  • 2023.09.22Today’s Class 9

    「明日Physical Festivalだよね!」と本番を楽しみにする声がたくさん聞こえてくるようになったClass 9。本番前日の今日はグループ活動やPhysical Festivalの練習などの活動で、外で体をたくさん動かしました。
    そしてPhysical Festivalの練習ではリレーのバトンの受け渡しの練習をそれぞれのチームで行い、バトンを受け取る時の目線やポーズを意識して行うことで、各チームスムーズにバトンを繋げるようになりました。お子さま達全員が「勝ちたい!」という気持ちを前面に出して取り組んでいるリレー。結果発表で一喜一憂するお子さま達の姿からは、「次こそは勝つぞ!」「次も負けないぞ!」という闘争心がひしひしと伝わってきましたよ。本番ではどのチームが勝つか、ドキドキしますね!
    明日はツインキャップに元気な姿で来てくれることを待っています!今までの練習の成果を発揮して、思い出に残る最高のPhysical Festivalにしましょうね!
  • 2023.09.21Physical Festival Rehearsal

    先日雨で延期になったPhysical Festivalのリハーサルが本日行われました。どの学年のお子さま達も、みんな「今日、リハーサルだよね!」と張り切って登園してきましたよ。年長組のチアダンスが始まると、夢中になって見入る年少中組のお子さま達。開会式の入場は、かっこよく行進することができました。年長組の選手宣誓やカップ返還なども、練習の成果が存分に発揮されていましたね。初めてのPhysical Festivalを迎える年少さんは、可愛らしいダンスを披露し、2回目の年中さんは去年よりも少し難しいダンスに挑戦しました。そして、幼稚園生活最後のPhysical Festivalになる年長組は、複雑な隊形移動を行いながら見事なFlag Danceを見せてくれました。今日の練習では、Red Starsが勝ちましたが、本番はどちらが勝つのかドキドキワクワクですね。Physical Festivalまで、あと2日! 風邪などひかないよう気を付けてくださいね。
  • 2023.09.20Today in Class 8

    Today was a lot of fun in Class 8. We made lots of interesting shapes like dinosaurs and robots with Lego blocks and we played some fun indoor games. After that it was English Conversation Time and the question today was about sports. Everyone could ask and answer the question very well. The children took the time to think about their favorite sports before answering and they were super happy to ask each other “What sports do you like?” Then it was time to go to Kitakaze Park to practice for Performance day with all Senior friends. We were all so excited to practice the dances and to do the relay race. Everyone did their best to run super fast and today’s practice went very well. It was so much fun. We cannot wait to perform in from of Mum and Dad. Only a few more days until Saturday! Good job today Class 8 and see you soon everyone!
  • 2023.09.19Today’s Class 7

    Today in Class 7 it was unfortunately raining, so today’s scheduled Physical Festival Rehearsal was canceled. We did however have lots of fun making birthday craft and learning more about ‘Magic e’ during English Writing time. After playing some Japanese rhythmic games we had time to learn about coding on the tablets. Hopefully the weather will improve and we can practice for this weekend’s Physical Festival on Thursday. Great job everyone!
  • 2023.09.15Today’s Class 6

    Today was a sunny day! We practiced using handbells together. Later we went to Kitakaze Park and practiced our dance routines. We all got new pom pom presents and they are so shiny! It was so much fun dancing together with Classes 4 and 5. We practiced running and we are getting excited for the Physical Festival. We were so hungry after our busy morning. Lunch was delicious and we played with our Elephant class friends. Class 6 friends were playing so nicely and being great big buddies during Discovery Time. Thank you for trying your best today Class 6 friends! Enjoy the three-day weekend and we will see you on Tuesday!
  • 2023.09.14Today’s Class 5

    We had a fun-filled day in Class 5 today! We completed so many activities, whilst also practicing for upcoming events – the children are all having so much fun and also making a lot of progress. The first activity for the day was Japanese writing. It is so impressive how much the children have improved since the beginning of the year, now requiring little help with their worksheets and developing a strong understanding for writing. After Japanese writing, we gathered with the other Intermediate classes and all classes watched one another perform the Intermediate Physical Festival dance. Class 5 loves dancing and practicing for the Physical Festival – they learn the moves so quickly and are able to perform well together, whilst helping one another. Our final activity for the day was Handbell practice. The children are doing so well and improve each time we practice our handbell routine. They have a good sense of rhythm and understand how to perform together as a team. It’s amazing to watch the children improve at everything they do! Thank you for a great day today Class 5 and see you tomorrow!
  • 2023.09.13Today’sClass 4

     Today was a lot of fun in Class 4. After playtime with everyone downstairs where played a spelling game where children spelled the names of their friends in Class 4. After that we used different vegetables such as green peppers, carrots and okra with paint to make a vegetable stamped pizza. It was so great to see the children make pizza with lots of colourful toppings. After that we played musical chairs in Class 4 and read a book about the gingerbread man. Well done Class 4!

  • 2023.09.12Today’s Class 3

    Class 3 had lots of fun today inside even through the bad weather outside. We did our number worksheets today, and everyone tried very hard to write neatly and carefully. Today, Class 3 learned how to write the number 2. Class 3 also learned how to play a new game before lunch time. We played a game called, “duck, duck, goose.” The children picked up the game quickly and enthusiastically shouted out “duck” or “goose” as they touched other friend’s heads while walking around the circle. Everyone tried to run really hard to sit down in time too! For today’s Phonics Time, we reviewed “v” and “w.” A few children stood with their hands behind their backs and received one phonics flashcard; the children then presented the sound and vocabulary on the card to the rest of the class. Today was another fun day for Class 3.
  • 2023.09.11Class 2 Today

    Class 2 had lots of fun today. Everyone is doing so well putting their own bags and lunch smocks away by themselves when they arrive. We had Discovery Time with Class 1 and 3 in the morning, then exercise and calming together. When everyone gathered in Class 2 we reviewed our favourite sea animals, then had a quick Morning Meeting. Soon it was time to head to Kitakaze Park to practice for the Physical Festival. All of the children are enjoying dancing, marching and running every day. When we came back it was time for a yummy lunch. After everyone had a full belly we had Discovery Time until it was time for one last dance practice and Goodbye Meeting. Today went by so fast. We can’t wait to see our friends again tomorrow. Goodbye everyone!
  • 2023.09.08Today’s Class 1

    Today in Class 1 we had a fun, busy day! First our Teacher’s Assistants helped us do the Morning Meeting! Afterwards we drew dango and pampas grass for the moon-watching rabbits we made out of origami paper earlier in the week! Then we went outside to Kitakaze Park with Class 2 and Class 3 and got to use our shiny sticks to practice the Junior Dance for the Physical Festival before running as fast as we could in the race! After we went back to IYK, we did English Activity and helped Timothy Pope get a piece of his telescope back by finding matching acorns, pinecones, berries and chestnuts underneath leaves and feeding them to a hungry crow! Then we enjoyed yummy, boxed lunches on the floor picnic-style! Soon enough it was time to go home! See you on Monday Class 1!