  • 2023.06.24Adventure Quest 5

  • 2023.06.23Adventure Quest 4

  • 2023.06.23Adventure Quest 3

    そして、お楽しみのゲーム大会。体育館のような大研修室でリレー、Number game、花火がドンの3つのゲームをしました。クラスの垣根を超えて、競い合ったり、協力し合いながら楽しみ、元気いっぱいの声援や嬉しい声が聞こえてきましたよ。たくさん体を動かし、お腹が空いてきたお子さま達です。
  • 2023.06.23Adventure Quest 2

    小樽市総合博物館に到着です。総合博物館には、蒸気機関車「しずか号」をはじめ、様々な鉄道が展示されていたり、2階には科学館もあります。蒸気機関車に実際に乗ったお子さま達は、倉庫から出てくる姿、蒸気を出しながら回転する姿に大興奮。駅にはIron 車掌さんがいて、チケットを切ってくれました。「連結部分はこうなっているんだね!」「蒸気が上からも下からも出ているよ」など新しい発見をしたり、鉄道や科学の不思議に詳しくなったお子さま達でした。
  • 2023.06.23Adventure Quest 1

  • 2023.06.22Today’s Elephant Class

    Today in Elephant Class the children did great today. So many children remembered face vocabulary like “eyes”, “mouth”, and “nose”. They helped many cute animal friends wash their faces. We sang “This is the way we wash” too. Everyone did such a wonderful job waiting their turn and trying very hard. We were so impressed! Lunch was yummy and children who finished quickly had lots of play time before going home. See you next week!
  • 2023.06.21Today’s Bear Class

    The Bear Class children had so much fun dancing and playing today. We read a story about a boy washing his face and sang “This is the Way” for our facial features. The kids enjoyed the simple story. Children and parents did an activity to practice face parts too. After that we danced to “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes.” We look forward to their help next week. See you all then!
  • 2023.06.20Today’s Elephant Class

    The Elephant Class children had so much fun today doing our English activity and eating school. We read a story about a boy who had to wash his face. We sang “This is the Way” for our face, eyes, nose, and mouth. The children enjoyed the simple story. We danced to “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes” too. Children tried hard to eat school lunch and many finished everything on their plate. After that we had play time and said “goodbye”. See you next week, everyone!
  • 2023.06.19Today’s Intermediate


  • 2023.06.16Junior Open Class

    Today Class 1 went to Gabby the Ghost’s party! We warmed up by doing phonics. Class 1 was able to say, “J-J j-j-j” in a big voice and then remembered all four of the words that started with J! Then we got a letter from Gabby telling us to come to her party! We jumped, hopped, swam and stomped over many obstacles and finally made it to Gabby’s house on the top of the mountain. When we got there Gabby asked us to feed her friends many yummy fruits! Class 1 found hidden fruits, stood in the English rings and said “I got a ____!” in big voices before feeding them to Gabby’s friends. Then we said the magic words “Fruit Magic Go!” and Gabby’s friends changed color! Finally, we did the dance “Do the Monkey” and said “See you!” to Gabby! Good job Class 1 and thank you parents for coming to watch!

    Class 2 had lots of fun today. It was our Open Lesson, and everyone was excited to see their Mommies and Daddies come to IYK. Today was the day of the Chameleon Party, and Candice Chameleon brought some friends with her, but they were all very hungry for fruit candy. Luckily, Class 2 had some candies they had made, and we could give them to the chameleons. After choosing a candy, the children could tell the class, “I got a ____ candy!” As the chameleons ate more candy, they changed colors! Finally, it was time for the party and we all danced together. Thank you to all of the parents for coming today to see their children. We really appreciate all of your support every day. Great job, Class 2!

    Class 3 friends were so happy to see their Mommies or Daddies come to IYK and watch their Open Class today. Everyone used a big voice and participated with lots of energy because their Mommies or Daddies were watching! In today’s English Activity, a letter came from Mommy Monkey asking for help decorating the birthday cake with fruit. Everyone was challenged to cross the river to the fruit shop and buy some yummy fruit for the Five Little Monkeys’ birthday cake! Everyone did a great job speaking the English phrases and shopping for fruit. The Five Little Monkeys were so happy to eat yummy cake with fruit for their birthday! At the end, everyone had a blast dancing to “Do the Monkey!”