木曜日の今日はEnglish Lessonがありました。美味しい食べ物と虫や靴下のカードを使ってYummy&Yuckyを教えてもらいましたね。お名前を呼ばれた順番に前に出て来ることも上手になりました。お帰りは、みんなで汽車ぽっぽになって、ママの待つお部屋まで出発です!ニコニコの笑顔がより一層、輝くときでもあります☆
さぁ~、次は月曜日。大好きなMusic Lessonがありますよ!週末を楽しく過ごして、また元気なお顔を見せてくださいね。待ってまぁ~す♪
2014.07.10Today’s Rabbit Class
2014.07.08Today’s Koala Class
We had a lot of fun today in Koala Class. Recently the children have been playing and learning English while their mothers wait in a separate room. Even from the start, children have done very well by themselves with just friends. They can do so much when try hard.
In today’s English lesson we talked about yummy and yucky foods. The children picked a food, said if it was “yummy” or “yucky” and then sorted it. The children did excellent and thought about each food item they picked. We look forward to talking more about yummy and yucky foods next time!
2014.07.07Today’s Class 8
最後は、最近お部屋で流行っている地下鉄ごっこ!先月行われた地下鉄乗車体験以来お子さま達の中でひそかにブームが起こっています。今日は地下鉄の切符だけではなく切符の販売機をお子さま達が作ったり、西11丁目の地下鉄の駅の近くという設定でおせんべい屋さんが登場しました。お子さま達の想像力に驚かされました。明日の地下鉄ごっこは何が出てくるのかな~? -
2014.07.06年長組宿泊学習~IYK Adventure Quest・番外編
2014.07.05年長組宿泊学習~IYK Adventure Quest・2日目~
これから、札幌へ戻ります。(14:25更新) -
2014.07.04年長組宿泊学習~IYK Adventure Quest・1日目夜編~
2014.07.03年長組宿泊学習~IYK Adventure Quest・1日目~
2014.07.02A Fun Day In Class 7
Wednesday in Class 7 was a lot of fun! We had a great time during play. Children played with lego, origami, jump ropes, and cards. After that we had exercise with Class 4 and 5. In class we practiced for the onsen in Niseko and talked about the trip. I’m sure we will have a great time!
2014.07.01Today’s Intermediate
Today,Intermediate went to Miyanomori Green Park. It was pretty hot outside, but everyone stood the heat and played so hard. There was lots to do at Green Park, and the children got to try everything. Some climbed cargo nets, went on the zip line, the swings, slides, running up and down the hill, and lots more. We had a really great time playing with the other intermediate classes, and all too soon it was time to return to the kindergarten for a yummy lunch. What a great day!