今日は5月生まれのBirthday partyでした。ニコニコの笑顔で楽しそうに、ピアノの曲に合わせて入場してきたお子さま達。”What’s your name?”の質問に大きな声で元気に名前を答えたり、少し緊張した様子で答える様子もありました。”How old are you?”の質問には自分の年齢を指で表しながら答えていましたよ。全園児の手拍子に合わせた大きい歌声のBirthday songでは誕生児一人ひとりの名前が呼ばれ、嬉しそうにする姿が見られました。最後はクラスの友達からのBirthdayボードと自分の手形の入ったBirthdayカードを嬉しそうに受け取っていたBirthdayのお子さま達。そして今月の先生達からのプレゼント劇は”Let’s make specialcake!”。うさぎと犬と一緒にケーキの材料のクイズを解きました。劇中ではより美味しいケーキができるように、”Hot Potato”を歌いましたよ。普段からこの曲が大好きなお子さま達が多く、大きな声で歌ったり楽しそうに踊る姿が見られました。インターナショナル山の手幼稚園みんなの上手な歌のおかげで、最後には美味しそうな大きなケーキができました!
2023.05.29Birthday party
2023.05.25Today’s Elephant Class
Elephant Class had so much fun today. We started the day with the children trying to play separate from parents. Everyone did such a great job and tried very hard. Some friends were nervous or shy but they could play and even do our morning meeting by themselves. We had many friends dancing during today’s exercise too. After the parents joined the children we had physical time. The parents and children did a balloon relay and had lots of fun passing the balloons. They were so colorful and we had so much fun with “red”, “yellow”, “blue”, “green” and more balloons. Great job everyone and see you next week! -
2023.05.24Today’s Class 1
Today in Class 1 we had a lot of fun! Right after we arrived at the kindergarten, we went to Kitakaze Park where we had lots of fun running around, looking at bugs and exploring! Then we came back to the kindergarten and practiced standing up on the Class 1 stage and using our super big voices to say phonics. During ECT time, we talked to each other and learned what breakfast foods our friends like and don’t like. Then we climbed up over a big mountain and carefully crossed a bridge of balance beams during physical time! Today was a short day, so after reading a book together it was soon time to say “See you!” but we’ll have lots more fun tomorrow! -
2023.05.23Today’s Elephant Class
Today’s Elephant Class was such a special day. The children got to play in the sand box and help plant tomatoes! Everyone took turns helping plant the tomato seedlings. They could touch the plants, cover the roots with soil, and say “grow, grow, grow” to help. Great job today everyone. Please remember to check the tomato plants before you go home each day and you can help us water them too. They can get bigger and bigger and in autumn we can eat the yummy, red tomatoes we will pick from them. See you on Friday! -
2023.05.22Today’s Class 9
明日はみんなが大好きなSwimming lessonがあります。難しいことにもたくさん挑戦して、レベルアップを目指しましょうね! -
2023.05.19Senior Group activity
今日からグループ活動が本格的にスタートしました。朝から「今日はグループ活動だよね!」と張り切るお子さま達。縄跳びグループは、縄に慣れることからスタートしました。よこヘビやたてヘビを跳びこえたり、ロープの上を歩くバランスゲームをするとお子さま達は大興奮!最後には、クラスごとに大縄跳びをして楽しみました。一輪車グループでは、自分専用の一輪車をゲットした後、早速自分の一輪車に乗ることに挑戦!バーにつかまって乗る練習を行いましたよ。竹馬グループでは、まずエレファントフィートから乗る練習をしました!その後、本物の竹馬にも挑戦。バランスを取ることに難しそうにしながらも楽しむ姿が見られましたよ。活動の最後は、Group activityのカードに今日のシールを貼り、「次の活動は何をするの?」と次の活動に期待を寄せるお子さま達でした! -
2023.05.18Today’s Class 8
Today was a very busy day and a lot of fun in Class 8! After our morning meeting, we reviewed some phonics targets with words containing “at” in them like “cat”, “bat” and “hat”. Then, we learned about healthy and unhealthy food during our English Activity and we now know which food is healthy and good for our body. We could also sort the food into their correct food groups. It was a little difficult, but everyone had fun moving the items using the tablet. After the activity, we cut different shapes and then glued them on a colorful paper. We can’t wait to add some color and draw a beautiful picture. After eating our yummy school lunch, we went to Kitakaze Park with Class 9. The weather was really great, and we enjoyed playing outside with everyone. We looked for bugs, for flowers and we ran a lot too! Good job today Class 8! See you all tomorrow!2023.05.17Today’s Class 7
Today the Class 7 friends had a very active time! In the morning we went to Kitakaze Park with Class 4 and enjoyed making BBQ’s with flowers as well as hunting for bugs. After our Morning Meeting we played dodgeball, before having our first introduction to Senior Group Activities. All of the children, whether in the unicycle, jump rope or stilts team are very excited for their first practice session on Friday! Before going home, we had fun learning a new Japanese song, as well as singing several other songs together. It was a short, but fun filled day in Class 7 today. Well done everyone!2023.05.16Today’s Junior
今日は年少組でトマトの苗植えを行いました。朝から「今日はトマト植えるんだよね?」と楽しみに登園してきたお子さま達。まずはクラスで苗植えの手順について話を聞きましたよ。土の穴に苗を置いたらその上から優しく土をかけたり、クラスプレートを立てることなど真剣に話を聞いていました。いよいよ楽しみにしていた苗植えのスタート!「トマトの赤ちゃんは葉っぱがいっぱいついているね」「土は濡れていて冷たいよ!」など感じたことを伝え合いながらお友達と一緒に楽しく植える様子が見られました。全員が苗を植え終わると”甘くて美味しいトマトができますように”という願いを込めて全員で”grow grow grow!!”と元気いっぱいにマジックワードを唱えました。これから水をあげたり、雑草を抜いて美味しいトマトを育てていきましょうね!