  • 2023.06.08Today’s Class5

    We had a lovely day today in Class 5, packed with many activities and fun for the children. We started the day by going to the park and playing together in the sunshine – it was fun to race and play tag! After that, we came back inside and finished our Father’s Day presents to give to Daddy. Everyone tried so hard to make the best, cutest present possible to make Daddy happy. Next – after we finished eating a delicious lunch together – we jumped straight into today’s English Activity about jungle animals. Class 5 children are very intelligent and were able to listen to all of the hints given to work together and find the correct answers. Finally, as a reward for today’s hard work we played a fun English game all together. This was a perfect way to end the day on a high note, full of energy and ready for another day at Kindergarten tomorrow. Well done Class 5!
  • 2023.06.07

    Today in Class 4 everyone was so happy that it was Wednesday and we could dance to the Wednesday song. We also recieved a new challenge from the ABC Alligator and it was great to see all the children think of words that started with “O”. During English Conversation Time the children asked each other questions about their favourite vegetables. After that we heard from Kiwi that he wanted to create a special New Zealand dance. All the children could put in their own ideas and could make up very fun moves to the dance. This was followed by a food and life quiz about different food groups. Well done Class 4!
  • 2023.06.06Today’s senior

    今日の年長組はバスに乗ってMaruyama Zooへ行きました!行きのバスでは円山動物園に何の動物がいるのかクイズで考え、期待を膨らませるお子さま達。動物園に着くと、大きな声で飼育員さんたちに挨拶をしていましたよ。動物園ではお友達と手を繋ぎたくさんの動物に大興奮!「Giraffe!So big!」「Look!Elephant!」と英語で会話を楽しむ様子も見られました。明日描く動物園の絵で描きたい動物を何にしようか考え、「尻尾は2つの色に分かれているね」や「鼻はこんなに長いんだ」など、それぞれの動物にどのような特徴があるのかよく観察する姿が見られました。明日はどのような素敵な絵の作品ができるのか楽しみですね!
  • 2023.06.05Today’s Class 3

    We had lots of fun in Class 3 today! In our Physical Time, we all pretended to be different kinds of animals. We hopped across a mat like frogs, jumped through some hoops like rabbits, crawled across another mat like bears, and walk across balance bars like butterflies. Class 3 loves to imitate animals! We also went to Kitakaze Park today. Class 3 friends love to run around playfully and explore little findings such as sticks or bugs. For today’s main activity, we finished our Father’s Day craft. Class 3 really enjoyed using sponge sticks to paint the mugs for their daddys!
  • 2023.06.02Elephant Class Zoo Trip

    Elephant Class went to Maruyama Zoo and we had so much fun with children and parents. Thank you to everyone for coming today on our adventure. The children did such a great job walking around the zoo and finding animals on our sticker rally card. They saw monkeys, lesser pandas, elephants, giraffes, and more. They could all say “Sticker please” and we saw lots of happy faces. Well done, children. We’re so happy!
  • 2023.06.01Elephant Class Zoo Trip

    The Elephant Class children and parents went to Maruyama Zoo today. We all had so much fun and it was such a beautiful, sunny day. We could see many animals while doing a sticker rally. We saw monkeys, lesser pandas, elephants, giraffes, and more. The children could all say animal names and “sticker please.” Everyone did such a good job walking and exploring the zoo together. Thank you mommies and daddies for coming today and supporting your children during our adventure to the zoo. We all had such a wonderful time!
  • 2023.05.31Today’s Class 2

    Class 2 had a great day today! It was a short day, but we managed to fit in lots of fun activities. Once many friends had arrived, we got our hats on and headed to Kitakaze Park. The children marched very nicely and could play with friends from all grades. Everyone had fun running around and picking flowers. When we got back it was time to do Morning Meeting and Phonics Time. Today we tried out the ‘Big Voice Stage’ and many friends could say the vocabulary words with a nice big voice. Lastly, we got out the mats and everyone moved like rabbits, bears and seals down the mats and hit the tambourine with a big high five. Before we knew it, it was time to clean up and go home. We had lots of fun today, and look forward to seeing everyone again tomorrow!
  • 2023.05.30さとらんど

  • 2023.05.29Birthday party

    今日は5月生まれのBirthday partyでした。ニコニコの笑顔で楽しそうに、ピアノの曲に合わせて入場してきたお子さま達。”What’s your name?”の質問に大きな声で元気に名前を答えたり、少し緊張した様子で答える様子もありました。”How old are you?”の質問には自分の年齢を指で表しながら答えていましたよ。全園児の手拍子に合わせた大きい歌声のBirthday songでは誕生児一人ひとりの名前が呼ばれ、嬉しそうにする姿が見られました。最後はクラスの友達からのBirthdayボードと自分の手形の入ったBirthdayカードを嬉しそうに受け取っていたBirthdayのお子さま達。そして今月の先生達からのプレゼント劇は”Let’s make specialcake!”。うさぎと犬と一緒にケーキの材料のクイズを解きました。劇中ではより美味しいケーキができるように、”Hot Potato”を歌いましたよ。普段からこの曲が大好きなお子さま達が多く、大きな声で歌ったり楽しそうに踊る姿が見られました。インターナショナル山の手幼稚園みんなの上手な歌のおかげで、最後には美味しそうな大きなケーキができました!
  • 2023.05.26避難訓練
