今日のClass 9は、Music Lessonと、絵の具遊びをしました。年長組になって2回目のレッスンに参加したお子さま達は、”たんぽぽ団”の歌を元気いっぱい歌ったり、ピアノの教本を見ながら”ロンドン橋”の曲をピアノで弾いたりと、年中組の時よりもレベルアップしたレッスンを楽しんでいました。最後のページまで終わって、講師の安江先生からStickerを貼ってもらったピアノの教本をお部屋に持って帰ってくると「全部上手に弾けるようになったんだよ!」と嬉しそうに見せてくれたお子さま達です。レッスンが終わった後は、みんなが大好きな絵の具遊び。年長組になってゲットした12色入りの絵の具を使うことをいつも楽しみにしているClass 9は、「絵の具を開けたら留めるゴムは腕につけてなくさないようにするんだよね!」「筆を洗ってから次の色を塗るんだよね!」と、約束事も完璧。3、4色の絵の具を使って、綺麗にシャボン玉を塗ることができ、「絵の具って楽しいな!」と大満足の様子でした。活動の後は、ランチタイム。今日は”Wprld lunch”でタイの料理を食べました。Class 9ではガパオライスが大人気で、たくさんおかわりをしてモリモリ食べていたお子さま達でした。明日はBirthday partyです!元気に幼稚園に来て下さいね!
2023.04.24Today’s Class 9
2023.04.21Today’s Class 8
Class 8 was so much fun today. We had our first swimming lesson of the year and we were all very excited to go to the pool. We could practice bouncing in the water, floating on our backs and also putting our head underwater. Everyone did super well. After eating our super yummy packed lunch boxes for lunch, we enjoyed listening to an English story during Story Time. The book was interesting and funny. After that, we finished our origami and coloring craft. We made a beautiful tulip and a super colorful picture. We can’t wait for next week. See you on Monday!2023.04.20Class 7 today
Class 7 had a busy but super fun day today! We had our 3rd English Activity of the month, learning about endangered animals. The children used the tablets in pairs to move the animals into the correct habitats that they live in. We then learnt about the different rankings of endangered animals and discussed how we could help save them. We then had our first origami lesson of the year and the children did a fantastic job folding, gluing and then after lunch, drawing on their papers. Well done everyone and we look forward to our first swimming lesson as Seniors tomorrow!2023.04.19Today’s Class 6
Today was so busy in class 6! We practiced tying a bow and then we sang the color song. We started to learn the Hot Cross Buns song too. After the songs, we talked about how we feel during English Conversation Time. Today Class 6 friends asked and answered the questions very fast! Masami-Sensei surprised us with a class Birthday Present activity and we learned about the Birthday Board. In Junior classes we used coupy pens, but in intermediate, We decorated the happy birthday candies with markers. Class 6 was so good at using and putting away the markers. Our candies looked so cute and cool! Later we reviewed 50 Hiragana. Class 6 could identify the Hiragana very quickly and correctly. We reviewed the English letters C and D together with loud voices. Finally it was time for lunch, so we took out our lunch mats and started eating. This week we are trying to finish our food so we can play with many friends during Discovery Time. Today was a half day, so we finished the day with the afternoon exercise and had calming time. Before we knew it, it was time to go home. That’s all for today. See you tomorrow!2023.04.18Elephant Class Opening Ceremony
The Elephant Class children had their Opening Ceremony today and it was so much fun. The children enjoyed play time together and we had our first Morning Meeting. We introduced the “Hello Song” and “Goodbye Song” and it was nice to see many children dance along. Everyone got to hit the “I’m here” tambourine and it we saw lots of smiles as well. We are looking forward to the new school year. Let’s enjoy an English Activity next time. Well done everyone and we will see you on Friday!2023.04.17Elephant Class Opening Ceremony
Elephant Class had our Opening Ceremony today. We were so happy to meet all our new friends and their parents. It was great to see so many smiles and everyone did such a good job today. We could play together, dance, and even hit the “I’m here!” tambourine. Our new friends each got a sticker book too. Next time when they come we’ll give them stickers they can put in it. We look forward to seeing everyone on Thursday. Let’s have fun doing an English Activity. See you then!2023.04.14Today’s Class 5
Today was so much fun in Class 5! We had the first English Activity of the year which went really well. All of the children could practice talking about their feelings and how they felt today. As well as practicing their English, they could also have fun learning together and completing the activity as a team. Using the masks was a lot of fun and everyone was laughing, as well as using a big, confident voice in English! After our English Activity, we moved on to practicing numbers with a Number Print activity. Mr. Jeff and Miki-Sensei were very surprised with how talented everyone in Class 5 is with numbers – great job. Finally, we had the first lunchbox day of the year in Class 5, it was very impressive to see the children get ready for lunch by themselves and enjoy eating together. Today was great, let’s have another awesome day on Monday. See you next week!2023.04.13Today’s Class 4
Today was a lot of fun in Class 4. We started the day with open play time on the first floor. It was very nice to see all the Class 4 children playing with children from other classes. We continued to tie a ribbon in class and everyone could get a ribbon. We also got a letter from the Emoji Friends. They invited us over to their house to play and we could put on some special feeling masks. Today we learned about the Japanese holiday of Children’s day and we could make special carp flags to celebrate this. Today we had the first school lunch of the year and everyone could eat their curry and rice very nicely. All the children of Class 4 are looking forward to completing their Children’s Day craft tomorrow. Well done Class 4!2023.04.12Today’s Class 3
In Class 3 today, we received another present from the class puppet, Daisy. The present was given to the class in a special shiny box. The children were excited to recieve their very own sketchbooks. They enjoyed coloring with the crayons that they received yesterday. Everyone filled the first page of their sketchbooks with many colors and creative pictures. In the Morning Meeting, Class 3 enjoyed hitting the “happy tambourine.” The children are doing a fantastic job at learning how to say, “I’m here!” The late course friends enjoyed eating their yummy lunch box together too. Today was a super fun day in Class 3!2023.04.11Today’s Class 2
Class 2 had a really fun day today! As everyone arrived, we had a fun Discovery Time with Class 1 and Class 3. After cleaning up, we all exercised together. Today was only the second day, but many friends are enjoying participating in the Morning Meeting and Goodbye Meeting. We played a game where the children showed what colors they were wearing. This morning we found a present in a shiny box. It was everyone’s crayons, and also some donuts that needed coloring. The children put on their craft smocks and used their new crayons to make their donuts colorful and yummy. Before we knew it, it was time to get ready to go home. Thank you for a great day. See you tomorrow, everyone!