  • 2023.09.05Today’s Elephant Class

    The Elephant Class children had a very important day today. We had our second emergency drill and this time we practiced earthquake preparedness. The children could take cover, listen to their teachers, and evacuate the building very well. Everyone did such a good job paying attention to the teachers. Later, we had a physical activity and practicing throwing and catching a big ball. The children also did their best to say their classmates’ names and “I’m here!”. Great job today Elephant friends!
  • 2023.09.04Today’s Class 9

    9月になり、Physical Festivalへの期待がどんどん高まってきたお子さま達。今日は幼稚園のみんなで集まって開会式の練習に参加しました。開会式前に披露するチアで、笑顔あふれる元気いっぱいなダンスを見せたり、選手宣誓、カップ返還の役目になったお子様が自信を持って取り組むなど、年長組らしい表情に成長を感じました。
    午後からは、もうすぐある敬老の日のために、おじいさま、おばあさまに感謝の気持ちを込めてはがきを作りました。カラフルなかわいいはがきが出来上がると、「喜んでくれるかな!」と、受け取ってくれた時のおじいさまやおばあさまの顔を思い浮かべていたClass 9でした。
  • 2023.09.01避難訓練


  • 2023.08.31Today’s Class 8

    Today in Class 8 we had our first Physical Festival practice in the park. We practiced the ‘Opening Ceremony’ as well as learnt where to line up for our Senior Cheer Dance! Everyone did a great job. Before our yummy, Australian World Lunch, we had time to practice the tone chimes and then after lunch we had Senior Group Activities practice. Everyone did a tremendous job today, well done!
  • 2023.08.30Today’s Class 7

    Today in Class 7 we started the day with a Hiragana relay challenge! The children took it in turns to add dakuten to the words to fix the mistakes. We then practiced playing melodions and it was obvious the children had practiced during the Summer Holidays at home, as everyone did a fantastic job! There was just enough time to practice our Flag Dance for the Physical Festival before it was time to go home. Great job everyone and see you tomorrow.
  • 2023.08.29August Birthday Party

    Today’s Birthday Party was so much fun! Everyone did such a good job saying their names and their age, as well as sitting and waiting nicely. Today’s Junior Birthday friends were able to use a big voice to say their name, well done Juniors! Today’s Intermediate Birthday friends were able to use teamwork to say their ages together, it was very impressive. Today’s Senior Birthday friends were so kind and thoughtful in the way they presented the birthday gifts for their friends, everyone was so happy. Lastly, today’s Birthday play was done by the English teachers as a present for the August Birthday friends. The title of the play was; “Giraffes Can’t Dance”. In the play, the Giraffes were able to learn how to dance, forgive and ultimately, make friends. The play finished with a big “Happy Birthday” and everyone went back to class. Thank you everyone for such a wonderful party, let’s look forward to next month!
  • 2023.08.28Today’s Class 6

    Today was such as blast. After morning meeting, we practiced writing our names in Hiragana with Lucky and Masami Sensei. Then we went upstairs to have a music lesson. It was so fun singing and using the bells. It was so busy, but we also cut out bubbles for our craft project. We were so hungry after all that work! Today’s lunch was very yummy because it was chicken and rice. We tried our best to finish all of the food. Later, Star-kun gave us the letters “a” and “n” to practice writing three-letter words. It was challenging, but we are getting more confident! We ended the day by practicing our dance for the Physical Festival. We can’t wait to show you our moves! Nice job Class 6! See you tomorrow!
  • 2023.08.25Crops Thanksgiving Week ~もちつき~

     今日は、Vegetable HeroからのラストMission『もちつき』が行われました。畑で育てた野菜をCookingしたり、好き嫌いせず給食をモリモリ食べて、『もちつき』ができることを楽しみにしていたお子さま達。「これ(杵)重いな…」「僕はパワーがあるから大丈夫!」「おもちがくっつくな~」と楽しんだり、クラスのみんなで「もーちつーきぺったんこ♪」と応援したりと思う存分『もちつき』を満喫していました。Lunchの時間に、お手伝いのお母さまから『おしょうゆもち』と『きなこもち』が届けられると「やったー!」と大喜びのお子さま達。「きなこの方が好き」「柔らかいね」「またおかわりする!」と美味しく味わい、クラスの分のおもちがあっという間に無くなってしまいました。最後にはVegetable Heroからの賞状も届き、Crops Thanksgiving weekは大成功!これからも好き嫌いをせず、丈夫で元気な体をつくっていきましょう。
  • 2023.08.24Crops Thanksgiving Week ~ Senior ~

    今日は待ちに待った年長のPotato Cookingでした!朝から「今日のランチのカレーには年長さんで育てたポテトが入るんだよね!」「みんな食べてくれるかな!」と期待を膨らませながら登園してきたお子さま達。Vegetable heroから手紙が届き、ポテトの栄養素について教えてもらうと、「ジャガイモにもビタミンが入ってるんだね!」「ジャガイモは(三食食品群の)黄色のグループだよね!」と、関心をもって聞く姿が見られました。
  • 2023.08.23Today’s senior

    今日の年長組はチアダンスのレッスンを行いました。クラスでも教師とチアダンスを練習していたお子さま達は、登園してすぐに「ゆうか先生に早くダンス見せたいな!」とレッスンを楽しみにしていました。今日のレッスンの準備体操では、楽しい音楽に合わせてリズム運動やストレッチを行い、お子さま達は大喜び。「High V」や「ダイアゴナル」など、チアダンスの基本の動きも教えてもらい、興味津々で参加する姿が見られました。チアダンスだ踊る『Brand new day』の音楽がかかると、大きく体を動かしながら楽しんでいたお子さま達。練習を重ねるごとに自信をもって踊る姿が見られるようになり、意欲がどんどん高まっているようです。今日ゆうか教えてもらったアドバイスを活かして、Physical Festivalに向けてもっとかっこいいダンスになるようこれからも楽しんで練習しましょうね!