graduation
今日はClass 9でみんなが一緒に遊べる最後の日。Class 9では、卒園が近づくにつれて「みんなと一緒に小学校に行けたらいいのにな」「先生も一緒に小学校に来て!」などと、大好きなみんなとのお別れを惜しむ声が聞こえてくるようになりました。卒園式の総練習では、「今日は最後の練習だから頑張ろう!」と声をかけ合いながら真剣な表情で参加しており、今までで一番素敵な姿を見せてくれました。本番と同じ雰囲気に少し緊張したお子さまもいましたが、練習を見てくれた副園長先生から「とても素敵でした!」と褒められると笑顔を見せていましたよ。幼稚園ともうすぐお別れだということを実感して、少し涙を見せるお子さまもおり、卒園することへの期待と共に、寂しい気持ちも込み上げてきます。
お昼ご飯は、幼稚園での最後のお弁当。お父さまやお母さまが作ってくれたお弁当を「おいしいな!」「帰ったらお礼を言わなきゃ!」などと噛み締めながら食べていたClass 9でした。
日曜日はいよいよ卒園式。小学生になるみなさんの、素敵な姿を楽しみにしています!Today the ESC 5th graders had their graduation ceremony. We congratulated them for 5 years of work in English Speaking Club! Each child received a special plaque from Enchou-sensei. They have grown up lots and their English communication ability has improved so much. Their English skills will be very beneficial for them in the future. We are so happy for them and thankful to the parents for your years of support. Congratulations, ESC graduates! -
2023.03.09Today’s Class 8
Today in Class 8 we started the day by practicing for our Graduation Ceremony. We want to be able to sing and do everything perfectly for Sunday, so we tried many times! We are now ready for the rehearsal tomorrow. After that, we had a Farewell Party with the Intermediate and Junior friends. We played some games with them, and it was so much fun to play with the different classes. We could do some super long trains! They gave us a nice surprise at the end of the party. They were beautiful flowers that they made for us. What a great present! Then back in Class 8, we had our last school lunch. It was very yummy. There was a lot of food and drinks, so everyone was happy! Tomorrow is the last day at IYK for Class 8 and all the seniors. Everyone is a little bit sad to leave but also very happy to soon go to Elementary school. We are very excited for the Graduation Ceremony on Sunday! -
2023.03.08Bear Class Closing Ceremony
Bear Class had our Closing Ceremony today and it was great to see everyone one last time. The children enjoyed play time, morning meeting, and an English Activity. They could dance to “Skidamarink” with their parents and got flowers to give to them. The children could say “May I have a flower, please?” and ask for a pink, yellow, or blue one. Then they gave them to their parents and said “I love you!” After that, the children all got a special Bear Class Certificate of Completion. Thank you so much to everyone for coming to Bear Class every week and we will miss you. Good luck and have fun as Juniors next year! -
2023.03.07Elephant Class Closing Ceremony/March Birthday Party
The Elephant Class children had their Closing Ceremony today. They showed their parents their morning meeting and danced along to “Under the Sea” with bells and cute headbands. We had many cute sea turtles, crabs, octopuses, and jellyfish! Some children were nervous but they did their best and we saw so many smiles. After that the parents joined the children and we had a quick English activity together.Today was the birthday party for IYK friends born in March. Before we began, there were many awards that were given out for outstanding artwork that the children had drawn. Congratulations to everyone who received one. Next, the birthday children came out, and used big voices to say their names and how old they were. After singing Happy Birthday and receiving their birthday presents, the English teachers put on a play about the story book, ‘The Gruffallo.’ Everyone had a good time. Happy Birthday to all of the March birthday friends!
2023.03.06Elephant Class Closing Ceremony/Intermediate Moji Kazu Challenge
Today Elephant Class has Closing Ceremony. Before that we had a lots of fun. First, the children sang the “Hello Song” and did attendance time in front of their parents. They could say “I’m here,” and everyone hit the happy tambourine and said “I’m happy!” After that, the children put on their sea animal headbands, got bells, and danced to “Under the Sea”. It was so nice to see so many happy sea turtles, jellyfish, crabs, and octopuses! The children then asked “May I have a flower, please?” and gave them to parents. When all that was finished, the children received a Certificate of Completion for 1 year in Elephant Class. Congratulations everyone and thank you parents for one year of support! We’ll miss you but wish you the best in Juniors at IYK!今日は年中組の文字かずChallengeの日でした。年中組のクラスには文字かずレンジャーからの手紙が届き、最後の文字かずChallengeということを知って、やる気満々のお子さま達。まず最初に行ったMissionでは、みんなで椅子取りゲームを行い、順番に赤い丸がいくつあるか数えて正しい数字を書くクイズに挑戦しました。ひとつずつ10のかたまりを丸で囲み、いくつあるか考えながら「10のかたまりが3つで30で残りが4つだから合わせて34だ!」一生懸命数えて真剣に取り組む様子が見られました。かずのMissionにクリアしたお子さま達は次に「同頭語」「同尾語」のもじのMissionに挑戦しましたよ。「同頭語は頭だから言葉の初めの文字だよ!」「あひるだったら「あ」が最初の文字だね」としっかりルールを覚えていた年中組のお子さま達。マットに置かれているたくさんのカードから1枚選び、自分のもっているカードと同じ同頭語や同尾語の言葉を探すゲームをしました。どの言葉が同じなのかじっくり考えるお子さまもいましたが一つずつ声に出して読むなどし、全員でミッションをクリアしました。無事に2つのMissionをクリアしたお子さま達は最後に一年間文字やかずを楽しみながら頑張った証に文字かずレンジャーから賞状をもらい「年長組になったらもっと難しい文字やかずに挑戦したい!」と意気込む姿が見られました。
2023.03.03Today’s Class 7
Today in Class 7 we started our day with 4 Teacher’s Assistants rather than the usual 2, this way everyone can enjoy being a Teacher’s Assistant one last time before we graduate next Sunday! After completing our final Hiragana work of the year, we started to write messages for our parents, followed by our last visit to Kitakaze Park! Everyone had LOTS of fun sliding, running, digging, throwing and rolling in the snow! There are only 5 days left at IYK for the Seniors and we all hope they are filled with lots of excitement and joy for everyone. Have a tremendous weekend everyone!