  • 2023.11.15Today’s Bear Class

    Today in Bear Class the parents and children helping Old McDonald and his farm. The children enjoyed playing “peek-a-boo” with the animals and putting them back in the farm. We saw lots of happy friends pretending to be cows, ducks, and chickens. Next week we can help sort the animals and give them food. See you then and have a great week. We hope everyone stays healthy!
  • 2023.11.14Today’s Class 8

    Today in Class 8 we had so much fun preparing for our Hyogen Festival. We first practiced our songs dance moves! Everyone is working very hard to remember what to do, how to dance and sing at the same time. Then, we did English writing. Today we wrote the phrase “What will you do your best at?” For the Festival. Everyone thought very hard what to answer and we all wrote very carefully, using the correct spacing between each words. It was a little difficult but we all did our best! Then it was time to practice our Hyogen Festival play. We first practiced in the classroom and then we could finally go on the stage to do all our scenes. Everyone is getting better and better and we are very excited to present our play during the Hyogen Festival. It is coming so soon! Everyone worked so hard today and did so well. Great job Class 8!

  • 2023.11.13Today’s Class 9

    今日も元気に登園し、Hyogen Festivalに向けての取り組みに意欲的に参加していたClass 9。少しずつ自分のセリフを覚え、自信をもって言うことができるようになってきました。今日の練習では、演技をしている時の表情を考えながら行いました。悪役の演技がとっても上手になってきたUrsulaとFlotsam・Jetsam、指先まで意識しながら可憐なダンスを表現していたAriel、怒りを表す表情をよく考えながら取り組んでいたTriton、Under the seaのダンスを思い切り楽しんでいたSebasutian、勇敢な王子の歩き方などを意識しながらステージに立っていたEricなど、それぞれのキャラクターが役になりきることで、English Playがさらに楽しくなってきましたね!ステージの練習を見にきた年中組の友達からは「かっこいいね!」「楽しいね!」と、Class 9のステージを褒める声も聞こえてきて、お客さんに発表することへの期待がどんどん高まっている様子でした。クラスでは、お家の人をHyogen Festivalに招待するための招待状をつくりました。「頑張るから、見にきてね!」「みんなで頑張るよ!」などと、メッセージを考え「これ渡したらママ喜ぶかな?」などと、笑顔を見せていましたよ!明日もステージに行って、本番に向けてのレベルアップチャレンジをしましょうね!
  • 2023.11.10Today’s Elephant Class

    Today Elephant Class had a super fun music activity. After we had play time with giant building blocks, the children got to play bells and sing and dance to songs they enjoy like “Under the Sea”. Everyone could swing their streamers to the music. It was great to see so many happy faces in Elephant Class. Have a wonderful weekend and see you all next Tuesday!
  • 2023.11.09Today’s Class 7

    Today in Class 7 we had a fantastic day preparing for our Hyogen Festival! After our Morning Meeting we had Hiragana Time and Story Time, where the children worked together to put different sequences in order as well as ordering the story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ together. We then practiced all 5 scenes of our Hyogen Festival performance for the first time on stage! After eating our yummy World Lunch we had time to practice the tone chimes before finishing an amazing day in Class 7. Everyone worked SO hard and tried SO well today! Great job Class 7 friends!
  • 2023.11.08Today’s Class 6

    It was a great day for Class 6. The day began with writing numbers on our Number Print worksheets. We tried our best to write all the numbers up to 40! We worked up an appetite, so afterward we ate our packed lunches. We like packed lunches because our parents make such nice food for us! We enjoy singing the lunchtime song and asking our teacher assistants if we can all have lunch. Once lunch was over, we were able to practice several scenes and dances for the Class 6 play. Kids in Class 6 attempted to use a big voice while speaking their lines and tried to dance their best for the character dances. We each have our own character role, but sometimes it is fun learning and trying to sing and dance to the other character songs too! Thank you for working hard today everyone! See you tomorrow Class 6!
  • 2023.11.07Today’s Class 5

    We had so much fun in Class 5 today. Our day started with our first music practice on stage – the children tried their best and they did so well. Next, we finished our origami craft. The children were given the freedom to choose any ideas for their drawings and they all managed to draw carefully and come up with original designs! After we finished our origami crafts, we practiced Class 5’s English play – it is amazing how talented everyone in Class 5 is at remembering their lines and their gestures. After our delicious lunch we enjoyed play time together, where some children enjoyed making crafts together, whilst others tried jumping rope, and others practiced their English play character lines in their groups. Class 5 is excited for tomorrow’s English Activity. See you tomorrow Class 5!
  • 2023.11.06Today’s Class 4

    Today was a lot of fun in Class 4. We started the day with a swimming lesson where all the children did their best. This was followed by singing character songs from this years stage performance of the Musicians of Bremen. All of the children are very excited to become their characters and do their best. After a yummy lunch we had a mini Class 4 concert where children could sing songs to each other and say things like “Good job” and “Well done”. It was great to see everyone having so much fun. Class 4 is looking forward to drawing pictures tomorrow. Well done Class 4!
  • 2023.11.02Today’s Class 3

    We had a fun day in Class 3 today. Today we were able to challenge some new things in the pool. For example, we got to do the “otter” with no floaties. We also tried the frog jump with no floaties too! Everyone did their best even if they were a little afraid. Class 3 friends also enjoyed book time after lunch. Many friends were sharing books and reading them together! Lately, during the afternoon Discovery Time, the children have been enjoying playing with the play-rail. They do a great job at making the tracts on their own and moving the trains around.
  • 2023.10.31Halloween Party

    Today was the IYK Halloween Party! All of the children have been excited for this event all month! Each day during October, the children have practiced calling out “Knock, knock, knock, trick or treat?” to open the haunted house doors to receive many letters coming from Meg the witch and her friends, asking for help to get ingredients for a magic spell.

    Today, the children were split into 12 different teams, with children from the Junior, Intermediate and Senior grades all working together to retrieve the ingredients they needed from 4 different rooms. Everyone helping the sad bat to float again by dancing together with it. All of the children passed the spider’s quizzes to get pieces of a shiny key back to open the box to get their items. Everyone could feed worms to the hungry monster as well as find a key for the candy-man’s treasure box. After completing all of the tasks, the children went to the basement to give the spell items to Meg, who then used them in a special spell! All of the IYK children looked fantastic today and had so much fun. Well done everyone! Happy Halloween!